Saturday, November 30, 2019
Skill development for young workers in Australia
Skill Development is an employment program that provides monetary support to qualified people, to help them acquire the skills training they require to go into the labor market. The program also offers financial support to suitable people who require skills development to get employment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Skill development for young workers in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are many problems and challenges that arise from this issue. For instance the working conditions of young workers pose a serious problem. Lack of training, harassment and lack of relaxing hours are problems being faced by numerous young workers all over the world. In Australia, the Australian Labor Party and the Australian council of Trade Unions say that the young workers get a â€Å"raw contract.†The skill development for young workers in Australia is an issue that has caught the attention of many peop le. Shadow Minister for Employment and Training, Anthony Albanese, claims that young workers are exploited and used as cheap labor. He continues to say that the Federal Government has failed to act against employers who swindle young workers. The skills development for Australian industry and young workers is one of the most serious issues facing the nation today (Ross 2002, p. 68). The Australian Council of Trade Unions compliance to the existing Senate Inquiry into present and future skills needs highlights the fundamental role that skill development plays to the community and the economy. There are problems with the outcomes and the quality of training delivery. Training delivery is not at all times integrated with the industry needs, the skills development and the employment outcomes. Numerous young workers are disenfranchised from training and education and as a result they are experiencing marginalization in the labor-market. The needs of young workers for skills development a nd training are also not being addressed efficiently. In the year 2001, only 80% of young workers in Australia attained a Year 12 or VET qualification. The relatively low level of skill development limits the chances of many young workers in Australia for economic independence and robs industry of inestimable abilities. Australia needs to increase its skill development effort for the existing young workers. Numerous industries have low levels of skills development expenditure.The Australian Council of Trade Unions recommends that at least $350 million should to be allocated to a new workplace-based skill development fund that is more suitable for training existing young workers (Stinson 2005, p. 127).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This financial support is supposed to be applied in contracted target areas, including skill scarcities, upcoming and growth areas and organizat ions with low-rates of structured training. Often, young people report problems at their place of work including, lack of information regarding terms and conditions of employment, bullying, maltreatment and sexual harassment. Skill development for young workers in Australia is crucial because young workers should acquire new skills due to the changing workplace and also to meet the requirements for the new and growing industries (Stinson 2005, p. 57). Employers ought to be committed to establish skill development in their workforce and contribute substantially to the expenditure of structured workforce training. Skill development is valuable for young workers: they acquire the needed confidence to carry out their duties. The government has come up with strategies in addressing this issue. For example, the New Apprenticeship project is offering opportunities for young workers to obtain skills training and development because the workplace is changing and the industries are growing. T he government has also come up with laws that young workers in Australia against bullying, sexual harassment and maltreatment. The employers are required to contribute significantly to the skill development costs and establish effective skill development projects (Stinson 2005, p. 97). Young workers are experiencing marginalization in the labor-market due to lack of inadequate skills training and development. The government is establishing structured training which ought to be undertaken in line with a contracted workplace training plan. The ACTU proposes to implement a program with training representatives to encourage union members to undertake learning and training and to help young workers with learning difficulties by endorsing fundamental skills programs in the work-place. The government is also raising awareness among young workers about the benefits of structured industry training and skill development (Stinson 2005, p. 67). This is being done through promoting negation betw een young workers and employers for the execution of workplace skill development plans, including mechanisms that enable appropriate account of the recognition of existing competencies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Skill development for young workers in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The government has also established an association between employees and bodies like industry advisory bodies and registered training agencies to support structured training and skill development at the workplace and enable young workers to participate effectually within workplace appraisals and skills, to develop and negotiate skills development plans and undertake workplace evaluation. In 2011, the government of Australia came up with strategies to assist existing young workers to acquire skill development and career opportunities through acknowledgment of their existing skills and advancing their skills base (Stins on 2005, p. 45). They also ensured accessibility of quality nationally recognized skills training and qualifications for all young workers. The government has established many employment agencies to address the issue of skill development for young workers in Australia because the future of rising industries depends on it. It has ensured increased support for young workers with disabilities in traineeships and apprenticeships. It has also increased the participation of Indigenous young people in the labor-market. The greatest objective of the government is to fund the skill development programs in the country so that young workers can obtain skills training. Without adequate financial support, it is difficult to execute the structured skill training plans (Richardson 2000, p. 231). Even though the government has initiated different strategies to improve the issue concerning skill development, there are areas that require substantial attention. For example, there are problems when it comes to the quality of skills training delivery and end results. Training delivery is not responsive to industry needs, work outcomes and skills development. As a result, the industries in Australia are continuing to experience skills shortages and retention difficulties. Quality training focusing on skills development ought to commence. Training should focus on developing the skills of young workers. The government of Australia needs to increase its training effort in skill development for the current workforce. Numerous industries in the country have low levels of training expenses (Price 2011, p. 356). Only two in ten employers are presently training to address skills shortages. Skills development for young people is very imperative because it is the future for the industries and the economy of Australia. Young people should be conversant with what is going on in the existing industries because the workplace is changing. Skill development for young workers is a critical issue fa cing Australia. Many young people need to be trained so that they can take part in developing the industries and the economy of their country.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Young workers are facing discrimination and bullying in the place of work and many employers have turned into swindlers. Many young workers are not economically independent because they do not have the required training. This is as a result depriving industries of valuable skills. There ought to be vocational training and effective work-based learning. Increase in skills training effort is also needed for the existing young laborforce. Priority ought to be given to mutual planning covering industry sectors in areas of young workers hire, contracts and regular employment (Hunt 2005, p. 97). The government of Australia is dedicated to ensuring that young workers are taking part in making decisions that have an effect on their lives. The youth action plan outlines the significance of ensuring the contribution of young workers in decision making and delivering quality services (Jimenez 2006, p. 123). Skill development agencies ought to come up with ways that attracts and retains young w orkers to facilitate laborforce sustainability and ensure that the services of the government are receptive to the needs of young workers. The government has recognized young workers’ rights to contribute in the growth of skill development programs, policies and services. The government is building on young workers’ knowledge and skills, recognizing their diversity, their backgrounds and their situations. The government plan is to ensure that young workers’ skills are well-developed and they are effectually utilized in the workforce (Ross 2002, p. 45). The office of youth in Australia has worked with young workers to develop an account that focuses on training, skill development and mobility. The government agencies target on improving the situation of young workers in Australia and promoting the employment benefits in the public sector. The agencies are also identifying young workers in Australia; they give them an opportunity to develop their skills. Reference s Jimenez, E 2006, Australia reconstructed: ACTU/TDC Mission to Western Europe, Australian Govt. Pub. Service, Hobart. Hunt, I 2005, The New Industrial Relations in Australia, Federation Press, Melbourne. Price, R 2011, Young People and Work, Ashgate Publishing, Canberra. Ross, L 2002, Works Councils in Australia: Future Prospects and Possibilities, Federation Press, New Castle. Richardson, S 2000, Reshaping the Labour Market: Regulation, Efficiency and Equality in Australia, Cambridge University Press, New Castle. Stinson, R 2005, Job Prospects Australia, Yorkcross Pty Ltd, Darwin. This essay on Skill development for young workers in Australia was written and submitted by user Konnor Mclaughlin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Concept and Theories of Sociology as a Social Science
Concept and Theories of Sociology as a Social Science Definition of Sociology Sociology is a social science that studies human beings in their social setting including their descent, institutions, systems, organisations and their influence on societal development.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Concept and Theories of Sociology as a Social Science specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is concerned with understanding the structure and functioning of human society, how it changes over time and the forces that account for the changes. Sociologists thus study human beings in relation to the society and how human conduct, shapes the society and its structures and vice versa. Sociological imagination Sociological imagination is a critical field of criminology concerned with the relationship that exists between the beliefs of the society and the life as experienced in the society. It is the critical examination of issues against the contemporary views of the society. Individual s engaged in sociological imagination, find it pleasant to ask questions in order to get answers to what they observe. They do not rely entirely on what the society holds as true or false rather, they question the basis of its truthfulness or falsehood. Therefore, sociological imagination is concerned with the causes and outcomes of the interaction between various components of the society such as norms, motives and current occurrences in the society. Proponents of sociological thinking do not agree with the facts that are passed on in the society from one generation to another without testing the truth of these facts. Social and personal problems/issues Personal problems concern individuals and most often have no effect on the society as a whole. Social problems on the other hand, are issues affecting several people in a social setting. The difference between the two kinds of problems is that, a personal problem affects an individual’s living style and one is supposed to dea l with it for instance, incidences of obesity and unemployment among others. The social problem is one which cannot be avoided by the larger group since, all or most of the individuals are affected by it.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, the two forms of problems originate from the same bases most of the time. Both social and personal issues might originate from both the social setting and individual mistakes. For instance, lack of employment may be caused by lack of supportive institutions such as schools in the society or alternatively, an individual’s failure to capitalize on opportunities in the society. Some of the problems are very difficult to classify such as abortion. Structural Functionalism Theory of sociology Structural functionalism is the sociological theory which holds that the society is a system made up of very many components or parts w hich interact to foster stability. Each of these parts, has its important function that cannot be ignored since, it contributes to the successful operation of the society as a system. The major components of the societal system are; customs, traditions, norms, institutions and belief systems. These are social processes and structures which define the society by giving it form and distinctiveness.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Make your University Admissions Essay Compelling
Make your University Admissions Essay Compelling Make your University Admissions Essay Compelling A compelling university admissions essay can be the difference between acceptance and rejection. Grades are an important part of your application, but they are not the only key component. Your writing will help set you apart from other applicants with similar scores. Knowing how to write an essay will leave a good impression. Think of it as an opportunity to show admissions officers what qualities you have that would make you a good candidate for their school. You have a unique background and set of experiences; your university admissions essay is a way to share all that with prospective schools. The trick is to write a thoughtful, personal paper about a topic that matters to you. Many applicants try too hard to sound smart, or write about topics they don’t care about to look impressive. All you have to do is show yourself as thoughtful and motivated, and that will demonstrate that you have something to add to a class. Use these tips to help craft a strong essay that highlights what you have to offer: Read the instructions In all the excitement, you might forget to thoroughly heed the instructions. Follow the application directions to the letter. Failing to comply with guidelines could lead admissions officers to assume you wouldn’t follow the program’s directions. Stick to page and word count limits. The idea is to organize your thoughts according to the rules. Organize your thoughts Start by brainstorming. Take a piece of paper and jot down ideas. Do some research on different topics and ideas that you might find interesting. Then consider which ideas could combine with one another. For example, you can compare and contrast different ideas. Write a rough outline. Think about how long each paragraph should be to express your ideas clearly. Finally, create a schedule as a guide for how much time to devote to your work. Be controversial Many applicants submit bland, safe essays that don’t take a stand on anything. Discussing politics or religion can be a valid approach! Remember to stay balanced and thoughtful, regardless of your opinion. Present your views on the subject, but be fair and logical. Give reasons to support your position. â€Å"Avoid speechifying.†Higher education is the place for discussion of ideas. Your essay is a tool to present your ideas to an interested panel. Some people look for diversity of ideas, so consider sharing some of yours. Avoid using cliches Looking at other essays as research is generally an excellent idea. However, be wary of other writers’ influence. Precise word choices and unique phrases will help your paper stand out from the crowd. Review your work and delete any â€Å"old hat†statements. Give admissions something that’s all yours and make them take notice. Be careful with humour Jokes can be an excellent way to get yourself noticedbut use this technique carefully. Your idea of â€Å"funny†may differ from that of an admissions’ officer. Avoid one-liners, limericks, and off-colour humour. They may be perceived as unprofessional. Show, don’t tell Avoid simply stating facts and ideas. Admissions officers are more concerned with your perspective on events than with the events themselves. Include specific details and examples. For example, don’t merely mention extracurricular activities. Describe how they made you feel, and what you learned from participating in them. The officers don’t know you personally. Use your words to paint a picture of who you are and what you can contribute to the college or university. Know your vocabulary The words you use demonstrate your mastery of writing, and how well you can make an argument. A university-level essay should display a similar level of vocabulary. Make certain you are using words correctly. Synonyms can have different shades of meaning; the wrong one could sully your message. Find examples of how words are used before using them. Use plain language most of the time. Overusing big words can make your writing seem pretentious. Think of advanced words as a spice, and your ideas as the main dish. Write distinct essays Every university has a distinct culture. An admission essay is a statement that you are a good fit for that particular school. If you’re applying for more than one place, write a distinct essay for each. Some of your points may not apply to every university. Research and learn about their individual cultures, values, and awards. Tailor your work to make it relevant to each unique mission and values. Be concise Applying to university is much like applying for a job. You are given only so much space to show why you deserve a spot. Meet their specifications, but be brief. Admissions officers have to read several essays each day. You have a few hundred words to grab their attention. Be precise, organize your thoughts, and show that you’re respectful of others’ time. Edit The job isn’t done when you have finished writing. Proofreading and editing your essay is an essential step, and can play a major role in separating your work from the crowd. Check the word count and make sure it complies with requirements. Read each sentence to ensure that your thoughts are expressed clearly. Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. A thorough read-through will help spot errors, and result in a better submission. Seek a second opinion Before submitting the essay, ask for advice from someone qualified. Sometimes others can spot mistakes a writer might miss. If you can, ask someone with expertise in the admissions process. Ask a teacher you trust to give feedback. Ask only a few select people for help; too much feedback can affect the quality of your writing. Remember, the essay should present your thoughts the way you want them heard. One of the most important things you can do is to start writing early. Give yourself plenty of time to write and finish well ahead of the deadline. Use extra time to fine-tune the essay and make it the best it can be. In case of any setbacks, you have time to edit and rewrite your work. Good writing skills can help in any facet of life, and they are essential for success at university. A good admissions essay is only the first step. Once you are in school, you’ll need those skills to write quality research papers and other projects. Sometimes, a university workload can be difficult to handle. In that case, give a call for help with writing papers and presentations. specializes in quality academic writing. For quality research, an organized layout, and logical reasoning, get our writing team on your side.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Shawshank Redemption Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Shawshank Redemption - Movie Review Example In the movie it was shown that a white person is jailed and he meets a group of other prisoners, having mixed ethnicity. He develops a kind of intimacy with the group. This is kind of unusual in real life, considering the time depicted in the movie. As at that time there was a great deal of racism and mostly people preferred having friendship with people of the same color. But the movie continuously follows the theme of a bond of friendship between a white and an African-American prisoner. This theme has been the basis and the beauty of the movie. Even though it would have been unlikely in real life scenario, but it was opted for creating a temptation among the viewers (Bossik). The primary allegory in Shawshank Redemption is the myth shown in the prison assortment it. In the film there is shown an airborne gunshot of the jail yard. The thing odd about this shot is it’s depictured of non-segregated racial diversity. Prisoners framed in the scene are depicted like a disperse plot with no association. Apart from that, the education level and social class is also been highlighted in Shawshank Redemption which somewhat contradicts with the reality. Andy is shown as a man who is well educated and belongs to an upper social class. Not only does this raise questions on the educated society but also, this kind of a scenario is not seen much amongst the people in real life. The prisoners of those times in real life were not very interactive with each other and especially with those which did not belonged to them. For example a white man would always be found with a white man. But the movie eliminated the concept of racism which at that time was considered to be a serious issue. The movie depicts many things which are not only to be taken as fantasy, but also were very opposite of what actually happened during that time. The
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Philosophy - Essay Example The above explanation is the reason why it is possible for a person to know for certain that what he is doing is morally correct. This is true if we view morality through the criteria required by reason and not from the point of view of religion or culture. Reason and conscience are universal concepts and they allow people to clearly understand and feel that there are some acts that are inherently good regardless of the perspective one is coming from. For instance, harming another person or killing him without any valid or justifiable reason is immoral. No one can dispute that, the case is as clear to any human being capable of thinking. It does not take a complicated analysis to know whether one has committed goodness or a moral act. If one helped a person in need, who in his right mind would suggest the possibility that it could be immoral? This is especially true as the person helping knows his motivations and intents. Morality maybe a concept and some may argue that it could be d ifficult to quantify or exactly prove. However, it is real as much as happiness is or love, anger and grief. One cannot hold them and say, there is nothing here so it may be it is true to you but not for me or I cannot see it, therefore, it might not exist. These concepts, though intangible, exist as truths in themselves and nobody can dispute them.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Rip Van Winkle as Interesting Character Essay Example for Free
Rip Van Winkle as Interesting Character Essay Discuss how the author makes Rip Van Winkle an interesting character? In â€Å"the story of Rip Van Winkle†written by Washington Irving is about a men named Rip Van Winkle, who is depicted as an interesting man. Rip Van Winkle was known as escaping from the reality and also a happy-go-lucky man. Rip Van Winkle, who lives under his wife’s controlling is a henpecked husband. He is always criticized by his wife for being lazy and for not doing housework, and for not caring about his family at home, in fact, he does but not for his family though. Rip Van Winkle will always be ready to attend to do anybody’s housework but his own; but as to doing family duty, and keeping his own farm in order, he found it’s impossible. He works for other people’s wives and entertains their children, which has gained him universal popularity. In this point, it appears that Rip Van Winkle has a split personality. One day, Rip goes outside of the house with his dog to avoid his wife’s blames. On the way back home, Rip happens to meet a stranger and follows him. There, he drank some miracle wine and slept. He had remained asleep for twenty years. As a result of his 20 year nap, he misses watching his children grow up, his wife dies, and the village changes. He also sleeps through the entire American Revolution. However, the story also suggests that laziness has been rewarded. His wife, who was very critical of his lack of initiative, when he wakes up, is dead, and, therefore, he is freed from her nagging and her constant criticism. He no longer has to run and hide in the woods to find peace in his life. His life, after he wakes up, is better than it was before he fell asleep. When Rip Van Winkle came back to the village and told the villagers his story, everyone believed him, and quickly accepted him. He did not needed to change himself to fit in the society, but still being the same. In fact, he was still very popular in the village after the war. Rip Van Winkle is really a happy-go-lucky man, with weird charisma which makes him always so popular, no matter in the village â€Å"before the war†or after the Independence war in the village. In my point of view Rip Van Winkle is a man with unbelievable luck. During his sleep, he got away from the war and his mean, nagging wife, and when he came back to the village after the sleep his daughter takes care of him immediately, whereas Rip Van Winkle did not take care of his daughter when she was a child. Therefore Rip Van Winkle is knows as happy-go-lucky. In â€Å"the story of Rip Van Winkle†through the actions and words from Rip Van Winkle he shows that he is a character with unbelievable luck, his split personality and his laziness had made him an interesting character.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Young Goodman Brown Essay -- essays research papers
â€Å"Evil is the nature of mankind.†(Nathaniel Hawthorne). The story of â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†depicts what Hawthorne believes the nature of mankind is, which is evil. Goodman is a man of attempted good who comes face to face with the supposed inherent evil of humanity. He cannot realize, through any normal means, whether or not this awareness is something of his tormented mind, or based on something he stumbled upon while deep within dreary, haunted forests. Faith who seems to be good appears not to be after Goodman sees her in the forest. Faith is Goodman’s wife. She was also young and she was beautiful. She had a lot of faith in God and her religion. In the beginning she didn't want Goodman to leave, but because she had faith in him she agreed. She seemed to be worshiping the devil and has...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Educational Policies and Practices Essay
â€Å"Change is a process, not an event. It can be planned or unplanned and can be influenced by forces inside and outside of the schoolhouse. †(http://wps. prenhall. com/chet_green_practicing_2/23/6137/1571248. cw/index. html). Current education reform has stressed the urgency of teacher learning in improving classroom education and expanding student success. Current education reform in the United States has increasingly described standard levels of mastery for learners and focused on holding schools responsible for student outcomes. As one approach for increasing student attainment, officials have zoned in on improving the quality of public school educators (Parise & Spillane, 2010). Certain policy plans concentrate on the dimension involved in refining the quality of educators coming into the area of teaching through state accreditation exams, more rigorous degree requirements, and recruitment efforts. In addition to the aforementioned, increased responsibility and stress on schools involve learning and modification for many of the educators already working within this capacity, as they are pushed to apply new instructional methods and advances in order to promote and foster student achievement (Parise & Spillane, 2010). Assessing the Condition: Loris High School Trevor Strawderman, principal of Loris High School, Horry County, South Carolina, reorganized educational structure to benefit the school. In 2005, Loris High School ranked in the bottom percentile among high schools, scholastically, in the state of South Carolina. Principal Strawderman knew that issues in the area of literacy plagued the school’s academic performance. Assessment statistics revealed that 74 percent of the 9th and 10th graders of the school were reading below grade level. As a result of this issue, dropout and class failings soared to extremely high figures (http://www. nassp. org/Content. aspx? topic=59746). Strawderman, the newly appointed principal at the time, and other leaders of the school were aware of this issue, but did not realize the severity until results were revealed from student assessments. It was determined that the majority of the 9th and 10th graders at the time were reading way below grade level. After examining the textbooks utilized in the school, it was discovered that the 9th and 10th grade level books were written for 10th/ 11th grade reading comprehension. Upon the discovery of the low reading skills, Strawderman met with faculty to inform them that changes were necessary to improve reading skills of the students. Data collected about the student reading assessments was Mr. Strawderman’s proof as he provided information for this needed change (http://www. assp. org/Content. aspx? topic=59746). Implementing Necessary Change The school’s leadership team began to read and study about ways to improve on reading. Through the study it was discovered that providing more reading would be the best solution. The leadership team identified a process that could be utilized to achieve the vision. Through the vision of Strawderman and the leadership team, a ho meroom reading initiative was put in place immediately. Two days for 50 minutes a week have been designated for this activity. Students were grouped by grade level and lexile level. Strawderman and his team stressed the importance of steering away negative connotations with this activity, and felt that grouping by lexile level was pertinent (http://www. nassp. org/Content. aspx? topic=59746). Challenges and Rewards As with change, Mr. Strawderman faced defiance by some faculty members. Comments like, â€Å"Some students are going to think this is stupid and childish,†were used to discourage this new activity. As the process began, aproximately $70,000 was spent on high interest inventory reading. Strawderman and his committee did all of the work, not putting the strain on the teachers with implementing this program. This process was made easy as possible for the teachers. After the program began, it was discovered that the students loved the program. The majority of the at-risk students enjoyed it the most. What was also discovered, is that every student may act is if they do not like to read, but they all want to know how to read (http://www. nassp. org/Content. aspx? topic=59746). Within this program celebrations were rendered and awards are given as incentives. This program provided an additional 33 hours of reading in the school for the year and has provided a positive outlook for the school’s reading deficit. Since Strawderman became principal, the school has made noteworthy and substantial cultural and meaningful changes that have led to effective progress for each student. Strawderman understood that the necessary changes implemented could not done by him solely. Along with making improvements for students, Strawderman also realized the importance in providing leadership and support for his staff members. â€Å"He envisioned a school of professional learning communities in which teachers worked together ‘to choose every day to make a difference in the lives of our students’ (http://www. assp. org/Content. aspx? topic=59746). First Order or Second Order Change? First and second order change are natural occurrences involved within settings of change. It has been reported that uninterrupted, first order change happens without interference to the system in place. Within this particular order of change the leader is involved in pushing for improvement within the productivity an d value of a school or program without making major alterations to what has been established among teachers and students. In addition, this conflict often faces less confusion and divergence (Green, 2013). Second order change, on the other hand, faces uneasy transitions because of change and interruption to the system in place. In this particular order of change the existing order is taken in another direction for the good of the school or program. Furthermore there are new objectives, as well as changes in structure and programs in which individuals are asked to function differently within their role (Green, 2013). Becoming principal of Loris High School, opened doors of opportunity for Trevor Strawderman to make necessary changes for the betterment of the school. Strawderman initially took some matters in his hand to push for this change by presenting data figures to faculty as proof of the situation in need. As a result of this new change every teacher was given a task to apply â€Å"student lexile levels from the Measures of Academic Progress -Reading (MAP-R) computerized assessments to gauge students’ mastery of basic reading skills†(http://www. nassp. org/Content. aspx? topic=59746). Because implementing these changes required disruption to the already established program curriculum, Strawderman and his team faced some defiance. This situation is reflective of the second-order change. The Good and the Bad Although the reading program at Loris High School has brought forth much success, negativity surfaced at the beginning stages of implementing this program. Mildly disgruntled teachers gave notion of their dislike of changing their already established curriculum without consulting them fully. Before allowing the situation to escalate with these faculty members, Mr. Strawderman could have met with the teachers to answer questions and to address concerns about the immediate change once he brought it forward. (http://www. nassp. org/Content. aspx? topic=59746). Working collaboratively with faculty could have also presented a variety of innovative ideas. Michael Fullan’s reports on research indicates that institutionalization of modification and change is extremely challenging. Moreover, additional reports reveal that school improvements that are substantial and long-term rarely can be set, authorized or guided by organizations or individuals (Fullan, 1993). When change occurs in a school setting the following attitudes may arise: â€Å"teachers may feel a sense of in adequacy or lack of preparation, or they may fear the unknown or perceive a loss of power or control†(Green, 2013). Conclusion Through this assignment an abundance of useful information was grasped regarding leadership and instructional change. Due to the changes in time, it is pertinent for all leaders to foster the ideas of bringing forth instructional change in a school setting. The way children are educated must change because children, the world, and economics are changing daily. At times change is considered taboo and frightening. However, when handled effectively and efficiently, it may be the cure to an ailing situation. There is much confidence among the reorganizers of school and researchers in the field of education that enhancing the learning opportunities of practicing teachers will boost and develop teacher performance and progress to developmentally improved student outcomes (Parise & Spillane, 2010).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
HR information system Essay
Human resource Management is a fundamental part of an organization. The use of technology for the advancement of human resource management has risen extensively from the last decade. In today’s organizations technology greatly influences the managerial processes and techniques in the human resources department. Information Technology has proven itself useful in every area of human life. It is become essential for organizations around the world to use advanced technology in departments of development, maintenance recruitment and various others. The large range of applications provided by IT have become indispensable for any operation and have proven themselves a quality improving and time saving necessity for the organizations desiring development and success. In the human resources management, technology is not only responsible for bringing positive changes but it has also brought a number of issues and challenges for organizations. The most major challenge that a company faces in the process of adopting and implementing these technologies is the restructuring of the HR modules. It is important for the effective functioning of the technologies to be aligned with the HR functions. The creation of a correct management atmosphere is important for the existence of successful and authentic organizations. The research encompasses the challenges and issues that come in the path of organizations while implying IT techniques on HR functions. Research Question How does the implementation of IT effect the human resource management and what advantages or disadvantages an organization faces when applying programs such as SAP? Aim The aim of this research is to determine the use of information systems in order to integrate Information Technology in Human Resource functions and also to outline the role of software programs namely SAP in human resource management and how it is effective in accomplishing this merger between technology and various Human Resource areas. Objectives to Achieve the Aim 1. To outline the importance of introducing Information Technology in Human Resources. 2. To discuss how Information Technology affects the progress of human resource management. 3. To describe the role that SAP plays in implementing technology in human Resources. 4. To explain the processes by which SAP software influences the Human Resource functions of an organization. 5. To determine what are the aspects which ensure the success of the implementation of Information Technology techniques in Human Resource Management. 6. To review the benefits and drawbacks that comes with the introduction of information systems in human resources. 7. To determine the functions of Information Technology within an organization. 8. To identify the nature of challenges and problems that can come in consequence of applying Information Technology techniques across Human resource functions. 9. To study how by the help of several techniques and methods Human Resources can evade these issues and challenges . 10. To summarize how effective is a merger between human resource and information technology to an organization’s development. Background of Research The research is based on the fact that how much advanced technology has become an important part of the business world in modern times. It is not possible for organizations to function properly in any department without the assistance of Information Technology and the tools it provides. Manual methods of management processes and transactions in firms are fast dying and being replaced by faster and surer methods of achieving various tasks that are required to be done. The old techniques cannot compete in today’s fast paced world and every institute should be ready to make the reforms and accept the changes that are brought upon their implementations. They need to hire employees who are efficient in technological operations or familiar with the advanced equipment and take assistance from IT related training courses like SAP to make their employees aware of the advancements made in the processes of managing every aspect in a company and making them proficient in bringing those methods in their practice to improve the company’s standards and boost its growth. Organizations which do not take advantage from this wave of technology and do not learn to balance on it are sure to be submerged in the growing rate of the use of technology. The Human Resource department has also not lagged behind in this technological advancement marathon. Most organizations have been using one form or other of Human Resource information system over the last decade. In a research conducted in 2002 it has been found that seventy percent of the organizations in Europe use Internet or Intranet to provide Human Resource services to employees. Surveys done in the United Kingdom alone in 2005 by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development revealed that seventy seven percent of companies use HRIS. In a similar research done by Cranfield School of Management in 2003 it found out an even higher number of companies, at eighty two percent, that use HRIS. A human resource information system is able to give various performances ranging from the simple storage of data and communication of information to the entangled process of transactions. With the advancement of technology the functions provided by HRIS have increased and enhanced. HRIS is designed and improved to be beneficial to the functions of Human Resources, line managers, and the entire organization on the whole. If an overall study is done without bias the use of Information Technology has more advantages than problems. It has brought speed, accuracy, efficiency and fewer chances of downfalls in company processes and most importantly has brought a decrease in HR costs. It has also made possible to make Human Resource information available to managers and employees, enabling them to perform uncomplicated human Resource tasks themselves. The implementation of HRIS in order to cut down the cost rates of a company to lessen the burden of transaction and administration on Human Resource functions can lead to a modification in the constitution of HR and allow the function to also play an strategic part in the company. There can be various reasons due to which a company introduces HRIS to influence its functions such as the need to bring improvement to company processes or reduce cost to bring developments in communication and the growth of customer services. Rationale of the research This research has been done to outline in detail to show how the advancement of technology has affected Human Resources. It has raised standards of recruitment, training, data storage and retrieval and performance management. Before the HR recruiting teams had to rely on the print material, namely newspapers, to post ads about jobs get applicants for positions that need to be filled. More methods like networking were also used but that prevented the human resource recruiters to post jobs on a number of locations and also there was no method to make the ads visible to millions of people. Technology has made the method of recruitment more effectual and makes a much greater impact on HR than the old techniques. Training methods have also improved due to technology. In the past years there was were no ways to come in contact of company information and training programs from far way locations. The training of HR workers in virtual classrooms enables trainers to train larger numbers of people than before. Data storage and retrieval has also had a positive effect by the technological advances. The virtual files are more easily accessible and flexible in matters of changing data according to the wish of the HR professionals. It has become easy to monitor the performance of employees and also to receive feedback from the employees for the progress of the organization. Literature Review Emma Parry (2010) determines in the Benefits of technology in Human Resources Management that the use of technology has grown considerably in the last few years in the Human Resource department. She enhances how the capabilities and performances in the Human resource have gown because of the introduction of HRIM. It leads to take Human resource management to a whole new level. It allows it to emerge with a strategic role after the implementation of HRIM. Johnson and Gueuta (2011) states in Transforming HR through Technology that human resources is becoming a more technology based pr0ofession over the years. In most companies people think of Human Resources department more as a portal than a person. According to the recent researches it has been determined that companies who properly use the technologies provided by Human Resources are far successful and advanced than the ones who don’t. Julie Bulmash (2012) describes Human Resource technology has advanced over the past decade and discusses the importance of technology on the role of human Resource professionals. And how do they make the function of Human Resources much more efficient, smooth and speedy. Methodology: Methodology refers to the methods of collecting data that have been used in the research. Here it will be briefly explained what kind of data collecting methods have been applied and the reason behind choosing that type of method. This research will be using the qualitative research methods for the collection of data. Data collection Methods To employ the qualitative research approach the questionnaire method of data collection has been chosen. A questionnaire has been created in that method in order to collect data by providing the employee with a questionnaire and heshe are asked to answer the questions given. The questions can be multiple choices or open ended questions. They decide how exactly the analysis of job can be done. This approach is quite effective because people would carefully to put anything in writing without thinking. A questionnaire was given to the employees to determine their opinions on various topics such as Information Technology, hospitality, finance, manufacturing, retail, and defense. The feedback gave a clear view on which areas need to be worked on. Based upon it and a theoretical comprehension of the field of Human resources it became easier to point out the problems that should be discussed on the research and which haven’t been brought to light before. Qualitative research This method of research is a primary source of research. It is exploratory and is used in order to achieve comprehension of fundamental reasons, motivations and opinions. It gives insight to assess the nature of the problem or assist in building of ideas or hypothesis for the secondary research process or quantitative research method. Qualitative research is used also for uncovering of inclinations people’s thoughts or opinions and ponder harder to get to the root of a problem by that. The methods for qualitative data collecting vary according to the form of techniques used. Whether they are structured or non structured. Conceptual Framework Human resources technology has evolved from the use of paper work and pencil to computers electronic databases and human resource information systems. Internet based technology has played an important role in enabling HR to decrease transactional activities and focus more on playing a strategic role in organizations. The main areas that HRIS system works on are recruitment, employee administration, pension administration, health and safety, data collecting, saving and organizing, compensation and benefits administration, management of the company, employment equity and payroll interface. The functions of HRIS are to create and organize records of employees, reporting of work performances, Hr planning and forecasting, and management of talent, strategic alignment and development of decision power. The role of HR workers has also changed considerably according to advancement of technology. The acquire proficiency now in Human resource technology and its delivery, personal credibility, and vast business knowledge. Current technology will continue to bring advancements in HR performances and will continue to focus on the value that HR brings to an organization. Conclusion The human resource sector has made numerous advances due to technology in the past era and will continue to do so with the changes that are brought by the constant upheaval in the IT world of making things more effective and fast than before. HRIS has made various areas of HR extremely accessible and successful in accordance to the fast paced world of today. The methods of recruiting employees, managerial organization, data storage, training of professionals and more areas have undergone major changes due to the integration of Information Technology in the world of Human Resources. If these changes haven’t been employed and training programs hadn’t been designed to create technological awareness and familiarity it would’ve been a big setback to organizations. It has risen the standards of professionals working in human resources and the organizations have been able to get productivity, creativity, innovation and progress in finances on a whole new level. HR technology is still going through this evolution of technology as they must use newer and refined methods of generating an organization’s human capital. Human resources would need to continue adopting the latest technological trends in order to keep up with advancements and provide more efficient functions. It will need to use technology to redefine their areas in which they work to derive more productivity. The increment in the usage of portals and intranets and other virtual tools will bring a more great impact on Human resource performance in the near future. Bibliography Storey, J. (Ed.). (2007). Human resource management: A critical text. Cengage Learning EMEA. Ulrich, D. (2013). Human resource champions: The next agenda for adding value and delivering results. Harvard Business Press. Bohlander, G., & Snell, S. (2006). Managing human resources. Cengage Learning. Lawler, E. E., & Mohrman, S. A. (2003). HR as a strategic partner: what does it take to make it happen?. Human Resource Planning, 26(3), 15-29. Varian, H. R., & Farrell, J. V. (2004). The economics of information technology: An introduction. Cambridge University Press. Goo, J., Kishore, R., Rao, H. R., & Nam, K. (2009). The Role of Service Level Agreements in Relational Management of Information Technology Outsourcing: An Empirical Study. Mis Quarterly, 33(1).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A literary analysis of tea in Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits
A literary analysis of tea in Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits Free Online Research Papers The serving and the drinking of tea is part of the warp and woof of Middle and Far Eastern culture. Laila Lalami has taken pains to express the nuances that surround this Moroccan cultural feature. Tea is present at turning points in the plot or the thoughts of a character. It acts as a flag for the motif of unanswered questions and lack of resolution. Lalami’s emphasis of the social and emotional connection between the characters and tea is clearly revealed. The role it plays shifts between what I will term, the anesthetic, the apathetic and the amalgamator. Written by Kazuko Okakura, The Book of Tea gives the history and the philosophy of tea drinking in the Far East. Of the history he writes, â€Å"Tea began as a medicine and grew into a beverage. In China, in the eighth century, it entered the realm of poetry as one of the polite amusements.†(Okakura 1) He further states that out of the amusement grew a cultish adoration of tea. In chapter two of his book, he states that a person or a culture can be known by the little things that they do and enjoy, and that the vintages of tea and the methods of preparation reveal even more. It is upon this point that Lalami also focuses her attention. Laila Lalami has recognized that tea is used for more than quenching one’s thirst. She is aware of the cultural dynamic, the environments in which tea is consumed change as often as the characters. The anesthetic is first introduced in Larbi’s office environment (Lalami 20). Its use here suggests a daily habit that alludes to his personality, but more keenly points to his state of mind at the time. Larbi takes this drink before delving into his daily tasks. Lalami writes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ but for now he took his time reading the paper and sipping his tea†Choosing to momentarily partake of a Moroccan tradition in favor of zealously attacking his work can be viewed as a character trait. Tea helps us see that Larbi’s love for Morocco tends to shift, due to some personal desire to escape if not personally then vicariously. Lalami links Salma and the apathetic, she writes ,â€Å"Salma, for whom watching football was only slightly more exciting than waiting for a pot of tea to brew went to take a nap†(Lalami 25). This makes the reader aware of an adiaphoric bent in Salma. This will reveal itself further as Larbi and Salma attempt to deal with their daughter. Salma remains fairly aloof, primarily speaking at emotionally charged moments. The amalgamator is rebuffed by Larbi, when following a heated debate, he leaves the dinner table. â€Å"He didn’t say anything for the rest of the meal, rudely getting up from the table before tea was served†(Lalami 44). Here Lalami acquaints us with the idea that rejecting tea after dinner in Morocco is a cultural taboo. It is obvious that Larbi’s presence would have been both the polite and the traditional thing to do. Since Larbi dislikes Faten however, he could not bring himself to remain at the table especially when some of her rhetoric touched his conscience. Halima’s story begins with her leaving for her mother’s home to imbibe the anesthetic. â€Å"Fatiha made a pot of mint tea and served it††¦ (Lalami 53) In desperate need to find comfort, Halima goes to a place that she deems safe. Immediately, her mother acts as one might expect from a woman that has unquestioningly embraced all that Moroccan life tends to offer women. Her mother’s second statement isn’t made until after she lights the tea kettle! After taking her mother’s advice things temporarily get better for Halima. The amalgamator appears at ebb of the recurring flow of abuse. Lalami writes â€Å"After the children had gone back to school, Maati and Halima settled down for tea†(Lalami 61). Tea is never given his chance however, because abuse follows Halima’s questions about her husband loss of his job. Tea in Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits follows the vicissitudes of life in Morocco. The Moroccan characters in book overlook its centrality as they overlook their roles in their varying story outcomes. Lalami, like the famed mint tea, draws the reader into a world that is rich with turmoil and fragrant with hope. Research Papers on A literary analysis of tea in Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoQuebec and CanadaThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Spring and AutumnAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeThree Concepts of PsychodynamicInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Practice in Correcting Errors in Parallel Structure
Practice in Correcting Errors in Parallel Structure When two or more parts of a sentence are parallel in meaning (such as items in a series or words linked by correlative conjunctions), you should coordinate those parts by making them parallel in form. Otherwise, your readers may be confused by the faulty parallelism. Editing Exercise Rewrite each of the following sentences, correcting any errors in parallelism. Answers will vary, but youll find sample responses below. We must either raise revenues or it will be necessary to reduce expenses.Stoics deny the importance of such things as wealth, good looks, and having a good reputation.In his farewell address to the army, the general praised his soldiers for their unsurpassed courage and gave thanks because of their devotion.The crowd that had gathered outside the court was loud and they were angry.The police have a duty to serve the community, safeguard lives and property, protect the innocent against deception, and they must respect the constitutional rights of all.Sir Humphry Davy, the celebrated English chemist, was an excellent literary critic as well as being a great scientist.The Johnsons were cheerful and knowledgeable traveling companions and behaved generously.The delegates spent the day arguing with one another rather than work together to find common solutions.My sisters promotion means that she will be moving to another state and take the children with her.A company is not only responsibl e to its shareholders but also customers and employees as well. Examples of aerobic exercises are distance running, swimming, cycling, and long walks.Consuming too much of a fat-soluble vitamin can be as harmful as not to consume enough.The gyrocompass not only points to true north at all times, it is unaffected by external magnetic fields.Everything that could make a sound either was removed or taped down.If you hire a contractor to make home improvements, follow these recommendations:Find out if the contractor belongs to a trade association.Obtain estimates in writing.The contractor should provide references.The contractor must be insured.Avoid contractors who ask for cash to dodge paying taxes.The new instructor was both enthusiastic and she was demanding.Annies dress was old, faded, and it had wrinkles.By the time she was two, the child was not only active but also she was well coordinated.It is a truism that to give is more rewarding than getting.A battery powered by aluminum is simple to design, clean to run, and it is inexpensive to produc e. Sample Responses We must either raise revenues or reduce expenses.Stoics deny the importance of such things as wealth, good looks, and a good reputation.In his farewell address to the army, the general praised his soldiers for their unsurpassed courage and thanked them for their devotion.The crowd that had gathered outside the court was loud and angry.The police have a duty to serve the community, safeguard lives and property, protect the innocent against deception, and respect the constitutional rights of all.Sir Humphry Davy, the celebrated English chemist, was an excellent literary critic as well as a great scientist.The Johnsons were cheerful, knowledgeable, and generous traveling companions.The delegates spent the day arguing with one another rather than working together to find common solutions.My sisters promotion means that she will be moving to another state and taking the children with her.A company is responsible not only to its shareholders but also to its customers and employees.Examples of aerobic exercises are distance running, swimming, cycling, and walking. Consuming too much of a fat-soluble vitamin can be as harmful as not consuming enough.The gyrocompass not only points to true north at all times but is unaffected by external magnetic fields.Everything that could make a sound was either removed or taped down.If you hire a contractor to make home improvements, follow these recommendations:Find out if the contractor belongs to a trade association.Obtain estimates in writing.Ask for references.Make sure that the contractor is insured.Avoid contractors who ask for cash to dodge paying taxes.The new instructor was both enthusiastic and demanding.Annies dress was old, faded, and wrinkled.By the time she was two, the child was not only active but also well coordinated.It is a truism that to give is more rewarding than to get.A battery powered by aluminum is simple to design, clean to run, and inexpensive to produce.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Is violence heriditary or genetic Research Paper
Is violence heriditary or genetic - Research Paper Example Appendix †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15. Problem statement There is a high likelihood that childhood aggression and antisocial behavior in adolescent stages of development have less relationship with the genetics of the parents than it can be a hereditary characteristic. Purpose of study The research investigates the correlation that exists between childhood aggression and the prevalence of antisocial behavior during the adolescence stage. The study’s core purpose was to prove whether aggression (including childhood aggression and adolescent antisocial behavior) is hereditary or emanates from genetics of the child’s parents. Identification of framework This study is helpful in explaining the relationship between aggression, including childhood aggression and antisocial behavior among adolescents, and the parents’ genetic makeup. It also helps to prove if violence, childhood aggression and antisocial among adolescents, is hereditary. Information of designed The research determines the extent to which violence (dependent variables), in the form of childhood aggression and antisocial behavior among adolescents, depends on genetic traits of parents (independent variable). Is violence hereditary or genetic? Abstract There are exceptional advantages of undertaking research in every field of knowledge. Nursing is a fundamental field in everyday lives, a need that underscores the necessity of undertaking research to boost the provision of nursing services. Possible research topics in the field of include the exploration of the principalities behind the prevalence of violence in the society. The question as to whether violence is hereditary or genetic forms a viable area of research in nursing. Childhood violence and subsequent observations as antisocial behavior among adolescents is on as escalating trend, in the society. A number of literatures are available on this field of nursing, as discussed in this research. This study investigates the source of violence, whether hereditary or related to the genetics of the parents. There are various depictions of violence as childhood aggression and antisocial behavior among adolescents. According to the research, violence is a hereditary trait. Introduction A theory refers to an abstract of a possible description of the functionalities of a principle stated in a logical way. Studies conducted to validate such abstract explanations refer to a research. Research, in the field of nursing, explores a number of areas. It is useful in exploring principles regarding the state of children, as well. Nursing involves the provision of comprehensive care to individuals. The care extends to that provided to members of the community and entails a vital role in nursing. Children face a number of risks and their protection forms a noble role in the field of nursing. Inhumane treatments are among the different challenges children face in the society. In as much as children continue to face a number of challenges, childhood aggression and a consequential prevalence of antisocial behavior in adolescents, is on an escalating trend in society, a factor that draws concern from a number of researchers, in the field of nursing. Studies show factors that link childhood aggression to antisocial conducts upon attaining adolescence stage. The research investigates the correlation that exists between childhood aggression and the prevalence of antisocial behavior during the adolescence stage
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