Friday, September 4, 2020
Epic of Beowulf - Where Did the Christianity in Beowulf Come From? Essa
Where Did the Christianity in Beowulf Come From?   â The Christian impacts in Beowulf at last originated from the Christian/Catholic Church of Rome which changed over Romans, and along these lines the Roman armies and in this manner the involved areas. Likewise the Christian/Catholic Bishop of Rome sent evangelist ministers and priests to the British Isles to proselytze the populace. There are extra contemplations as well.  As a matter of first importance, let us get straight to the point about the way that the transformation of Britain to Christianity started very early. The Catholic cleric Venerable Bede, conceived in Bernicia, Northumbria, around 673, states in Bk 1, Ch 4 of his Ecclesiastical History of the English People that while Eleutherius was Bishop of Rome (175-189AD), a lord of Britain named Lucius mentioned of the Pope that the ruler be purified through water a Catholic by ecclesiastical pronouncement:  In the time of our Lord 156 Marcus Antoninus Verus was made head along with his sibling Aurelius Commodus. He was the fourteenth after Augustus. In their time, while a heavenly man called Eleutherius was cleric of the congregation at Rome, Lucius, a ruler of Britain, sent him a letter supplicating him that he may be made a Christian by a rescript from him. His devout solicitation was immediately allowed and the Britons protected the confidence which they had gotten, untouched and whole, in harmony and calm, until the hour of the Emperor Diocletian.  Bede’s last sentence in the entry suggests that Christianity had just been built up in Britain for quite a while before Eleutherius possessing Peter’s seat from 175-189. This appears to be sensible as indicated by what is composed by the antiquarian Eusebius Pamphilus, cleric of Caesarea, in His Ecclesiastical History written in the 300’s. The Ecclesiastical His... ...McClure, Judith, editors. Bede: The Ecclesiastical History of the English People; The Greater Chronicle; Bede’s Letter to Egbert. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969.  Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History, deciphered by C.F. Cruse. Peabody, MS: Hendrickson Publishers, 2000.  Magoun, Frances P. â€Å"Oral-Formulaic Character of Anglo-Saxon Narrative Poetry.†â In TheBeowulf Poet, altered by Donald K. Fry. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968.  â€Å"Nero.†The Columbia Encyclopedia, sixth ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.  â€Å"St. Patrick.†The Columbia Encyclopedia, sixth ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.  Ward and Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907â€21; New York:, 2000  Â
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
I am going to talk about how Shakespeare creates sympathy for Juliet in Act 3 Scene 5 Essay Example
I am going to discuss how Shakespeare makes compassion toward Juliet in Act 3 Scene 5 Essay Example I am going to discuss how Shakespeare makes compassion toward Juliet in Act 3 Scene 5 Essay I am going to discuss how Shakespeare makes compassion toward Juliet in Act 3 Scene 5 Essay Exposition Topic: Talk In Act 3 Scene 5, Romeo and Juliet have recently woken up from going through their night together, at the end of the day fulfilling the marriage. Juliets nurture at that point comes in and says that her mom needs to talk with her. Romeo says farewell to Juliet an, articulating that they will meet once more. At that point Juliets mother, Lady Capulet, rushes in and reports that Juliet should wed Paris next Thursday morning. Juliet is likely reasoning How would i be able to wed Paris, when I am hitched to Romeo?Then, in comes her dad, Lord Capulet, who whines about her despite everything crying. At that point he looks towards Lady Capulet, and asks her whether she has disclosed to Juliet the report about her wedding. Woman Capulet answers by saying she has told Juliet, however then reverse discharges by saying she wishes Juliet was dead and hitched to her grave. Juliet says she is glad at what her dad found for her, however she isn't appreciative of something she detests. Her dad at th at point goes on to obnoxiously mishandling her, and finishes up by saying on the off chance that she isn't at the congregation on Thursday morning, he will abandon her.The sort of language highlights Shakespeare utilizes in Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet are paradoxical expressions, twofold implications, comparisons and illustrations. A case of a confusing expression is when Romeo says O fighting affection! Here Romeo is portraying how out of adoration he is. Here Rosaline dismissed him and he significantly grieved over the misfortune. A case of a two sided connotation is when Juliet is conversing with her mom, after her mom says wed, I won't wed at this point. Also, when I do, I swear it will be Romeo, whom you realize I as of now detest, instead of Paris.These are news without a doubt! Juliet, cleverly, turns her words when she is around her mom. She says that she would prefer Romeo, however she is as of now wedded to him. In any case, her mom doesn't realize that Romeo and Ju liet are legitimately hitched. A case of an illustration is when Juliets father is manhandling her and saying spiting things like, Out you green infection, remains! Out you stuff! You fat face! Juliets father is calling her angry things like You nauseate me, you bug! He is letting his furious feelings out on Juliet by communicating how he feels about Juliets choice about the marriage he decided for her.One of the manners in which Shakespeare likewise makes compassion toward Juliet is by causing such a significant number of appalling occasions to occur simultaneously for Juliet. I feel that due to Tybalt biting the dust, Romeo leaving, quite possibly he may stay away forever and that Juliet is being constrained into an organized marriage with Paris, Juliet is upset. Furthermore, the way that Juliet lacks a mother figure, one that she can trust, has a major impact in how Shakespeare makes compassion toward Juliet.Juliet had the medical attendant as a mother figure for almost every las t bit of her life, the attendant even breastfed Juliet since she was pretty much nothing. Tis since the quake now eleven years; And she was weand,I never will overlook it,- Of the considerable number of days of the year, upon that day: For I had then laid wormwood to my burrowed, Sitting in the sun under the bird house divider; My master and you were then at Mantua: Nay, I do bear a brain:but, as I stated, When it tasted the wormwood on the areola Of my burrowed and felt it harsh, pretty nitwit, To see it touchy and drop out with the burrowed! Here the medical caretaker is sharing her experience of Juliet being breastfed.Even however the attendant resembles a mother to Juliet, when Juliet approaches the medical caretaker for comfort in time generally required; the attendant essentially answers back I think it best on the off chance that you wedded with the region. Gracious, hes a stunning man of honor. Romeos a dishclout to him. The medical caretaker is offering her input to Juliet, which is something Juliet wouldn't like to here, in light of the fact that she confided in the attendant and just in that quote, I imagine that the trust among Juliet and the medical attendant is broken.Additionally Juliet feels that she is left in complete dimness, when different situations occur simultaneously for Juliet; Romeo leaves her, she is compelled to wed Paris, Tybalt, her nearby cousin has as of late passed on, and when Juliet approaches the medical caretaker for comfort and exhort, the attendant double-crosses Juliet in the back by not saying what Juliet needs to hear. Here, we find the shortcoming of the medical attendant by her unexpected activities towards Juliet. Everybody leaving Juliet in a manner mirrors this in the arranging of the scene, her cousins demise, Romeo going to Mantua and afterward the medical attendant, who she trusts beyond a reasonable doubt, doesnt identify about what she is feeling.The subjects Shakespeare utilizes in Act 3 Scene 5 are many. A few topics remembered for the play are love. There are various kinds of affection in Romeo and Juliet. There is cultured love, loyal love and genuine romance. Dignified love is utilized when Romeo is discussing Rosaline and how she isn't hit with Cupids bolt, as is Romeo. Romeo will in general be extremely emotional when alluding to cherish. Another name for dignified love is petrarchan love. Loyal love is the affection among Paris and Juliet. Paris has consistently been faithful to Juliet all through the entire play. Toward the finish of the play, Paris loyal love picks up him a spot close to Juliet on her deathbed. Genuine romance is the adoration that is passed on. Romeo and Juliet.When Romeo says to Juliet, Farewell! I will overlook no open door that may pass on my welcome, love, to thee. Romeo is communicating his affection toward Juliet, in light of the fact that truth be told, Juliet is never going to see Romeo again, however the crowd and characters dont know this. Shakespea re generally makes compassion toward Juliet by utilizing loyal love and genuine affection. By utilizing genuine romance, Shakespeare is causing Juliet to feel very desolate in light of the fact that her significant other is leaving her, and perhaps, failing to come back. By utilizing obedient love, I think Shakespeare causes Juliet to feel blameworthy in a manner since Paris really cherishes her, yet she is being unfaithful to him since she is as of now wedded to another man.Furthermore, Shakespeare likewise makes compassion toward Juliet by making the crowd in Romeo and Juliet a man centric culture, causing the men to have greater need to lady over numerous things. For the situation where Juliet is compelled to wed Paris, she needs to wed since her dad was constraining her. Also, the way that Lord Capulet is a man, and thought about the leader of the house, each one in the house including Lady Capulet, Juliet, the attendant and the hirelings need to comply with the man of the house . This makes compassion toward Juliet, in light of the fact that her dad, in view of the man centric culture, drives her decisions in life upon her. On the off chance that Juliet doesn't hear her out dad, at that point he said he will repudiate her. Hang thee, youthful things! Defiant wretch!I tell thee what: get thee to chapel o Thursday, Or never after look me in the face: Speak not, answer not, don't answer me; My fingers tingle. He additionally needed to slap her since she was in effect so insubordinate and stubborn.In end, I think how Shakespeare makes compassion toward Juliet is important, in light of the manner in which he plays with the crowds sentiments towards Juliet. It likewise includes a considerable amount of contention to the play between the families toward the finish of the play. Romeo and Juliet didn't intend to begin to look all starry eyed at; they were bound to experience passionate feelings for and afterward bite the dust, since the beginning of the disaster. T hey are Star-crossed darlings from the beginning of the play; the proof is in the introduction. The manner in which Shakespeare made compassion toward Juliet, drove her to manage nothing else of the things she had to do, so it lead to two darlings from two angry families to end their lives, only for their voices to be heard to arrive at the family.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Florida electorate's buyer's remorse of governor Rick Scott and Essay
Florida electorate's purchaser's regret of representative Rick Scott and Florida's absence of a review procedure - Essay Example To be sure 68% of those met concurred held this perspective as appeared by the survey results (Brown 1). The State of Legislatures are likewise sharing same dissatisfaction from the Florida voters simply like the representative, and their rating is 56-27% as at may 2011, while in April it was 47-35 (Brown 2). Regardless of this low evaluating of Governor Rick Scott, voters have little choice since they can't send him back home until his term closes. This is on the grounds that Florida State needs gubernatorial review process. This paper in this manner inspects these twin issues confronting Florida State, the disappointment of the Florida electorate with Governor Rick Scott and Florida's absence of a gubernatorial review process. The disappointment of the Florida electorate with Governor Rick Scott Governor Rick Scott doesn't only appear to be progressively loathed, he is, in fact, progressively getting disliked. As called attention to by Marc Capato in his â€Å"Poll shows increment in Florida voters' aversion for Gov. Rick Scott†distributed by Times/Herald, this has been uncovered by latest review done by Quinnipiac University that included 1,499 enlisted voters in Florida. The survey results demonstrated that 48% of voters objected his work as a senator; this was twofold the figure in a survey done in February, 2011 by a similar college. The individuals who affirmed his work were simply 35%, indicating a decrease in the rate (Capato). Notwithstanding, the Governor in reacting to the survey results expressed that, he was not stressed over the survey results; rather he was worried about tackling issues (Capato). There are shifted reasons that have added to Scott’s prevalence decrease, there incorporate economy that isn't progressing nicely, with 60% expressing their disappointment on how he is running the economy, Power battles with different lawmaking bodies from his Republican gathering, An as of late revived left that profoundly detests him, a nd a hard-right administering approach he utilized that seems to irritate Democrats and free votes (Capato). Another significant purpose behind his declining notoriety is his proposed spending plan. In this spending Scott proposes profound cuts in financing and a cutback of 6,000 occupations of state laborers (Capato). In deed, the outcomes from the Quinnipiac University show that over 53% of voters contradict the proposed financial plan. This is on the grounds that they see it has unjustifiable to them, just 37% support the spending measures (Brown 2). 33% of voters affirm the way wherein the Governor has dealt with the spending issue, however 55% don't (Capato). The outcomes further show that more that half voters feel that the cuts are extremely intense, 29% feel the spending plan is â€Å"okay†, and just 16% feel more cuts ought to be taken (Capato). Notwithstanding, there is a general understanding that the state’s spending should be readdressed as 95% of voters s aid (Brown 2). As indicated by Brown (2) the numbers on apparent reasonableness of the spending plan proposed by the Governor is basic. He takes note of that, when voters by almost 2-1 express that his Scott’s way to deal with the spending plan is out of line to them, at that point that is a major political admonition pointer for the Governor (Brown 2). In deed Brown completely cautions that â€Å"when voters feel that they are being dealt with unreasonably, they appear to respond negatively†(Brown 2). Disregarding the new property protection law that was marked by Scott, voters attest that getting protection today is more trouble and all the more exorbitant. Appropriately, 63% of the surveyed voters
10 Tips on How to Write a Professional Email
10 Tips on How to Write a Professional Email Notwithstanding the fame of messaging and internet based life, email remains the most widely recognized type of composed correspondence in the business world-and the most normally abused. Too frequently, email messages snap, snarl, and bark-as though being brief implied that you needed to sound bossy. Not really. Consider this email message as of late sent to all staff individuals on an enormous college grounds: The time has come to restore your workforce/staff stopping decals. New decals are required by Nov. 1. Leaving Rules and Regulations necessitate that all vehicles driven nearby should show the present decal. Slapping a Hi! before this message doesnt take care of the issue. It just includes a bogus demeanor of friendliness. Rather, consider how much more pleasant and shorter-and most likely progressively powerful the email would be in the event that we just included a please and tended to the peruser legitimately: Kindly restore your personnel/staff stopping decals by November 1. Obviously, if the writer of the email had genuinely remembered perusers, they may have incorporated another valuable goody: an intimation with regards to how and where to restore the decals. Utilizing the email about the stopping decals for instance, take a stab at joining these tips into your own composition for better, more clear, increasingly viable messages: Continuously fill in the title with a point that implies something to your peruser. Not Decals or Important! yet, Deadline for New Parking Decals.Put your primary concern in the initial sentence. Most perusers wont stay for an astonishment ending.Never start a message with an ambiguous This-as in This should be finished by 5:00. Continuously determine what youre composing about.Dont utilize ALL CAPITALS (no yelling!), or every single lowercase letter either (except if youre the artist E. E. Cummings).As a general standard, PLZ maintain a strategic distance from textspeak (shortened forms and abbreviations): You might be ROFLOL (moving on the floor roaring with laughter), yet your peruser might be left pondering WUWT (whats up with that).Be brief and amenable. In the event that your message runs longer than a few short passages, consider (a) decreasing the message or (b) giving a connection. In any case, regardless, dont snap, snarl, or bark.Remember to state please and much obliged. What's more, would not joke about this. For instance, Thank you for understanding why evening breaks have been dispensed with is snobby and frivolous. Its not affable. Include a mark obstruct with proper contact data (much of the time, your name, place of work, and telephone number, alongside a legitimate disclaimer whenever required by your organization). Do you have to mess the mark obstruct with a smart citation and fine art? Likely not.Edit and edit before hitting send. You may think youre too occupied to even think about sweating the little stuff, however sadly, your peruser may think youre an indiscreet dolt.Finally, answer quickly to genuine messages. In the event that you need over 24 hours to gather data or settle on a choice, send a concise reaction clarifying the postponement.
Friday, August 21, 2020
B2B – Product Marketing Plan.rev1
The vison of the fleece fabricating segment of Australia is to grow its fare deals to developing markets in the ASEAN district. Developing markets are those of the creating nations with popularity on essential crude materials for dress assembling and different ventures identified with employments of fiber, in addition to the result items from a similar classification of industry. Developing markets possibly from creating nations, as opposed to exceptionally created ones. The mission is enter these developing markets, make a solid footing with the correct contact systems and get long haul contracts for fleece, fleece items and its ancillaries.The primary goal is to expand the fare incomes of the fleece fabricating segment, in this way adding to the GNP and GDP of Australia to improve per capita pay and to create greater work. The particular targets are: a. To discover the exchange channels of developing markets the ASEAN Region and infiltrate these business sectors. b. To build up the correct technique how to infiltrate these developing markets and set up long haul exchanging exercises with the equivalent. c. To inquire about more employments of the fleece fiber as crude material, regardless of whether in mass crude fleece or string fleece or texture wool.d. To include remote speculators as partners in the improvement of fleece fiber for new employments of fleece and its culmination items referenced in this. e. To make sure about a caught showcase in return for remote ventures. 1. 1 Sales Objectives The general deals objective is to build up a proceeding and developing interest for trade deals of fleece, wollen items, presumably new created items out of fleece, and culmination fleece items, e. g. sheep meat or lambchops and sheep calfskin. The expansion in deals may not really mean increment in profitablity in the short term.It is the drawn out target that is the primary concentration all together for deals projections to be drawn effortlessly and followed. Long haul projections must be done if venture promoting agreements can likewise be drawn with the plausible purchaser of the made items. It would be a speculation loaded task, with the end goal that the requirement for venture can be explicitly pinpointed regarding apparatus, work, working capital and undertaking costs or, so as to discover the particular employments of the capital investment.From there, the Return on Investment (ROI) or the Return to Equity (ROE) can be determined and esteemed to be practical or doable to Autralian inclinations. Along these lines, the business target considers the drawn out practicality of the undertaking and figures out what level of value the Australians ought to permit any outside financial specialist to come in and intercede in the fleece business. 1. 2 Product Positioning There is not a viable alternative for a great, ideal valued item and predictable flexibly and these variables must be the situation of the products.In request to expand further t he market position, it is ideal to identify the items that may originate from the fleece business, clarify the charecteristics of the items and dissect where it uses would be. Consequently, there could be innovative work (R&D) to improve the item so that there is esteem included when it is sold. a. Mass Raw Wool Fibers Bulk crude fleece filaments possibly characterized. The standard procedure begins with sheering, washing, dying, drying and bailing. At that point there can be characterizing, maybe, into which group originates from an increasingly develop or more youthful crowd of sheeps or known sheep varieties.Another way, which would require R&D, is to discover how to isolate the long filaments from the short strands. At that point the technique for grouping can be into long and short filaments. Hardware can be intended to seggregate which filaments are long or short. Both sort of filaments can be wooven into texture with various characterics and long strands can be an add ed substance in matress creation for vehicle seats. In Europe vehicle seats have natural strands an alternative for froth pads, and is now a guideline. Froth pads produce harmful exhaust when it consumes if there should be an occurrence of accidents.b. Fleece Thread If and when fleece can be seggregated into long and short strands, there can likewise be two sorts of strings delivered. Short strands will create string with short flexibility in light of the fact that the turning procedure delivers an all the more fine finished string. Long filaments will create string that is increasingly flexible, which is wool’s trademark and has been acknowledged by clients of this string. Fine string from fleece can turn into another item which can be contrasted with cotton string. c. Fleece Fabric When wooven into material, long strands make the material stretchable.The stretchable texture is generally utilized for protection, for example, sweaters and covers, the primary completed results of fleece. Albeit standard woolen texture is acceptable protection, it has a charcteristic extremely unmistakable from cotton fabric. The fleece filaments are somewhat abbrasive and may initiate hypersensitivity or irritation to human skin and is commonly heavier than cotton texture. Ought to there be fine string from short strands wooven into fleece texture, at that point the result would be fine and lighter fabric, which can turn into an adaptable material in sewing clothes.Definitely, this scope of item improvement needs R&D. d. Sheep Leather Sheep skin can be prepared into cowhide to make elastic shoes. China and Korea are turning out to be top makers of elastic shoes. Those nations could be the objective market of sheep calfskin in the event that it were tanned in Autralia. Along these lines, tanning sheep cowhide can turn into a side assembling worry of the fleece business. Dairy animals and kangaroo cowhide from Australia is as of now known on the planet showcase. It wou ld not hurt if the sheep calfskin market can be developed.Rather than arranging sheep skin as manure, it might be made into cowhide. e. Sheep Meat or Lamb Chops It is just intelligent that there is consistency in the flexibly of crude materials for fleece. Subsequently, in reverse joining to create fleece turns into an inescapable factor when there are plans to extend the fleece showcase. In this manner, sheep creation, which Australia is likewise known for, turns into a coordinated part of the fleece send out industry. Sheep are proliferous and duplicate like goats and there will be overflow of sheep regarding number of heads if the fleece business were to expand.Lamb meat can get one of the subordinate results of the fleece business and limit of handling plants for new or even canned sheep meat must be prepared when the market is created. 1. 3 Product Objectives It is ideal to identify again what are the plausible fare items got from the fleece business: short fiber crude fleece, long fiber crude fleece, fine fleece string, standard fleece string, sheep cleaves/sheepmeat, and sheep cowhide. The general item objective is to improve the advancement of items produced from the fleece area. This segment begins from the animals creation of sheep, an essential piece of agriculture.Wool must not be the main item that can got from this industry. Regarding short and long strands that need R&D, new hardware may must be gotten. This should be possible by requesting that outside financial specialists direct the examination, plan and create the hardware themselves. The machines required would relate to processing machines, weaving, and sewing machines. In the event that China were the decision of association, it has just built up its apparatuses for weaving and sewing. It might be the processing machine that ought to be planned so as to isolate the short and long filaments before processing into threads.The strings might be additionally prepared with the goal that the surface could be near or equivalent to silk, a notable Chinese texture. Regardless, development should come in with the goal that the finished results turns into another one and will most likely have its place in the design world, which is extremely enormous business. Should this occur, there will be curiousity from European purchasers, subsequently making a damand, as the capital of style is in Paris, France. This would extend the assembling segment in this manner producing greater work for the locales.In expressions of sheep meat, impact freezing and cold storerooms overhaul might be required for the extension of the business. Outside financial specialists may likewise be welcomed. A similar convention might be applied to sheep calfskin producing. The apparatuses securing can be haggled to such an extent that it might come as an advance, whereby, some portion of the installments would be as fabricated items the hardware would produce. When all is said in done, the heading of this worry is towards growing the assembling segment in preparing, increment business, create send out incomes and outside investments.1. 4 Pricing Objectives General market reemergence, much the same as estimating, is a craftsmanship. The general valuing objective is to hold ideal benefits that would profit the business in the long haul. The volume of business may repay the ideal overall revenues when the interest for the made items increment. The estimating ought to be by and large lower than rivalry. This would pull in remote makers to purchase the fleece and woolen items. With regards to calfskin, the estimating ought to be practically identical to hoard cowhide (e.. g. Quiet Puppies use hoard leather).Only when in the event that it turns into a prevailing fashion and is profoundly looked for, should sheep cowhide costs be expanded to a most extreme level. Shoes are a fundamental need as well. Cowhide packs and gear may not be a need and design patterns may direct the interest for t hese calfskin items. With regards to sheep meat, costs ought to go lower than that of pork or chicken costs as modest food is an indication of progress. By and large, item advancement ought to be perhaps the biggest factor in item targets. Wool has been a texture since the medieval ages and is outdated.Sheep meat has been a staple food to certain nations however has not been advanced as a low cholesterol meat. Sheep skin could have been utilized uniquely as protection or unpleasant garments during the medieval ages likewise, and not as cowhide for shoes and packs. Development is changing the item with the goal that when it is utilized or devoured, it is new and pull in
Monday, August 3, 2020
Watch out for random advice - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Watch out for random advice - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Watch out for random advice I am back from my vacation and am well tanned and overfed. There is something wonderful about a long vacation that allows for time to relax, read, and think about things (usually it focused on food or napping, but occasionally it was about more serious issues). I was also able to do some reading, and I was finally able to finish Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb. It was not an easy book to read, but it opened up my mind to a number of different ideas. One great quote from the book was about an idea from the philosopher Wittgenstein called Wittgensteins ruler. Unless you have confidence in the rulers reliability, if you use use a ruler to measure a table you may also be using the table to measure the ruler. Admissions counselors all over are always asked about a students chances of admission based upon limited data, such as a test score or a GPA, and at UGA, the usual answer is a non-answer. Without looking at both the individual student and the applicant pool as a whole, we have no idea what the chances would be for admission. But in PTO meetings, college discussion web sites, high schools and private counselor sessions across the nation, random individuals are more than happy to voice their thoughts on a students chances of admission. Look back at Wittgensteins ruler and tell me, are students learning more about themselves, or about the reliability (or lack of) of the person giving the advice. My suggestion, ignore the advice and work directly with the colleges to which you are considering applying. Colleges are generally very open as to what they look at for admissions, and the level of importance of different variables. For a good look at an example of some of the highs and lows of people getting and giving advice, take a look at a recent NY Times article about independent college counselors. It is a very revealing story! Please remember that when you hear advice, measure both the advice and (more importantly!) the advice-giver!
Thursday, June 25, 2020
First Amendment Rights and Access to Opinions - Free Essay Example
In 1972, five burglars were arrested following the break-in of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington D.C. Uncovered, was a plan concocted by members of the official organization of President Nixons campaign to photograph campaign documents and install listening devices in telephones. Taped recordings of President Nixons conversations revealed the President had clearly obstructed justice by directing members of the CIA to halt the FBI investigation into the DNC break-in. Facing certain impeachment and conviction, President Nixon resigned the Presidency and subsequently pardoned by his successor, Gerald Ford. The Watergate scandal created a growing concern in the American public and Congress about the ability of the government to spy on its own citizens. During the course of the Senate Watergate Committee investigation, past executive branch direction of national intelligence agencies to carry out constitutionally questionable domestic security operations came to light. Additionally, a New York Times article published by Seymour Hersh claimed that the CIA had been spying on anti-war activists for more than a decade, violating the agencies charter. In response to these revelations, Congress launched the Church Committee in the Senate and the Pike Committee in the House to conduct an investigation into the nations secret agencies and programs. The Church Committee investigated and identified a wide range of intelligence abuses by federal agencies, including the CIA, FBI, Internal Revenue Service, and National Security Agency. In the course of their work, investigators identified programs that had never before been known to the American public, including NSAs Projects SHAMROCK and MINARET, programs which monitored wire communications to and from the United States and shared some of that data with other intelligence agencies. Committee staff researched the FBIs long-running program of covert action designed to disrupt and discredit the activities of groups and individuals deemed a threat to the social order, known as COINTELPRO. The FBI included among the programs many targets organizations such as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the anti-Vietnam War movement, and individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as local, state, and federal elected officials. Investigators determined that, beginning with P resident Franklin Roosevelts administration and continuing through the early 1970s, intelligence excesses, at home and abroad, were not the product of any single party, administration, or man, but had developed as America rose to a become a superpower during a global Cold War. The committee observed that there is no inherent constitutional authority for the President or any intelligence agency to violate the law, and recommended strengthening oversight of intelligence activities. The Church Committees investigative work led to reform efforts throughout the intelligence community. Congress approved legislation to provide for greater checks and balances of the intelligence community. In 1976 the Senate approvedSenate Resolution 400, establishing theSenate Select Committee on Intelligence, to provide vigilant legislative oversight over the intelligence activities of the United States to assure that such activities are in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the United States. I n 1978 Congress approved and President Jimmy Carter signed into law the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), requiring the executive branch to request warrants for wiretapping and surveillance purposes from a newly formed FISA Court. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act authorizes electronic and physical surveillance of foreign powers and agents of foreign powers for the purpose of collecting foreign intelligence information. FISA was originally enacted to regulate the collection of foreign intelligence information within the United States. The USA Patriot Act was passed by Congress as a response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and allowed federal officials greater authority in tracking and intercepting communications, both for purposes of law enforcement and foreign intelligence gathering. Until 2001, FISA permitted electronic and physical surveillance of foreign powers and agents of foreign powers if foreign intelligence collection was the primary purpose of the activity. In 2001, the USA PATRIOT Act amended FISA to allow searches if foreign intelligence collection was a significant purpose. In 2005 the New York Times published an article revealing the Bush administrations warrantless domestic wiretapping surveillance program dating back to 2002. President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying . . . . Under a presidential order . . . the intelligence agency has monitored the international telephone calls and international e-mail messages of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people inside the United States without warrants . . . . The agency . . . still seeks warrants to monitor entirely domestic communications. The President relied on his Article II authority to claim a basis for not following the FISA warrant requirements but following the Supreme Court Decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld the argument became shaky. In response to this, the Bush Administration introduced the Protect America Act of 2007 to amend the FISA. The act was passed in August 2007 with a 6-month sunset provision and a number of significant changes to the original law including warrant requirements for foreign communications. Shortly after the expiration of the Protect America Act, Congress passed the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 which was similar to but not the same as the Protect America Act of 2007. In 2013, NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked an estimated 1.7 million classified intelligence files which revealed bulk data collection programs by the government. In response to the leaks, the government introduced the USA Freedom Act which restored in modified form several provisions of the Patriot Act and also imposed restrictions on bulk data collection under section 215 of the Patriot Act. Additionally, act mandates that theFISA courtrelease novel interpretations of the law, which thereby setsprecedentand thereby makes up the body of FISA courtcommon law, as both legal authority for deciding subsequent cases, and for guidance parameters for allowing or restricting surveillance conduct. However, the Act is not clear as to whether or not it mandates retroactive disclosure of decisions prior to passage of the Act in 2015. In January of 2018, President Trumped signed the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017. The act extended FISA section 702 authorities until 2023 with some significant changes. The act includes a number of reporting requirements, the publication of minimization procedures that apply to the handling of U.S. person information collected under Section 702, and it addresses issues concerning upstream about collection†information gathered from Internet communications infrastructure based on the mention of a certain selector, such as an email address, within the communication itself (as distinguished from communications collected because they are to or from a selector). Finally, in the most recent development with respect to the FISA court is the widely discussed FISA warrant targeting former foreign-policy adviser to Donald Trumps presidential campaign, Carter Page. In February 2018, House intelligence committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes released a memo claiming that the FBI m isled the FISA Court about Christopher Steele, the former British secret agent who compiled the dossier on Trump-Russia ties and who was a source of information in the FISA applications on Page. The main complaint in the Nunes memo was that the FISA applications did not disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steeles efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior and FBI officials. In response to the Nunes memo, the Democrats on the committee released their own memo. That memo quoted from parts of the FISA applications, including a footnote in which the FBI explained that Steele was hired to conduct research regarding Candidate #1, Donald Trump, and Trumps ties to Russia, and that the man who hired him was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit [Trumps] campaign. On July 21, 2018 the FBI released a heavily redacted copy of the 412 page FISA application seeking a warrant against Carter Page. Regardless of whether the allegations of impropriety by the FBI are determined to be true, these documents raise serious concerns about the level of oversight the FISA courts work under. Structure of the Act and Court The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court sits in Washington D.C., and is composed of eleven federal district court judges who are designated by the Chief Justice of the United States. Each judge serves for a maximum of seven years and their terms are staggered to ensure continuity on the Court. By statute, the judges must be drawn from at least seven of the United States judicial circuits, and three of the judges must reside within 20 miles of the District of Columbia. Judges typically sit for one week at a time, on a rotating basis. Pursuant to FISA, the Court entertains applications submitted by the United States Government for approval of electronic surveillance, physical search, and other investigative actions for foreign intelligence purposes. Most of the Courts work is conducted ex parte as required by statute, and due to the need to protect classified national security information. The USA Freedom Act requires designation of at least five people who may serve asamicus curiae: individuals are appointed to inform the court about specific legal or technical issues in certain cases.In cases involving a novel or significant interpretation of the law, one of the designated amicus curiae shall be appointed to assist the court unless the court gives a reason that it would not be appropriate. In other cases, the court may appoint an individual or organization to serve as amicus curiae or file an amicus brief. Since the passage of USA Freedom Act,amicushave counseled the Court on questions such as the governments ability toretain call metadataafter the effective date of the Act and the governments authority touse pen registerswhen communications content may be collected. The FISC operations are classified by default due to the sensitive nature of the issues addressed, but the court has become increasingly visible to the public as the Director of National Intelligence has begun publicly releasing FISC opinions and Congress has issued transparency mandates in the USA FREEDOM Act. However, records from FISC hearings are still not typically made available, even to petitioners challenging surveillance orders under the court rules. FISC historically had discretion to publish its opinions, and in some cases it did so. However, Congress imposed new transparency requirements in the USA Freedom Act, seeking to make the court more publicly accountable. The Director of National Intelligence now must review each FISC order or opinion to determine whether it includes a significant construction or interpretation of any provision of law. Any orders that do must be made public to greatest extent practicable, although when necessary to protect national security it may be permissible for the ODNI to release a summary of the decision. Congress created the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review (FISCR) in 1978 to hear appeals from applications denied by FISC. This court is made up of three judges, appointed by the Chief Justice, from U.S. district or appellate courts and serving for seven years. The FISCR has jurisdiction to review the denial of any application under FISA by the FISC. The FISCRs review of the FISCs denial of an application for surveillance is limited. After a motion of the United States to transmit the FISCs record, the FISCR may either affirm or reverse the FISC judges decision. If the FISCR determines that the application was properly denied, it must provide for the record a written statement of each reason for its decision. Under the USA Freedom Act, the FISC is required to certify for review by the FISCR questions of law in the orders it has issued that affect the need for uniformity or where consideration would serve the interests of justice. In response, the FISCR may give binding instructions to the FISC or require the FISC send the complete record to the FISCR for it to decide the entire matter itself. Finally, the FISCR can also review the FISCs decisions on third party challenges to orders under FISA (e.g. an order for an individual to produce tangible things or a connected gag order, and electronic service providers directed to assist the government). The Supreme Court has statutory jurisdiction to review FISC opinions under certain circumstances. The Court may review on a Writ of Certiorari filed by the United States any decision of the FISCR affirming the denial of a government application to the FISC. Additionally, the FISCR certify any question of law . . . as to which instructions are desired, and the Supreme Court may then give binding instructions to the FISCR or require the FISCR send the complete record up and decide the entire matter itself. The Court may also review FISCR decisions on a third party challenges. Foreign Intelligence Information (FII) is information that relates to U.S. ability to protect against possible hostile acts of a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power, sabotage or terrorism by a foreign power or agent, and clandestine intelligence activities by a foreign power or agent. FII includes information with respect to a foreign power or foreign territory that relates to the national defense, national security, or conduct of foreign affairs of the United States. If the intended surveillance target is a U.S. person, the information must instead be necessary to protect against hostile acts, sabotage, or terrorism, or U.S. national defense, national security, or foreign affairs. Under FISA, the Justice Department reviews applications for counterintelligence warrants by agencies before submitting them to the FISC. The Attorney General must personally approve each final FISA application. The application must contain, among other things: a statement of reasons to believe that the target of the surveillance is a foreign power or agent of a foreign power; a certification from a high-ranking executive branch official stating that the information sought is deemed to beforeign intelligence information, and that the information sought cannot reasonably be obtained by normal investigative techniques; statements regarding all previous applications involving the target; detailed description of the nature of the information sought and of the type of communication or activities to be subject to the surveillance; the length of time surveillance is required; whether physical entry into a premises is necessary, and proposed procedures tominimizethe acquisition, use, and rete ntion of information concerning nonconsenting U.S. persons. For U.S. persons, the FISC judge must find probable cause that one of four conditions has been met: (1) the target knowingly engages in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of a foreign power which may involve a criminal law violation; (2) the target knowingly engages in other secret intelligence activities on behalf of a foreign power under the direction of an intelligence network and his activities involve or are about to involve criminal violations; (3) the target knowingly engages in sabotage or international terrorism or is preparing for such activities; or (4) the target knowingly aids or abets another who acts in one of the above ways. When the FISC grants applications for surveillance it issues a primary order finding that all the FISA requirements were met. The FISC also issues a secondary order providing that upon request of the applicant, a specified third party must furnish the applicant forthwith with all information, facilities, or technical assistance necessar y to accomplish the search in such a manner as will protect its secrecy and produce a minimum of interference. Assisting third parties, such as telephone and Internet service providers, are compensated for any assistance rendered, and can keep certain records under security procedures adopted by the government. Section 702 of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was added as an amendment in 2008. It authorizesthe collection, use, and dissemination of electronic communications contentstored by U.S. internet service providers (such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft) or traveling across the internets backbone (with the compelled assistance of U.S. telecom providers such as ATT and Verizon). It allows intelligence agencies to collect foreign intelligence from non-Americans located outside the United States. But under the surveillance authority set up under this section, many Americans also have their communications swept up by surveillance programs operated by the FBI and NSA. Unlike the four traditional FISA surveillance activities, the surveillance programs authorized under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 do not involve FISC oversight of individual surveillance orders. The Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence are allowed to jointly authorize the targetin g of persons reasonably believed to be located outside the United States to acquire foreign intelligence information without adhering to traditional FISA rules. Instead, the FISC reviews the targeting and minimization procedures adopted by the government and determines whether they comport with the statutory restrictions and the Fourth Amendment. The FISC also reviews the certification submitted by the government attesting that a significant purpose of the acquisition is to obtain foreign intelligence information, providing copies of the targeting and minimization procedures, and attesting that acquisition will comply with certain statutory limitations.The statutory limitations on acquisition are that it: (1) may not intentionally target any person known at the time of acquisition to be located in the United States; (2) may not intentionally target a person reasonably believed to be located outside the United States if the purpose of such acquisition is to target a particular, known person reasonably believed to be in the United States; (3) may not intentionally target a United States person reasonably believed to be located outside the Unit ed States; (4) may not intentionally acquire any communication as to which the sender and all intended recipients are known at the time of the acquisition to be located in the United States; and (5) shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of
Saturday, May 23, 2020
British Petroleum on the Treatment of Environment and Workers
Introduction British Petroleum (BP) was originated in 1866 and is one of the main providers of oil and gasoline in the world, and the single largest in North America. The company functions in 28 countries worldwide, refining an average 2,352 barrels of oil per day. During the years, BP has had major occurrences in which their workers have been hurt or even not survived, triggering tremendous damage to the environment too. Primarily accidents started to happen during March 2005, when Texas City refinery experienced a chain of explosions slaying 15 and injuring 170 individuals. Another happening occurred during 2010 in form of an oil spill as some parts that the company was using on the oil rig, failed. The spill took 87 days, releasing 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. This leak had a huge effect on the area’s wildlife. Numerous animals killed and their homes ruined. According to the individualistic business theory which highlighted that a company’s only obligation is to generate revenue. And for that it can do whatever it takes to make an income, keeping themselves within the legal restrictions. For this case, BP claimed that there is nothing unethical as the mishap was due to mechanical failure. A specific part, failed to use the reservoir which contain hydrocarbons and it eventually led to the explosions. If the workers knew the situation and did not respond to fix it, it would be considered unethical behavior. But since they had noShow MoreRelatedThe Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico1155 Words  | 5 PagesDeep-water Horizon operated under British petroleum failed in its operation sinking below the seawater of the Gulf of Mexico on the 20th of April 2010. More than 11 workers lost their lives. After this incident, tons and tons of oil gushed from the main opening of the well, buried 1600 meters below the sea level. 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Its working areas can be classified into three sections: â€Å"Exploration and production business - Refining, marketing and distribution - Staff development†. It works hard on all these areas to achieve its strategic intent thatRead MoreMultinational Companies and Their Social Responsibilities (Α Case Study of Shell, Nigeria)15078 Words  | 61 PagesIntroduction This chapter will provide basic knowledge of Shell Nigeria Oil Company and its operation in Nigeria, in particular regarding its ethics, performance, social involvement, contribution to national income and its contribution to keeping the environment green. Since the Rio Conference of 1992 the code of conduct for all extractive industries including crude oil mining companies has underlined the following principles that should be respected in doing business: i. Social and economic development
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Synthesis Of Nmofs And Other Ligand And Metal...
NMOFs from the Gd and BHC shows that it is possible to process unique NMOFs from the same ligand and metal combinations by utilizing the multipurpose metal-ligand coordination modes. The solvothermal approach for the synthesis of NMOFs was reported by two scientists. In their research, they avidly investigated the transformation of the particle morphology during the synthesis process. They added N, N-phenylenebis (salicylideneime) dicarboxylic acid solution which was in DMSO to DMF solution which composed of two equivalents of Zn (OAc) 2. They observed that one equivalent of zinc ions coordinates to the pocket of the salena and the remaining zinc ions equivalent coordinates to metalloligands. They further heated the resulting solution at 120â„Æ' for thirty minutes. As the heating proceeded they discovered that the nanowires were changing into nanocubes through the intrastuctural fusion and accumulation. They discovered that by varying the reaction conditions they were capable of tuning the cubes’ sizes. The smaller nanoparticle cubes were obtained by reducing the solubility of the nanowires via application of poor solvent mixture or lowering their temperatures. Uses of the nanometer-sized coordination polymers It is well known that nanometer-sized coordination polymers can be manufactured from diverse organic bridging ligands and metal ions, therefore, can be used to made different materials with exceptional characteristics and composition (Chen et al. 228; Schoemer et
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Economic Theories Of Supply Side Economics - 1485 Words
Supply-side economics is better known as Reaganomics, or the trickle-down economic policy. It is an economic philosophy that conveys the notion greater tax cuts for investors and entrepreneurs provide incentives to save and invest. This economic theory goes further to suggest that in turn, there are economic benefits which will trickle down into the overall economy. The key to answering whether supply side was successful is grounded in a sound understanding of what it is. Like most economic theories, supply-side economics attempts to explain both the macroeconomic phenomena and in turn, offer policy prescriptions for steady economic growth. In general, supply-side theory has three pillars: tax policy, regulatory policy and monetary policy. However, trickle-down economics can be reflected in a single idea. Behind all three of the aforementioned pillars is the assumption that production is the most important factor in determining economic growth. Typically, this theory is held in stark contrast to the Keynesian theory which, among other facets, includes the idea that demand can waver. The big distinction between the two economic perspectives is that a pure Keynesian believes that consumers and their demand for goods and services are key economic drivers. A supply-sider, in contrast believes that producers and their willingness to create goods and services set the pace of economic growth. The Argument That Supply Creates Its Own Demand Supply-side economics stakes theShow MoreRelatedKeynesian Theory vs. Supply Side Essay example869 Words  | 4 Pagesvery important economic policies that point in different directions of fiscal policy include the Keynesian economics and Supply Side economics. They are opposites on the economic policy field and were introduced in the 20th century, but are known for their influence on the economy in the United States both were being used to try and help the economy during the Great Depression. John Maynard Keynes a British economist was the founder of Keynesian economic theory. Keynesian economics is a form of demandRead MoreEconomic Policies And Economic Policy1096 Words  | 5 Pageslook at is economic policy. Economic policy refer to actions the government makes in the economic field. For example the taxation, the government supply, money supply, interest rates, along with the labor market, and national ownership. Inside the economic policy you will find all sorts of things that help make the policy stand on it s two feet. The three main parts that tie into economic policy are supply-side economics, demand-side economics, and monetary policy. Each of the three economic structuresRead MoreEconomic Policies And Economic Policy1096 Words  | 5 Pageslook at is economic policy. Economic policy refer to actions the government makes in the economic field. For example the taxation, the government supply, money supply, interest rates, along with the labor market, and nat ional ownership. Inside the economic policy you will find all sorts of things that help make the policy stand on it s two feet. The three main parts that tie into economic policy are supply-side economics, demand-side economics, and monetary policy. Each of the three economic structuresRead MoreSupply Side Economics : Economic Policy804 Words  | 4 Pageswonder what economic policy is? Economic policy is actions that the government takes to influence the economy in different types of ways, or policies. The actions the government takes can include setting interest rates through the federal reserve, who handles all the money in currency. The government can also regulate how much money they use on different expenditures. The government also uses economic policy when they set tax rates. The types of policies are supply-side economics, demand-side economicsRead MoreRiverpoint Writer (Article Aalysis)1617 Words  | 7 PagesIn understanding economics first summarize what is econo mics. No universally definition of economics. Although it defined as the study of how individuals and groups make decisions with limited resources, coordinate their wants and desires, given the decision mechanisms, social custom, and political realities of the society. Economic are operative in aspect of lives, market forces of goods sold in a market but supply and demand also used to analyzes situation in which economic forces operate.Read MoreThe Theory Of The Classical School1694 Words  | 7 Pages The classical school is one of the economic thoughts; the key assumption of this school is that the market system is the most efficient system in the sense that the unencumbered market mechanism ensures the optimal allocation and utilisation of scarce resources. They also believed that â€Å"Supply creates its own demand.†(The early debate on policy atavism) In other words, in the process of producing output, businesses would also create enough income to ensure that all of the output will be sold.Read MoreThe Theory Of Keynesian Economics916 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"classical theory had difficulty in explaining why the depression kept getting worse†(Cheung, n.d., para. 1). Many economists have attempted to develop theories that help to explain changing circumstances and why things kept getting worse. John Maynard Keynes, a British economist also known as the founder of macroeconomics, saw this as an opportunity and began to develop alternative ideas. His alterna tive ideas led to the idea of Keynesian economics. What is Keynesian Economics? KeynesianRead MoreClassical Vs Keynesian Economics1235 Words  | 5 Pagesand Keynesian economics are both accepted schools of thought in economics, but each had a different approach to defining economics. The Classical economic theory was developed by Adam Smith while Keynesian theory was developed by John Maynard Keynes. Similarities: One of the most surprising similarities between the two theories is that John Keynes developed his theory based on the Adam Smith’s theory. Keynes did not entirely disagree with Adam Smith but rather, expanded the theory based on the GreatRead MorePolicy Review And The Lucas Criticisms Essay919 Words  | 4 PagesPolicy Review and the Lucas Critiques Orthodox Keynesian economists believe that the change of the money supply will lead to the change of effective demand, and further result in the change of the economy. However, in the monetary economy cycle theories, the expected monetary supply changes will not influence the total economy; the unexpected money supply changes will impact the total economic in short term. In the long term, it merely impacts the changes of general price levels, instead of on theRead MoreThe Economic Policies Of Supply Side Economics1150 Words  | 5 Pageslies within a nation’s economic policy. Economic policy is the actions taken by a government to influence its economy. Types of economic policy actions can include setting interest rates through a federal reserve, regulating the level of government expenditures, creating private property rights, and setting tax rates. Economic policy hopes to accomplish economic growth and a stable economy. More specifically, the federal government hopes to accomplish stable prices, economic growth, and full employment
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evolution Of Stress A Paper Due, Bills, Pay, Kids
Carli Crutcher Ms. Gipson Senior Project 7 April 2015 Evolution of Stress A paper due, bills to pay, kids are screaming, a test in every class, going through a divorce, meetings to attend and going to soccer practice after school. These are just a few everyday aspects of life. Everyone is busy in today’s multitasking world. However, it is important to stop and think, even on the most hectic days. People were definitely not as stressed in past years. Stress is more prevalent now than ever. To show this, the definition of stress will first be shown, which will have research on internal and external issues related to it, and then the time lapse in mental health will be presented, along with long-term health effects that stress can cause and finally how stress can be managed. When the body is in an unstable state or feels threatened, the body will set itself in a â€Å"fight or-flight-or-freeze†mode, also known as the stress response (Smith, R. Segal, and J. Segal). Another definition of stress, according to Firdaus Dhabhar, is that stress is â€Å"a constellation of events that begins with a stimulus or challenge that is detected by the brain that then activates the flight-or-flight systems in the body (biological stress response)†(Richter). Psychologist Connie Lillas presents a driving analogy in order to show the three most general ways people respond to stress. The first way is known as â€Å"foot on the gas.†This is the â€Å"fight†response, and a person is usually uptight and angry.Show MoreRelatedIs It Good Or Bad?1622 Words  | 7 Pagesa sense of satisfaction, and feelings of wholeheartedness. Karma is the idea that what comes around goes around; therefore, people tend to believe that if they help others, the favor will be reciprocated. At times, being selfless leads to stress and fatigue due to excessive obligation to help others and not having enough time to fulfill self-interest. Selfishness, however, allows people to act freely while following their own instincts. While the word â€Å"selfish†typically has a negative connotationRead MoreThe Generational Differences Between The Generation X And Generation Y1661 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper inquires about the generational differences between the Generation X (1961-1981) and Generation Y (1981-2001). After reviewing several articles and identifying the important information, it has been summed up in one paper. It includes, growing up in different eras and how they compare and contrast. As well as, what it was like to learn in those era’s, meaning mostly how has technology advanced our learning programs and teaching techniques. 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The information can be stored, retrieved and transformed using â€Å"mental programs†, with the results being behavioral responses. Evolutionary psychology-is focused on the study of how evolution explains physiological processes. Psychologists and researchers take the basic principles of evolution, including natural selection, and apply them to psychological phenomena. This perspective suggests that these mental processes exist because they serve an evolutionary purpose – they aid in survivalRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. 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In some cases, personality is responsible for the difference. Other times, it’s a result of the job requirements. People vary in their inherent ability to expressRead MoreRetail Management30153 Words  | 121 Pagesmeasures may have to be complied before a store can open doors. There are taxes for moving goods to states, from states, and even within states.[3] Growth An increasing number of people in India are turning to the services sector for employment due to the relative low compensation offered by the traditional agriculture and manufacturing sectors. The organized retail market is growing at 35 percent annually while growth of unorganized retail sector is pegged at 6 percent.[4] The Retail BusinessRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 167 PART II 4 5 6 7 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS 232 233 Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively Gaining Power and Influence 279 Motivating Others 323 Managing Conflict 373 PART
The Goal A Process Of Ongoing Improvement Accounting Essay Free Essays
string(90) " capacity is trimmed to marketing demands, throughput goes down and inventory skyrockets\." The mill green goodss machined assemblies furnished to other workss in the UniWare division as constituents of end-items, and besides sold straight as trim parts assemblies to larger end-user clients. The company has a competent and well-trained staff, each of whom is a capable affair expert in their several maps. UniCo is led by extremely experient directors, each of whom has been exposed to progressively broadened duties for different UniCo maps. We will write a custom essay sample on The Goal A Process Of Ongoing Improvement Accounting Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now UniCo ‘s clients want quality merchandises delivered on-time at a sensible monetary value. In order to command monetary values, UniCo ‘s direction has become progressively efficient at cut downing costs in several operational countries. Fiscal public presentation coverage is provided at every degree of production in keen item so that functional cost budgets can be produced and managed with great preciseness. Automation has been introduced at several degrees to increase production efficiencies and have resulted in unprecedented nest eggs in production clip and station production rate. Even with the debut of the robotics, somehow direction has been able to fulfill the rigorous demands of its nonionized work force to accomplish para in its labour dealingss. Problem faced by Alex ‘s division Alex ‘s works portions some not-so-complimentary common traits with real-world organisations. He has orders surrounding on two-months behind scheduled bringing day of the month. He has over $ 20 million in unsold finished goods stock list sitting in a local warehouse. The points that can be delivered are being hurried up through the mill with overtime and particular handling involved at every measure. As a consequence of the bringing slippage, gross revenues are decelerating down, stuff costs are skyrocketing, and every efficiency metric is heading downward at an dismaying rate. Furthermore, the division is confronting an increasing hard currency deficit which in bend might take to its inability to pay rewards. The company informs Alex that he has 3 months to turn around the state of affairs else by the terminal of the financial twelvemonth, UniCo would close down this unprofitable operation and sell them off to a highest bidder. Alex ‘s occupation and calling are now on the line as a new proprietor would non desire to maintain an unprofitable or uneffective director around to run the same organisation. Meeting Jonah Alex by pure opportunity ran into person who introduces him to another manner of believing about his state of affairs, his old natural philosophy professor Jonah. Alex, describes his house ‘s investing in mechanization and how it has led to increased productiveness. Jonah, in bend, questions Alex about some cardinal identifiers of productiveness such as diminishing stock list, cut downing disbursals, and selling more merchandises. Although Alex could n’t affirmatively react to any of them, at that point, he was confident that the issues faced in his works were merely some annoyance jobs, non the death of his full organisation. Jonah takes a minute to uncover the false belief of logic in Alex ‘s concluding – holding accepted many things without oppugning the common sense in their intent and application. Jonah leaves Alex to chew over the construct of productiveness and what it means to a concern. Identifying the Goal Productivity is defined as carry throughing something in footings of ends. In order to place the end, Alex has a thought session with his works accountant Lou, and they both agree that â€Å" The end of any concern is to increase net net income while at the same time increasing return on investing and hard currency flow, or fundamentally to do money †. Though they arrived at a end, neither was cognizant of a scheme to accomplish all 3 at the same clip. Introduction of new constructs When Alex discusses this with Jonah, he reveals that operationally, a concern must increase throughput, while at the same time cut downing stock list and operational disbursals. Throughput: Rate at which the system generates money through gross revenues. Inventory: It is the money invested in things intended to be sold. Operational disbursals: All the money spent to change over stock list into throughput. When Alex asks how he ‘s supposed to mensurate these elements, he is reminded by Jonah that, â€Å" We are non concerned with local optimums, †mentioning to conventional cost accounting studies. Jonah is a busy single and Alex realizes that Jonah will supply Alex with the concepts for him to divine the replies to the implicit in constructs. Alex must believe through the replies on his ain. Identifying the Core Problem Alex takes clip to believe about how the three measurings would use to his peculiar state of affairs. He gathers together his focal point group which consists of Lou, the accountant, Bob, the production director, and Stacey, the stock list control director to bind operational solutions together for the full works. Together they reveal that the beginning of the monolithic stock list is the consequence of overrun of unneeded parts being made to unnaturally maintain the efficiency metrics up. Alternatively of bring forthing what is needed for gross revenues, the works is bring forthing every individual portion every phase can manage. Capacity for bring forthing needed parts is unavailable because it is being tied up bring forthing the extra parts. Jonah reveals that: Money is most of import to direction over efficiency. Cost accounting is the figure one enemy of productiveness. A works in which everyone is working all the clip is inefficient. Jonah points out that the lone manner to make extra stock list is by holding extra work force. By paring extra capacity to cut disbursals, without cut downing stock list and increasing gross revenues you trigger downward throughput and increased stock list. If you attain merely one or two of the three elements of productiveness measuring, you are non working towards your end – to cut down operational disbursal and cut down stock list while at the same time increasing throughput. Dependent events and statistical fluctuations Jonah reveals that when capacity is trimmed to marketing demands, throughput goes down and inventory skyrockets. You read "The Goal A Process Of Ongoing Improvement Accounting Essay" in category "Essay examples" The transporting costs of stock list, an operational disbursal, besides go up. This addition tends to countervail the nest eggs presented by the original effort to lower operational costs through labour decreases. If capacity is trimmed to run into demand, demand continues to drop, transporting costs go up, and finally you have no more market left for a mountain of stock list. Two specific phenomena are identified which cause this consequence – dependent events and statistical fluctuations. Dependent events are a series of events that must take topographic point prior to another one beginning, or in other words, the subsequent event depends on the 1s prior to it. Statistical fluctuations are the consequence of certain types of prognostic information that can non be determined exactly. These fluctuations influence anticipation of mistake per centums, market demand estimations, and efforts to mensurate productiveness. Alex understands these 2 phenomena when he goes on a hike trip. During the hiking, he notices that the line of tramps exhibits an uneven form of stretching farther and farther apart the longer they hike. He notices that one tramp Herbie appears to be keeping up the staying behind him. Harmonizing to direction scientific discipline, even though these tramps are all at different rates, their mean rate of advancement should be estimable. This mean rate should go the nominal rate of advancement for the full troop. Alternatively the troop is doing concluding advancement, or finishing the hiking, at the rate of its slowest member, Herbie. The hiking is similar to a set of dependent events capable to statistical fluctuations. Over clip, the fluctuations do non average out, but instead accumulate because the influence of dependent events limits the chances for addition fluctuations. The length of the line of tramps becomes comparable to the entire production clip of a procedure. Alex tries an effort at re-balancing the capacity by puting Herbie at the forepart of the line, that manner the production length wo n’t be given to stretch out as earlier. It does n’t stretch, but it ‘s still traveling every bit slow as Herbie. Herbie must be made faster, or addition throughput capacity, in order for the whole line to derive throughput. Herbie ‘s back pack burden is lightened and distributed among the troop and the full troop doubles its gait as a consequence of the alteration. Identifying Constrictions Alex returns to the works merely to hold his observations in the hike trip confirmed by a production capacity trial. Jonah now introduces the concepts of constrictions and non-bottlenecks. A constriction is any resource whose capacity is equal to or less than the demand placed upon it. A non-bottleneck is any resource whose capacity is greater than the demand placed upon it. If bottleneck capacity is kept equal to demand, and demand beads, costs will travel up ensuing in a loss of money. The aim is to keep capacity at somewhat less than demand. Alex now starts to place the works ‘s constrictions. The two obvious constrictions turn out to be the multi-process mechanization machine and a heat-treating furnace. The multi-process mechanization machine NCX-10 can treat an point taking 16 proceedingss and 10 operators in 10 proceedingss and utilizing merely 2. But there is a six month lead clip to develop a NCX-10 operator because of the forte place demands. And trained operators are go forthing the company faster than it can re-train replacings, so the machine is n’t running at full capacity which makes it a non fully-utilized constriction. The furnace is being run at partial tonss because of expediting, another non-fully utilised constriction. Optimizing Constrictions In order to extinguish constrictions, Alex invites Jonah for a works circuit during which he notes that the composing of much of the work-in-process waiting at each of the constrictions is really non-saleable parts destined for warehouse storage. This is concealed extra capacity. He asks about alternate methods which could be used in add-on to the present procedures, turn toing the old retired machines as a possible capacity beginning. He asks if every portion really needs to be processed by the constriction and identifies extra concealed capacity. Alex learns to see utilizing alternate procedures or off-load to increase capacity. Quality controls should be placed prior to a constriction to guarantee the constriction will non be treating faulty parts and blowing valuable constriction procedure clip. Rejecting stuffs prior to the constriction so becomes simple bit instead than devouring extra capacity. Procedure controls at a constriction should be designed to guarantee zero defects based processing to minimise re-work and system impact costs. The squad determines that one of the implicit in causes of their present parts pile-up at the constrictions is because the operator can non state the difference between a bottleneck-destined portion and an ordinary 1. The operator, in an effort to maintain busy, processes batch after batch of non-bottleneck parts when what they truly need to make is work on constriction parts. They attempt a solution for this by puting placing tickets on the parts which are destined for a constriction procedure. The bottle cervix capacity is increased by remembering old machines which ensuing in an addition in constriction capacity. The furnaces are non being manned by dedicated forces to maintain them runing and reloaded during the idle times, so extra forces are assigned to them on a full-time footing. Additionally, some of the constriction chiefs come up with methods of streamlining their procedures to increase throughput at their Stationss. And for a clip, things seem to be bettering – stock lists are easy shriveling and more backlog orders are being filled. New jobs come up A new job is revealed with deficits of non-bottleneck parts now happening in add-on to the constriction parts. This could be potentially a new constriction as a consequence of overtaxing the remainder of the system. Triping a resource and using a resource are non-synonymous because non-bottleneck stuff continued to be fed into the system in order to keep the production efficiency quotas, non-bottlenecks began turning out maximal units of non-bottleneck parts choke offing the work-in-process stock lists at constrictions and at non-bottleneck Stationss. Triping a resource is merely turning it on. Using it means doing usage of the resource in a manner that moves the system towards the end. A new stuff release system was developed which triggers release of constriction stuff merely at the rate at which the constrictions need it, instead than being triggered by non-bottleneck idle clip. Jonah shows that they can utilize the same methodological analysis to develop a release system for stuffs throughout the system. By cognizing when the constriction parts will make concluding assembly, the release of the non-bottleneck stuffs can be timed to co-occur along the other paths. Improvement in consequences All the stairss to place and extinguish constrictions resulted in better consequences. Peach was impressed, but non sufficiently to name off the division sale. Alex agrees to another 15 per centum betterment in the net net income in order to turn out that the alterations are non fleeting or alone. As it turns out, Jonah indicates that after burden reconciliation is performed to run into market demand without extra production, the following logical measure is to cut down the batch sizes to cut down the entire capital committedness used during production. Decrease in batch sizes besides reduces the entire clip spent in work-in-process. Less clip spent in production increases the velocity of throughput every bit good as a faster turn-around on client orders. Shorter lead times result in better response to the market demands. The four primary clip constituents include: setup clip, procedure clip, queue clip ( associated with constrictions where parts wait for a machine to go free ) , and wait clip ( associated with non-bottlenecks when a portion waits for another portion to go on treating ) . Time saved at a non-bottleneck is fanciful because when non-bottlenecks are being set up, the clip spent is taken off from idle clip, non production clip. Economic batch measures are calculated based upon the whole system and non the constrictions themselves. As a consequence, most batch sizes are non optimized to the Stationss most affected by them  the constrictions. Now that the works has the potency of reacting better to market demands, Alex focuses on the 3rd constituent of productiveness measuring, that of gross revenues throughput, and gets the division gross revenues director, Johnny Jons, to market his works ‘s improved capacity. Together they manage to bind down a major contract utilizing a combination of incremental bringings and low measure pricing. This sets the phase for carry throughing the 15 per centum betterment Alex promised to Peach. Accounting Impact Smyth, the division productiveness director and viing works director, sets out to place what Alex is making to his works by originating an internal audit. As a consequence of the labour alterations and the non-bottleneck idle times the cost studies show an addition in per unit costs. Smyth calls Alex in to explicate himself in visible radiation of the audit findings. Alex illustrates specific points that are in direct contradiction with conventional fabrication premises: We should equilibrate the flow with demand, non capacity. The degree of activity from which the system is able to gain is non determined by single potency but by some other restraint in the system. Triping a resource and using it are non the same. An hr lost at a constriction is an hr lost by the full system. An hr saved at a non-bottleneck is worthless. Performance of an operation should be evaluated by its bottom line. Smyth presents his findings – that Alex ‘s works has decreased productiveness, increased merchandise cost, and improper attachment to processs throughout the organisation. This was beliing grounds that the works has turned solid net incomes and lowered operating disbursals, increasing hard currency flow. The division accountant pointed out that Alex ‘s works represents the ideal combination of bringing velocity, low cost, and flexibleness that the market truly needs. With this Alex was appointed as the division director. The ground Alex received support of the division accountant was because Lou, the program accountant had been working hard behind the scenes re-crunching the Numberss and placing an extra defect in the conventional cost accounting procedure – rating of stock list costs. Even though utilizing the hard currency method would clearly show the lessening in work in procedure and finished goods stock list, and decreases in purchased stuff costs, the traditional accrual method shows these actions as period losingss since hard currency payment turning away is non recorded until the following accounting period. In re-calculating the fiscal statements, Lou found a jutting 20 per centum bottom line betterment alternatively of the promised 15. But alternatively of giving these cumbrous accounting accounts to Alex to utilize in his defence, Lou took the consequences straight to Frost, the division accountant who understood the branchings of the Numberss Decision 5 primary stairss identified to better procedures are: Identify the system restraints Decide how to work the system ‘s restraints Subordinate everything else to the above determination Promote the system ‘s restraints If in the old stairss, a restraint has been broken, return to Step 1, but do non let inactiveness to do a system ‘s restraint Due to the betterments, the works now has twenty percent extra capacity available to carry through demand. It turned out that Europe has many possible clients, but the monetary values they demand are so low below the domestic market, UniCo could n’t perchance take them without losing money. Alex pointed out that when production is used from trim capacity, the lone costs are the cost of the stuffs and as such, any monetary value above stuff cost represents net income. Combined with an unbelievably short bringing clip to close out unimproved rivals, the company has pocketed many trades guarantee the future gross revenues of the works. How to cite The Goal A Process Of Ongoing Improvement Accounting Essay, Essay examples
Geography, Population free essay sample
Outline the changing nature, rate and distribution of the world’s population. The world population is expected to grow from 6. 1 billion in 2000 to 8. 9 billion in 2050, increasing therefore by 47 per cent. The changing distribution, rate and nature of the world’s population consider a number of factors which include urbanisation, population of the developing and developed countries. Also how fast or slow the population increases over a specific period of time, and where the distribution is and why. Population of developing countries and regions like Africa have the greatest proportional increase, 41 per cent of their population is under 15 years old. The life expectancy of those living in the developing countries is very low as to the little knowledge of medical science and public health, nutritional information and a reduced chance to access education. The countries of the Developed population has slowed dramatically, the population currently is 1. 2 billion. Most of the growth occurs from the US primarily due to immigration. We will write a custom essay sample on Geography, Population or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Asia is the most populous country, their population is greater than the entire developed world at a whopping 1. billion. Spatially, most of the rapid population growth rate has occurred in the developing countries of the world, as seen in the diagram below. The urban population from 2008 more than half of the human population were living urban areas, they are now 3. 3 billion urban residents. The average world population density is expected to rise from 44 people per sq km to 66 people per sq km. Here are some of the reasons for population density; climate, location, history, job opportunities, fertility of soil and the Countries economic status. The rate of natural increase is due to the number of births to deaths. The main causes due to population change are the birth rate, death rate and migration. The changing distribution of the world’s population by region. 1800-2050 diagram. The distribution of the world’s population has a distinct pattern of where people are and will be. In 1800, Europe had 21 per cent of the world’s population and Asia had 65 per cent. By 1900, Europes share of world population had risen to 25 per cent, caused by the population increase that accompanied the Industrial Revolution. Some of this growth fell over to the Americas population, increasing their portion of the world total. Though, Europe is anticipated to lose its share of the world’s population by the year 2050 down to 7per cent. Current projections are created on the theory that the fertility rate will drop in countries where they are high today and that life expectancy will rise where rates are low. Every year the world’s population grows by more than 77 million, this is caused by the changing nature, rate and the distribution of the world’s population.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Soical class in the book blood brothers free essay sample
?How does Willy Russell present the theme of social class in the play Blood Brothers? â€Å"And do we blame superstition for what has came to pass? or could It be we, the English, have come to know as class? †. Willy Russell successfully expresses the unfair treatment and inequality of social class by using the families in â€Å"Blood Brothers†The social divide in the play Blood Brothers from Willy Russell links into social class. It all starts with the differences between Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons. Mrs Johnstone is working class and works as a cleaner for the middle class family the Lyons. The play shows how class can change a whole life. Mickey first realises how important class is when Eddie says â€Å"I go to university tomorrow. Russell uses a variety of techniques like dramatic irony to foreshadow the events and much more to establish social conflict. From the very first scene of the play, Russell implies â€Å"a mother so cruel†is responsible for the death of the Johnstone brothers. We will write a custom essay sample on Soical class in the book blood brothers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When we hear that â€Å"she has a stone in place of the heart†she is portrayed that she is emotionless and cold hearted. However, later on we learn that Mrs Jonhstone loves each child equally, â€Å"I’ll even love these two when they come along†. This implies to us that she only gave one of her children away for him to have a better, for filling life then â€Å"he wouldn’t have to worry about where his next meal would be coming from†. The reader can see that Mrs Johnstone never had cruelness nor was she heartless or unloving but she was just trying to do the best for herself and her family. The whole play is based on tragedy and empathies. It starts with Mrs Johnstone being forced to give one of her babies away, only because otherwise the government would take them. The point that Mrs Johnstone has to give one of her children away makes the audience feel sympathy for her. Also that she is a single parent and has to feed a lot of children without much money available. Throughout the play there is a narrator, who foreshadows the tragic death of the two blood Brothers, Mickey and Eddie. The milkman, the catalogue man are all roles set up for the narrator, who always warns and looking over Mrs Johnstone. The Devils got your number is a frightening quote, because it is a major quote in the whole act and foreshadows something bad. In the end, they find out all the differences and similarities of their life, such as the differences in their social classes, and then when Mickey finds out that Eddie was always his real Blood Brother. Mickey wishes that he could have been Edward, as his life would have been different. The death of the two brothers has always been flash forwarded throughout the whole play If they ever find out, they will die! devastated The lyrics of the songs in the play, makes the entire play seem like a never ending flow of words. Thes structure of the songs are cyclical, it’s a never ending battle against the differences of social class. The play both starts and finished with the song, â€Å"tell me it’s not true†, this portrays to me the death of Mickey and Eddie. This also implies that both families want a fresh start and they wanted things to be different, not be the way they are now. One of Russell’s aims is to show that there are disadvantages of being working class such as less opportunities, no money for food, clothes or toys and the lack of education. The social divide in classes is underlined by several factors. Firstly, the location of the two houses of the brothers, Eddie is not allowed to go down to Mickeys area. The use of the word â€Å"down†implies that Mrs Lyons and her family are higher and too good for anyone that is below them. Secondly, the language the two boys talk in, Mickey speaks more slang and informal language â€Å"cus me mam says†and â€Å"I might do but I’m not playing now ‘cos I’m pissed off†. Whilst Eddie speaks more Standard English and a bit more formal â€Å"pissed off? You say some smashing things don’t you? †. The education plays a very big role in this play. Russell expresses that your social class and your placement in society is judged, for example when Mickey questions Edward, â€Å"In the what†referring to the dictionary. This provides us with a display of how Mickey’s upbringing and social division limits him from certain aspects of middle class. What is shocking but not surprising is that Mickey does not know what a dictionary is. This is because Eddie has better equipment for learning than Mickey, as Mrs Lyons can afford privileges like dictionaries for Eddie to learn from. The attitudes towards both families are hugely different, this is shown when Eddie, Mickey and Linda get in trouble with the police. The policeman’s response to Mrs Johnstone is treated with very little respect, it is like he was looking down on them as they are in debt and cannot afford many new things. Due to being working class they get treated unfairly by the policeman as he issues her with treats and warnings â€Å"there’ll be no more bloody warnings from now on. Either you keep them in order, missis, or it’ll be the courts for you, or worse, won’t it†?. The policeman treats Mrs Johnstone very differently to Mrs Lyons, â€Å"and he was about to commit a serious crime, love†. The use of the word â€Å"love†implies he is being patronising towards Mrs Johnstone. As the Lyons are middle class they get treated with more respect, this is shown when the narrator says â€Å"the policeman has removed his helmet and holds a glass of scotch†this implies to us that he thinks of them as being equal. He uses humor towards Mrs Lyons â€Å"he’s a good lad, aren’t you Adolph? †this tells us that the policeman thinks of them as being friends and he doesn’t have to be as strict on the Lyons as he was on the Johnston’s. Another reason the reader may think that the policeman treats them with more respect is because he only gives advice and not threats, â€Å"I’m not sure I’d let him mix with the likes of them in the future†. The word â€Å"them†represents that they think they are better than the working class, that they are worth more and are better people. Russell portrays working class people as more down to earth and more understanding about things, this is shown when Sammy burns the school down â€Å"but it’s very easily done. If they let silly gets play with magnesium†. Russell then portrays middle class people as more cold-hearted, this is shown when Mrs Johnstone asks if she could still see the child everyday if she went through with it, Mrs Lyons then agreed. However after she had took Eddie home, she made a decision to stop Mrs Johnstone from coming round â€Å"we both think it would be easier if you left†. Russell represents middle class people as manipulative as she reminds Mrs Jonhstone that she has done a bad thing, and if anyone finds out she will suffer the consequences of losing her children, by being locked up. Middle class people are thought of as being well educated where working class are not. This could be frown upon also could be wrongly judged, I think this as people have labelled working class people as lower than middle class when they should be treated as equals and more fairly in the society to get the same amount of opportunities.
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