Sunday, January 26, 2020
Khushwant Singh Writing Style
Khushwant Singh Writing Style Khushwant Singh is one of the major Indian English novelists of our times. He is not only a novelist but also a short story writer, a columnist, a journalist, an editor. He has five novels to his credit besides a large number of works on other subjects. He is a reputed social realist. He is a sensitive artist who has used realism so as to present his humanistic vision of life. He is very keen to explore the realities of life. He has a sensitive understanding of the problems of contemporary Indian society. His intimate knowledge of rural and urban India life is an out come of his minute observation of life. He is a product of western education and culture but he is at heart a Sikh and an Indian. Realism is a remarkable feature of Indian English novel in which Indian sensibility is expressed through a foreign language. T. Anganeyulu rightly says: Realism shows real life, facts in a true way. It omits nothing that is ugly and painful and idealizes nothing. The term realism means (1) a theory of writing in which the familiar ordinary aspects of life are depicted in a matter of fact, straight forward manner designed to reflect life as it actually is, ( 2) treatment of subject matter in a way that presents careful descriptions of every day life, often the lives of so-called middle or lower-middle classes. Realism which refers to both the content and technique of literary creation has been evident in literature from its very beginning. Indian novelists show a passionate awareness of life in India the social awakening and protest, the poverty and hunger of the peasants, various dimensions of the struggle for independence the tragedy of partition, social and political changes along with inner life of the sensitive, suffering individuals. Different Indian English novelists have treated different aspects of social life. Khushwant Singh, like other Indian novelists, explores social, political realities of contemporary Indian life. His main concern is the man and the reality. He has established himself as a distinguished writer of social realism with the publication of his first novel, Train to Pakistan. The term social realism means the depiction in literature of social reality in its true colours. The emergence of social realistic novel in Indian fiction in English is due to the rise of Nationalistic Movement. The novelists who have been influenced by this movement roused the feelings of nationalism in common man through their works. They also tried their hands to make the people socially and economically conscious. Most of Khushwant Singhs critics have talked about his realistic portrayal of sex and violence, they have not fully apprehended the expensive scope of his vision of humanism. Khushwant Singh is, no doubt, a writer of social novels but not only sex and violence. He does not keep the surface reality. Unlike the other social writers Khushwant Singh selects his material from the bewildering variety of life and his vision is truly comprehensive. In shaping the emotional world of an artist the social milieu is one of the determining factors. The more deeply he reflects on the basic trends of society and the more sensitive he is to its processes, the more significant is his work. Khushwant Singhs special contribution lies in the portrayal of political life in India. Sex, violence are not the only realities Singhs social novels transcend this ideological boundary and present the real picture of society, encompassing the broader humanity. Through his characters he enlivens the contemporary Indian life. He portrays man objectively in relation to society without making him a mouthpiece of any preconceived ideology. Khushwant Singhs fictional world indicates the richness and depth of his apprehension of reality. He deals with various aspects of social reality. He is the oldest living monument of Delhi. He himself is history. He is the witness of pre-partition national movement, post-partition, Independence, and the modern complex world. He is much interested in human relation. His East-West education and rural-urban life help his fictional world to record contemporary socio-political tensions. He, thus, presents a panoramic view of Indian life. The relation between literature and society is integral and eternal. The reflexive value of literature though important, cannot be the sole basis of evaluating literature. The angle of vision with which the artist undergoes the experience also shapes the picture of reality presented in his work. Khushwant Singhs work has socio-religion-political context, but he is not always in the mood of iconoclastic anger. He is not a committed writer in the narrow sense of being bound up with an ideology or a school. There is no didacticism or moralization in his novels. He neither uses his art for allowed propaganda, nor professes indulgence in art for arts sake. He is the artists detachment with a humanistic basis. Khushwant Singhs angle of vision is also shaped by his devotion to human interest. As for example Train to Pakistan shows the unconquerable spirit of man in the face of mighty forces of wickedness and savagery. The novel implies Khushwant Singhs optimistic and affirmative views and his enduring faith in the values of love and humanity. As V.A. Shahane observes Khushwant Singhs realism: Is not an attempt at a book-keeping of existence, but an artistic endeavour to transcend the actual, asserting the dignity of individual stimuli and expressing the tragic splendour of mans sacrifice for woman. (Khushwant Singh 347) It is a grim story of individuals and communities caught in the holocaust of partition of the sub-continent into two states India and Pakistan in 1947. Train to Pakistan is a social, realistic novel. Its social realism is found in characters scenes and language. As D.Prempati says: What sort of social realism does one find in Train to Pakistan? The formula which got this novel its well deserved popularity was: A sincere belief in traditional moral and social standards of Indian society and a charming narrative skillà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. It is, therefore, obvious that Train to Pakistan is a documentary novel with no claims whatsoever to the artistic technique and extra artistic philosophies of social realism and naturalism. (Three Contemporary Novelists 113-114) The setting of the first three novels, Train to Pakistan, I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale, Delhi is in the context of some historical framework. Khushwant Singh at the same time plays the role of a writer as well as historian. They have an intrinsic quality and ability to look beyond his time. As a novelist he is most responsive to the call of equality, freedom and human rights. It is the writer Khushwant Singh whose writing make the common people socially, politically and culturally conscious. He designed the novels not only to give insight into a period of history, but are exemplary; he illustrates action and are ideal in the sense of manifesting the universal form of human action. Like the other Indian writers, Khushwant Singh responded to these happenings with a sense of horror. A large number of novels were written on freedom movement and on the theme of partition. The novelists skillfully records the reign of violence and the complete destruction of human values. Literature is the reflection of life. Various events and experience find representation in books. Not all are good, pleasant or profitable. It is the business of a writer to hold a mirror to life. In doing so he may paint some ugly pictures. Who can label these pictures ugly and why if he has comprehended literature? There is nothing good or bad in literature. The writer espies a person or observes an event and records his opinion in a language and style known to him. It all scribblers were to subscribes their views identically, English would be reduced to sheer Arithmetic. Khushwant Singh very efficiently portrays the real picture of the contemporary society and the social, political and religious behaviour of the people. As we find in Train to Pakintan, the original pictures of the village Mano Majra before and after partition, the love story of Nooran and Jugga, the greedy people, death and violence. Khushwant Singh depicts the peaceful co-existence of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh in a multi-religion society. It has only three brick buildings, one of which is the home of Hindu money lender Lala Ram Lal. The other two are the Sikh Temple and the Mosque. Their common sharing of the large peepul tree is unmistakably the rich common heritage shared by different communities in India. Here life is regulated by the trains which rattle across the near by river bridge. Lala Ram Lal is murdered by Mali and his gang. Suspicion falls on Juggat Singh, the village gangster, who is carrying on a clandestine affair with Muslim girl Nooran, A western educated communist is al so involved. A train comes full of dead Sikhs. Some days later the same thing happens again, and the village becomes a battlefield of conflicting loyalties, and neither magistrate nor police can stem the rising tide of violence. I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale is appreciated for significant portrayals of the Sikh life and traditions in the days of pre-Independence India. Buta Singh and Wazir Chand both the magistrates cherish pro-British ideology. Their son Sher Singh and Madan are anti British in their attitude. The womenfolk of Buta Singhs family and of wazir chands family are not bothered about the political life of the country. They are mainly concerned with the security of family life and comfortable living. Sabhrai, wife of Buta Singh happens to be a very religious lady who believes in the sanctity of Granth Sahib and the supremacy of Guru Govind Singh. Champak represents the clandestine affair of the contemporary high society lady. The illicit relationship between Shunno and Peer Sahib is depicted as a counter part to the affairs between (the upper class) Madan and Champak. Khushwant Singh tells us that sexual and sensual urges are very common in all classes of society. Mundoo represents the poor con dition of child labour in pre-Independence India. Buta Singhs relationship with Taylor speaks about the behaviour of British rulers with Indian officials. The novel Delhi is full of Muslim customs and rituals. The novel is not a dirge sung over lost empires. It is a celebration of the unique power of a culture and civilization, the power to generate some of the finer values of life; the power to ensure the survival of these values in the face of a nation; collective debasement, and above all, the power to ensure that when all is lost, an awareness of loss remains. It is superb in its vulgarity and myriad evils of perversity. It is also superb in symbolism of the Indian society, its contradiction, balances, caste and religious communalism, racial and ethnic strife, the spirit of unity in diversity. The trio-Musaddi Lal Kaysatha, Nihal Singh and Jaita Rangreta in their monologues make a rational assessment of social and political situation and plight of the people in general. Musaddi Lal in his helplessness compares himself with a hijda,; as is the case of Bhagmati, a symbol of Delhi, for their inherent qualities to adapt themselves to any circumstances. The writer depicts every kind of sexual encounter efficiently. The Company of Women is also based on man-woman relationship. The novel begins with its hero Mohan Kumar, a successful Delhis businessman, breaking off with his wife and his everlasting lusty effort to set up more flexible arrangement for appeasement of his physical needs. The novel also provides middle class aspirations, the concept of arranged marriages in India, which are often akin to business bargains and the desire for scandalous gossip of the urban elite. The novel chronologically presents the women with whom the hero beds, including his wife. Here Singh seems to have been extending the idea that love and sex know no caste, class and community bar. Violence is another fundamental aspect in Khushwant Singhs novel. But his final aim is not only to highlight communal violence death, disaster, hate, and vendetta but also to show the path of humanism. Singhs protest against violence, bloodshed and hatred is not merely a physical phenomenon but a continuous process of human civilization. In Train to Pakistan the Hindu Muslim and Sikh Muslim riots, death, violence, disorder, chaos are intricately depicted not only at the political level but also at the personal level. At the end Khushwant Singh hints at the ultimate humanism through the love story of Nooran and Jugga. Love has great impact in human life and it seems to be the only resisting human power against all inhuman evil forces. In the days of communal riots, the human relationship among the Hindus Sikhs and Muslims determines the human values; man woman love relationship has greater power than the other evil forces. No evil force can subdue love in respect of time or societ y as the writer presents in the novel. In I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale, Khushwant Singh is again preoccupied by the theme of the antithesis between violence and right moral conduct and the notion that the only redemptive feature of a situation which justifies pessimisms, or cynicism of outlook depends on a single demonstration of personal sacrifice, honesty and moral consistency. In the novel Buta Singh and Taylor represent not only two different communities but also two different nationalities. At the end Mrs. Taylor and Sabhirai transcend all narrow thoughts of traditional and religious belief. The essence of humanism is in love not in hate and this we find in a micro level in the novel. Hindu-Muslim riots, Sikh Hindu riots, Jaliwanawala Bagh massacres and assassination of Indira Gandhi are efficiently depicted in the novel Delhi. The anti-Hindu feeling that has prevailed ever since the first Muslim invader came in is emphasized throughout the novel. The arrogance of the Islamic leaders, their dreams of uprooting Hinduism and their belief that they are the only race capable of salvaging the Hindus comes through a number of characters like Taimur, Augangzeb, and Nadir Shah. Sufi idealism is depicted here as the way of humanism. The Sufi way of life, its philosophy, is imparted to the readers through saint Nizamuddin in his long discourses with Sultan Ghiasuddin Balban. Bhagmati is a symbol of Delhi and from the beginning to the end displays non-communal attitude and has an intrinsic urge to protect the Sikh narrator. Ultimately, Khushwant Singh tries to establish his vision of humanism as an antidote against violence and communalism. Being a humanist, he cannot help speaking from the point of view of the common man. He warns us that we should stop letting the politicians use religion to take advantage of the sentiment of the masses. This only leads to bloodshed, tremendous loss of life and property. Singh very competently analyses the use of religion by the rulers from the earliest times. He indicates the politicians and holds them responsible for the ills that plague our society. Instead of addressing the real issues like economic disparity, the people in power are only concerned with consolidating their own positions. He also makes the readers aware of charlatans in our society who prey upon unsuspecting people in the guise of religion. He does this in a very genial, good-natured and humorous manner. He does not try to hurt the sentiments of any particular religious community in any of his writings. Neither does he mock at those for whom belief in their particular religion is something holy and sacred. Rather, he reveals the positive aspect of religion also in I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale. It is the intense faith of Sabhrai that provides succour to her family and holds it together in the face of crisis. Religion also provided comfort to the minorities and the down trodden as is seen in the case of Mussadi Lal and Jaita Rangreta, in Delhi. Down the ages, religion was exploited by successive rulers to strengthen their own position. Of these, it was the English who exploited it to the maximum to foster divisive tendencies. After they left, the national leaders ignored discontent among the masses. Over the years this dissatisfaction was channeled into communalism, again by leaders intent on securing power for themselves. This led to further alienation between the different communities. This is the sinister side of religion, and Singh tries to make one aware of this. Indian history is replete with examples of religion being used as a tool by rulers to secure gains for themselves. Khushwant Singh has desperately tried to expose this unpalatable fact through all his works, specially Train to Pakistan and Delhi. He exhorts people to see through the manipulations of the leaders in the name of religion, and to stop being used as hapless pawns by them. He writes of this so brilliantly that the reader cannot help being moved. In India there is an inexorable link between religion and politics. Khushwant Singh being a journalist and a sociologist of sorts has taken note of this fact. Khushwant Singh is able to write so feelingly about religion and politics because he has been personally involved with the subject. His earliest memories are those of his grandmother reciting passages from the Granth Sahib and the Sukhmani. Years later he was a spectator to the horror unleashed by the partition. He was also a witness to the terrible tragedy of the anti-Sikh riots. It is his close association with these subjects that has enabled him to write so poignantly about them. Beginning with Hadali and his grandmother, both of whom have been immortalized in his writings, Singh has written about every subject that has touched him. His friends, family, and his identity as a Sikh; all find a place in his fiction. Apart from this, he writes feelingly about the partition and the city of Delhi that has been home to him ever since he left Lahore. His writing has been enriched by the substantial autobiographical note which is all pervasive in his fiction. In fact, two chapters in Delhi , The Builders and The Dispossessed have been fashioned through the history of his own family. There has been a growth in the autobiographical content in Khushwant Singhs works. This is evident in Delhi where he is not afraid to speak his personal views and the details of his life. This reveals the maturing and innate honesty of the writer, whereby he is equally comfortable with the squalid, as well as the wonderful aspects of his life.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Drug Testing Law
Laws for the test of employees or job applicants for drug or alcohol abuse have evoked the consciousness of many since its inception in 1986 when President Ronald Reagan signed an Executive Order 12564, that prohibited all federal employees to refrain themselves from using illegal drugs, as a condition of federal employment. And then two years later, Congress passed the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 which created federal Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing which was applied to executive agencies of the federal government, the uniformed services, and contractors or service providers under contract with the federal government.Although this Act was only applied to Federal governments yet states and Local Governments followed the suit. There is no doubt of the fact that Drug and Alcohol abuse by employees creates loss of billions of dollars each year and gives a great set back to the economy as a whole yet from the employees point of view it is a sheer violation of their personal rights, and its misuse is a cause of humiliation to several prospective employees. It is moral duty of the employers to check the menace of drug edicts in the work place but this moral policing disrupts Kant’s theology of Categorical imperative.Internationally, the of drug testing in work place is covered in a Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 12 whereby it is declared that â€Å"No one should be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy†.The 1996 ILO Code of Practice on Management of alcohol and drug-related issues declares that the testing should be undertaken in accordance to national laws and practice. The Guiding Principles of this testing, which is mentioned in the Annex V of the Code of Practice, clearly emphasis on workers rights, employers rights, public rights and individual rights.Infact even in 2003, the International Labor Organization reported that , â€Å"Drug testing in the workplace is an issue beset with technical, legal and ethical controversies.†(Legal Testing In Work Place, Last Change On Tuesday, 31st October 2006.)Even the European Convention on Human Rights, adopted in 1950 to guarantees the right to privacy, except â€Å"in the interest of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder and crime, for the protection of health and morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others†.In the European Union, In the European Directive 89/391/EEC on the introduction of encouraging in improvements in the safety and health of workers at work, applies according to Article 6 that the employer have a duty ensuring the safety and health of workers in every aspect related to the work, with Art.6(5) exonerating the workers from liability for financial cost. Even in Artical 11 states that â€Å"Employers shall consult workers and/or their representatives and allow them to take part in dis cussions on all questions relating to safety and health at work†.In different countries there are different patterns for drug testing in the work place. Only Finland (2003), Ireland (2005) and Norway (2005) reports clearly and specifically addresses the issue of drug testing in the workplace. Nevertheless, for different countries, there are different patterns/differences are visible.Kant believes that human beings plays a very important role in creation. Just merely passing the law does not the justify the action. The ordering of the use of drug in workplace is a system that cannot persuade moral action or regarded as bases for moral judgments, In his ‘Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals' (1785) Kant gave us three versions of the Categorical Imperatives of all the moral commands are based:1. ‘Act as if the maxim of your action was to become through your will a universal law of nature.'In Christianity this simply means that ‘You treat others if you wan t others to treat you.' (Matthew 7:12). But the question arises how it is connected to Compulsory drug testing in work place? The reason is simple, the compulsory drug testing is itself a derogatory and you are treating others in humiliating manner.â€Å"'Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but at the same time as an end.'In this context it implies that drug testing is unfair, as the innocents who has never touched drugs all through the life have to face the testing which implies the test of urine. Humans are the most important factor in deciding what is moral or ethical and their suffering is never justified as a means to any end.3. ‘So act as if you were through your maxims a law-making member of a kingdom of ends'Before making or implementing any law, the rights of others should always be kept in mind. No one should involve himself or herself in Prisoner’s Dilemma i.e. n obody should just follow the selfish interests and others should also not become a puppet and gets stuck in the web of incredulous life. The American Civil Liberties Union opposes indiscriminate urine testing (American Civil Liberties Union Briefing Paper Number 5 +â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ+ DRU)The Kant theory says that human nature was fundamentally good and can understand and inherent in their character, the moral choices. It is immoral to take drug in Work places because it can be harmful to the company, but intruding into the privacy of the individual even if he or she is innocent which according to the company is an act of morality but amount to unethical behaviorAs the man was born in this world, he is carrying along generation to generation among others the characteristic or trait of what he called as Selfishness or selfish motive. And this trait is explicitly integrated in the theory Psychological egoism, which prop ounds that every person is in a possession of but one ultimate aim: her own welfare. All the activities that he does indirectly or directly are encircled around his or her own interest. If you are doing something for your own sake that intricately involves your activity is benefiting yours and others and also must have desire to do the thing for your own sake.Desire is the most prerequisite thing for psychological egoism. If it is a desire to do certain things then the satisfaction of these desires is a part of your welfare. If I am helping others and here also your desire comes and is a part of welfare. In this case of drug testing, here the employers implies the drug testing for the welfare of others but it is his self interest or urge of profitability and maintaining morality in the work place that plays in the mind of the employers while imposing drug testing on employees. This is a law in itself but became a desire – a desire of employers.A bigger problem for psychol ogical egoism is that some behavior does not seem to be explained by self-regarding desires. Say a soldier throws himself on a grenade to prevent others from being killed. It does not seem that the soldier is pursuing his perceived self-interest. It is plausible that, if asked, the soldier would have said that he threw himself on the grenade because he wanted to save the lives of others or because it was his duty. While this law is encircled with lot of criticism, the psychological egoist implies that what employer is doing is right.Though he is pursuing his own self-interest then also it is advocated that what he is doing is good for the Society as a whole. But he might is taking away the right of job to the deserving or qualified candidate, it is also possible that though he must he taking drugs in the past but has recently put an end to it. In this situation, you are deriving his or her fundamental right to live.This psychological egoist indicates that companies should adopt the method or procedures by propagating the welfare and profit that is attached to this law, and then implemented with the self-interest of the company, explaining all the positive effects to the people.In-fact, the law states that you don't have to submit to drug testing if you don't want to. That's your right. But, the consequences might be the same if you failed to comply the drug testing, because then you will be considered guilty until you are proven innocent under the current program. Again, under municipal or state drug testing laws, an employer might have good cause to fire you, while potential employers might refuse to hire you.This drug testing may reduce drug-related problems, but it may not reduce the harm that the drugs caused in society. Indeed, this process increases the harm to those not deterred, by causing collateral harmful impacts on family members and others.Its desire impact on the Society is the decrease in employment opportunities for drug users, additionally it also creates economic problems for drug users and their families, and in turn the trauma that is caused due to unemployment again increases the chances of drug users towards more use of drugs to relieve from trauma and stress. For example, in 1990, 1.1 % of employed adults use the cocaine, whereas the rate for unemployed adults was 2.7%, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1991. Thus the removal of drug use from the work place may not reduce the number of problem users but may actually increase it.REFERANCES1.     Legal status of drug testing in the workplace,;nNodeID=16901;sLanguageISO=EN, Last change: Tuesday, 31 October 20062.     Drug Testing in the Workplace, From the ‘Lectric Law Library's stacks,   Shaver Robert, (4th Nov. 2002), â€Å"Egoism†, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Heres What I Know About Gratitude Essay Contest Samples
Here's What I Know About Gratitude Essay Contest Samples Though I didn't realize it earlier. Still, speak like you're not nervous. Be certain to include what you're sincerely grateful for and why. The quantity of energy required in devising a revenge program cannot equal the sum of satisfaction it's supposed to yield. An organization may be a charity, union, corporation, or just a neighborhood association. Cannot be utilized in conjunction with other promotional codes. State the function of the letter. New Ideas Into Gratitude Essay Contest Samples Never Before Revealed You didn't need to do so, thank you! I would remain thankful to you. I'll never forget what you've done. I truly need your support for additional endeavors. You're able to browse through a number of certificate examples and templates to produce your modern certificate. Certificates are usually made digitally before it's printed. Generally, an award certificate contains fancy wording printed on some d istinctive paper. Gratitude is a crucial value which attracts people due to its positive influence and intention. Gratitude helps us build improved relationships. In the principal body, you are going to have to show that gratitude denotes all those explanations which you mentioned at the start. Gratitude is among the many positive emotions. In the surface of demoralization, gratitude has the ability to energize. In the surface of despair, gratitude has the ability to bring hope. In the surface of brokenness, gratitude has the ability to heal. The Gratitude Essay Contest Samples Cover Up Superheroes are mystified creatures that are made by the cartoonist to widen the imagination of children and adults that are cartoon enthusiasts. Batman is a wealthy individual whose secret for a superhero isn't revealed to the general public except for his servant at home inside a massive cave. In this instance, the function of using superheroes as a sign of perseverance and bravery allow someone to become inspired with all the great deeds they can contribute so as to create a society with a productive price. If you know somebody who's fond of watching anime that are given with super powers, you'll notice they had a fantastic childhood during their younger years within this world. On the flip side, wonder woman was also created by means of a cartoonist, who would like to demonstrate the world about the importance of having a female superhero. She was created by cartoonist to help improve the perception of the society with regard to the influence of gender sensitivity. Although gratitude is something which everyone can experience, some men and women appear to truly feel grateful more often than others. Mention what it is that you're asking for or what it is you are offering. It's the best method to reach your the audience. This is an advantage that grateful folks hav eand it's a skill that anybody can learn. Gratitude is expressed through large and tiny things. Gratitude has to be regularly cultivated, even if times are hard. Gratitude is among the most underestimated ways everyone can utilize to enrich their lives. Gratitude can result in positive actions. The 5-Minute Rule for Gratitude Essay Contest Samples Reading those texts will be helpful for your knowledge of the topic. But if I will meet my own essay, I will need to just share the essay. If you have gotten an assignment to write gratitude essays, you can think about those individuals who surround you and cause you to feel good. Essays term papers dissertations and a lot more. An appreciation letter is going to be a wonderful means to say thank you. Do make sure you select the opportunity to personalize your letter, note, or email message, therefore it reflects your sincere appreciation and the reason that you are writing. You truly understand how to produce excellent times happen. Use the conventional business letter format. Participants were never told not to take into consideration the negative facets of the experience or maybe to deny or ignore the pain. Gender sensitivity is essential as it seeks to equalize the function of gender equity to the society. Despite the fact that our reactions to favors may not always be positive, scientists have found that individuals express gratitude often. The Gratitude Essay Contest Samples Game As you said during our chat, you truly can't learn all you have to know about this business in school. According to Ken Keyes Jr.'s Mosquito Principal you likely will nevertheless be bothered by one particular mosqu ito. What's more, a teacher's mission is to educate you and be certain that you learn what it is you're supposed to learn in school.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Araby Notes - 1092 Words
In James Joyces short story Araby, the male narrators coming-of-age is transposed against a tale of an innocent womans supposed falling from grace, in the eyes of the young man. The young man promises to go to a fair called Araby. The name Araby was often thought to comprise the fictional or romanticized version of Arabia or Arab world, such as in the then-popular song The Sheik of Araby. (Araby, 2005) The young man promises to bring the young woman something from the far-off and exotic fair. However, when the young man goes to the fair and sees what goes on there between English men and women in the foreign and carnival context, his pure image of the woman is broken and destroyed. This fall from grace not only parallels the†¦show more content†¦In the first portion of the story, his ideal was Mangans sister whom he saw from a distance and felt fascinated by the very sight. The author portrays his eager watching or for a slight view of her with an idealistic yearning and rom antic sensibility. Of course, he was too young to realize then what love was, but he became somehow or other a slave, to the massive power of love, and waited eagerly for a little touch or communication with her. Of course, he talked with her at long last, promised her to bring a gift from Araby and eagerly waited for the time to accomplish his promise. By the side of this yearning, there was also another longing, his deep longing to go to Araby, the fete, which was a place of romance and beauty to him. He obtained his uncles permission after fixing a date for going to Araby. This vision of Araby seemed to dazzle before him and tempt him. He waited for the day of his visit and considered all his day-to-day occupations as unnecessary interruptions towards his goal of life. Indeed, Mangans sister and Araby gleemed before the boy as the Holy Grail of the Grail legend which had prompted the chivalrous knights in the Middle Ages to undertake perilous journeys. His young and undeveloped mind was equally fascinated and like the medieval knights, he waited and waited for that which he could never possess nor relish. This story indeed records the longing, the lingering, theShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Sisters and An Encounter1210 Words  | 5 PagesEncounter, Araby is about a somewhat introverted boy fumbling toward adulthood with little in the way of guidance from family or community. The truants in An Encounter managed A young boy who is similar in age and temperament to those in â€Å"The Sisters†and â€Å"An Encounter†develops a crush on Mangan’s sister, a girl who lives across the street. One evening she asks him if he plans to go to a bazaar (a fair organized, probably by a church, to raise money for charity) called Araby. The girlRead MoreCharacter Analysis in Araby by James Joyce904 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of the Narrator in â€Å"Araby†by James Joyce While â€Å"growing up†is generally associated with age, the transition from adolescence to adulthood in particular comes with more subtlety, in the form of experience. James Joyce’s short story â€Å"Araby†describes the emotional rollercoaster of its protagonist and narrator - a young boy in love with his best friend’s sister - caused by the prospects of a potential future with his crush. The narrator of James Joyce’s â€Å"Araby†is an innocent, emotionallyRead MoreAnalysis Of James Joyce s Araby955 Words  | 4 PagesIn James Joyce’s â€Å"Araby†a nameless boy who is infatuated with the sister of his friend, Mangan reveals his vain wishes and expectations as he tries to impress her buy purchasing a romantic gift. The unbearable crush that he has, lures him on a journey to a Dublin bazaar called Araby, to purchase the gift, but encounters obstacles that later on gives him a change of heart. Instead of realizing that he d oes not need gifts to express his love for her, he gives up instead. As optimistic as he was aboutRead MoreHow Cultural Expectations Affect Both Men And Women1264 Words  | 6 Pagesstories involve a main character breaking out of his/her expected role, like Katniss or Tris from The Hunger Games and the Divergent series’ respectively, some authors take a more realistic approach. James Joyce’s unnamed narrator in his short story Araby and John Updike’s Sammy from AP are both affected by the gender roles in an unorthodox way that shows how cultural expectations affect both men and women. Both characters used the opposite sex as an escape from their current realities, but are disappointedRead MoreEssay about Obsession in Araby of James Joyces Dubliners1116 Words  | 5 PagesObsession in Araby  In James Joyce’s short story Araby, the main character is a young boy who confuses obsession with love. This boy thinks he is in love with a young girl, but all of his thoughts, ideas, and actions show that he is merely obsessed. Throughout this short story, there are many examples that show the boy’s obsession for the girl. There is also evidence that shows the boy does not really understand love or all of the feelings that go along with it. When the boy first describesRead MoreAraby: an Outline Commentary1533 Words  | 7 PagesAraby: An Outline Commentary ‘The Sisters’ and ‘An Encounter’ are about the same length. ‘Araby’ is roughly a hundred lines shorter than these. There is a progression in the three stories. The boy in ‘The Sisters’ is a passive witness, limited in his capacity to act by the weight of the adults about him. The boy of ‘An Encounter’ rebels against this oppression but his reward is the menace of a bizarre and abnormal adult. The boy in ‘Araby’ strives both to act and to realize an actual affectiveRead MoreFrankenstein and Araby Essay1469 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Frankenstein†and â€Å"Araby†is in a very passive manner. Both Mary Shelley and James Joyce urges the readers to ponder upon the then existing social status of women. The women in these works of fiction are treated as material goods and have minimal privileges with respect to the male character. In Frankenstein, Elizabeth Lavenza is depicted as an object with mi nimal rights and privileges. She is portrayed as a possession for Victor Frankenstein to protect. In the same manner, Araby explicates the characterRead MoreAlienation of Araby Essay1884 Words  | 8 PagesAlienation of Araby Although Araby is a fairly short story, author James Joyce does a remarkable job of discussing some very deep issues within it. On the surface it appears to be a story of a boys trip to the market to get a gift for the girl he has a crush on. Yet deeper down it is about a lonely boy who makes a pilgrimage to an eastern-styled bazaar in hopes that it will somehow alleviate his miserable life. James Joyces uses the boy in Araby to expose a story of isolation and lackRead More Themes of Alienation and Control in James Joyces Araby Essay examples1849 Words  | 8 Pages Alienation of â€Å"Araby†Although â€Å"Araby†is a fairly short story, author James Joyce does a remarkable job of discussing some very deep issues within it. On the surface it appears to be a story of a boys trip to the market to get a gift for the girl he has a crush on. Yet deeper down it is about a lonely boy who makes a pilgrimage to an eastern-styled bazaar in hopes that it will somehow alleviate his miserable life. James Joyce’s uses the boy in â€Å"Araby†to expose a story of isolation andRead MoreA Look At The Themes Of Home1742 Words  | 7 Pagesleave; they attempt to move forward and advance, but ultimately return against their better wishes. As it was for the narrator in Araby, who failed to get a present from an Arabian bazaar, and ultimately returned home with a newfound truth that left him bereft. Upon his leave of the bazaar, the narrator feels changed to â€Å"a creature driven and derided by vanity.†(Araby, 19) The illusion of the bazaar, and the girl he promised the gift to, collapse. He returns home feeling emptier than before, as Joyce
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