Thursday, October 31, 2019
Technical definition and description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Technical definition and description - Essay Example According to a brief definition suggested by Chen, Hassan, and Yu; â€Å"a fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts chemical energy from a fuel into electrical energy†(58). A fuel cell generates electricity through chemical reactions between a fuel and an oxidant in the presence of an electrolyte. A notable feature of the fuel cell is that it can operate continuously as long as proper reactant and oxidant flows are maintained. Fuel cells generate nonpolluting power, and they perform outstandingly in terms of efficiency. Since fuel cell have no moving parts, they product little noise. Fuel cells have been serving the energy needs of spacecrafts since 1960s on the strength of its ability to operate uninterruptedly. In spite of the recent advancements in the technology, fuel cells are still increasingly used in power generating plants and exhaust-free automobiles. The major difference between a batter and a fuel cell is that the former has a fixed supply of energy whereas the latter can generate energy continuously as long as the fuel is supplied. Like a battery, a fuel cell is made up of a large number of individual cells that are collectively called a fuel cell stack. All these individual cells are comprised of an anode, a cathode, and an electrolyte. In a fuel cell, anode is generally made of platinum because it can better catalyze the reaction ionizing the gas. When a hydrogen-rich fuel like renewable biogas or clean natural gas is supplied to the fuel cell stack, ‘it reacts with oxygen electrochemically to produce electric power, heat, and water’ (How do fuel cells work). Although different types of fuel cells operate a bit differently, basically they all work based on the same process. In a fuel cell, hydrogen atoms enter the anode where their electrons are stripped off through a chemical reaction. Thus, the hydrogen atoms become ionized, and resultantly they carry a positive charge. At the same time, the negatively
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Equity and Trusts (England and Wales) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Equity and Trusts (England and Wales) - Essay Example d her children in equal shares. Thus there can be no doubt that Sir Clarence intended to create a trust out of the transfer of the property/gifts to Tilda. In order to give effect to Sir Clarence’s intention to create a trust, certainty of subject and object must be satisfactorily established.4 In this regard, certainty of subject matter is sufficiently established if the property transferred or to be transferred to the trust can be identified and administratively workable.5 The sum of money transferred to Tilda to administer is specific and certainly capable of division and is thus identifiable and readily administrable. Since the seaside property was transferred to Tilda, the seaside cottage is likewise identifiable and administrable. Certainty of objects is established if the words used to describe the beneficiaries are sufficient for the courts or the trustees to identify and administer the trust among specific beneficiaries or a class of beneficiaries.6 In a discretionary trusts, the trustees need only be able to identify by virtue of an in or out test, who the beneficiaries are. However with a fixed trust, as this particular trust appears to be, the trustees must be in a position to draw up a complete list of all of the beneficiaries.7 Even so the in or out test will be effective for determining who Davina’s children are. It is also possible to draw up a complete list of the beneficiaries. Therefore whether or not the trust is discretionary or a fixed trust, certainty of objects can be established. Tilda, who is Sir Clarence’s friend should certainly be able to identify Davina and her children. Likewise the courts can easily identify who Davina’s children are as births are a matter of public record. Thus far it has been established that the three certainties have been satisfied in the gifts to Davina and her children. However, the disposition of the freehold in the cottage to Tilda upon trust for Davina and her children cannot be enforced unless it meets the formal requirements for the disposition of an equitable interests in land pursuant to Section 53(1)(c) of the Law of Property Act, 1925. Section 53(1)(c) of the Law of Property Act 1925 provides that the disposition of an equitable interests in land must be evidenced in writing.8 It therefore follows that while the gift of 200,000 pounds forms the subject of a valid trust, the seaside cottage does not since it does not meet the requirements of Section 53(1)(c) of the Law of Property Act, 1925. Therefore the principle of resulting trusts is relevant. A resulting trust will arise to essentially transfer the property back to Sir Clarence. This is possible because the resulting trust functions to give effect to that which is conscionable.9 In particular a resulting trust will arise when both the trustee and the settlor agreed and know that the settlor never intended to transfer the property to the trustee absolutely or the trustee treats the property in a way that does not correspond with the settlor’
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Security Of Pakistan And International Terrorism Politics Essay
Security Of Pakistan And International Terrorism Politics Essay Security concerns are always a priority within a developing society; in simultaneity with the developing of individuals into groups, tribes, societies and ultimately the nations and states. In contemporary world it is generally assumed that states are the basic unit of international socio political arrangements. Idea of national security can be traced back to concept of states/ state sovereignty since during ages of kingdoms, state sovereignty was vested in the kings person; safeguarding him especially in battle and times of crisis. Over the centuries, kings lost their power and nation states established themselves in international arena. With emergence of the nation states in Europe, sovereignty was no longer vested in person of one individual but rested in sovereignty of the nation state itself. 2. National Security since then became essentially competitive; something to be achieved at other states expenses and increase in one states security arrangements got directly linked to the decrease of its adversarys security capabilities. 3. During Cold War era most common approach to the study of security was one, which examined the best means to mitigate external threats to the political/ territorial integrity of nation states. Predominant threats were seen as external military threats from other states or perhaps from strategic interaction between states since end of Cold War period. Alternative approaches to the security gained prominence in general and these approaches de-emphasized military issues/ responses/ focus instead on non-military threats (either intra state or trans national in nature and character). 4. Alternate security approaches in vogue include concepts like common security, cooperative security and comprehensive security. Concept of comprehensive security primarily concentrates on well being/ prosperity of human beings, economic prosperity, resource development or national security/ sovereignty. Centre of gravity remains Human Resource Development while connotations may vary between different Security Models. Basic thrust remains on enabling secured environment for progress, attainment of higher standards of human/ economic and dominance related issues. 5. National Power is one of the most important characteristics of a nations security capabilities and plays an important role on international scene. It implies possession of control, authority or influence over other nations/ states while National Power Potentials can be referred to as nations ability to influence behavior of others in accordance with its own national objectives/ goals and aims with focused on own national interests. States endeavor to maximize their share of power, utilizing own elements of national power to its advantage. Pakistan is the 7th largest country in the world and a nuclear power; blessed with most of the essential elements to ensure security and well being of its people. Being the front line state against the war on terror Pakistan is playing key role; while it has to maintain a credible conventional/ unconventional military forces for its own security since creation. Pakistan did not develop in socio-economic fields as it should have, however, with a w ell identified/ permanently known enemy, ever changing interests of major global players (notwithstanding other internal factors/ shortcomings); did get affected adversely in the past few decades. Problem Statement 1. Pakistans security dynamics essentially relate to changing global environment and internal problems being faced by the country especially after the break up of USSR and Pakistan becoming a nuclear country in 1998. Pakistans current predicament is much more complex compare to situation as it was in 1971. The security environment has the impact of sectarianism, intolerance, weaponisation, economic problems, good governance, ethnic strive and terrorism. These factors impact Pakistans internal as well as external security parameters. 2. In order to investigate and research security dynamics of Pakistan, the study will focus on: a. Analysis of Global Environment and the way it is impacting Pakistans Security paradigm. Analysis of internal security environment. Conclusion Recommendations 3. The challenges necessitate bold and imaginative policies. A correct perception of threat analysis leads to formulation of correct policies while correct understanding of threat scenario will lead us to devise appropriate measures to ensure security of Pakistan. Objective of my Research 1. Pakistans national security has external and internal dimensions. It essentially focuses on parameters like territorial integrity, national sovereignty and absence of a threat to these core national values. At international level the existence of trans-national actors and networks, which are resorting to terrorism and their penetration in Pakistans security environment, threatens the internal and external security dynamics of Pakistan. Terrorism has global implications. In order to analyze it in proper perspective its origins need to be examined so as to find lasting solutions to this international menace. 2. This paper would focus on defining terrorism, causes that have given birth to it and how it grew in Pakistan and its internal and external consequences for Pakistans security so as to recommend viable options for future security requirements. Significance Of Research Controlling extremism and fighting terrorism in Pakistan are part of a broader spectrum; that requires synergized global efforts as well as Resolve/ Sincere Efforts not only from Political Leadership of the country but every citizen of Pakistan. At the same time it calls for a change in thinking of Western Leadership; who perceives Islamic World as volatile/ hostile and bent upon challenging the world peace. To live in comparative safety, World Leadership will have to reassess its strategic interests, particularly in the Muslim World. Scope of my Research Analyzing genesis of terrorism in our society, its effects, internal security environment, and measures taken by the Government to tackle this menace I have proffered few recommendations to enhance counter terrorism capabilities at national level as well as for Army and Law Enforcement Authorities (LEAs). Limitations of Research Under prevalent security environment it is difficult to access records/ reports and evaluation studies conducted by the LEAs and Government Departments; to have a true insight to the factual position/ desired information. Scope of this topic is so vast that even whole world has not been able to agree on single definition of the word Terrorism; and so will be to identify its root causes, linkages and overall designs. Efforts will be made to evaluate this very important threat and global issue that has adversely affected Pakistan. Facts and figures quoted in this research paper have been taken from Open Sources i.e. ISPR Statements/ Reports, Electronic and Print Media and through personal interaction with responsible Government Official who deal with this issue but they opted not to be quoted in the best interests of the State. Hypothesis Global security and social environment impact Pakistan and Muslim world adversely which has widened the gap between the Muslims and rest of world. One of the views to solve this predicament is to create a change in approach towards Muslim society and remap the fight of terrorism which was initiated to control the few extremists instead of whole Muslim world. Literature review 1. The new millennium has bought with it new and daunting challenges for the world in general and Muslims in particular. The most obvious of these and even most acute, are political in nature. Most of the current world conflicts involve Muslims, which has inevitably led non-Muslims to believe, though wrongfully, that Islam is a religion of intolerance, militancy and terrorism. This perception is rapidly involving around the globe connecting Islam to fundamentalism, fundamentalism to extremism and extremism to terrorism. Naturally, these beliefs have created a deep mistrust of the west in the Muslim world. So the reality of suspicion and mistrust is on both sides of the divide. Pakistan itself has been a victim of terrorism even before 9/11. It posses an internal threat of colossal magnitude to our society. There have been many attributory factors which are generally well known to fight against this invisible source, it is imperative that the spirit of religion is not only clearly und erstood but also projected both home and abroad. We must take this threat seriously and also devise counter measures for its spread and prevention to make Pakistan safe for us and our future generations. 2. Terrorism was once considered an instrument of the insurgents in a certain phase of their struggle for gaining the coveted goal of ultimate freedom from a particular regime or an occupational force. It is now used as sweeping term against all those elements that seek to bring about socio-political change or even vent off their frustration without any end in view. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 have pushed the Muslims into a very difficult situation. The can come out of it only if they fully understand the global, regional and internal dynamics. There is no room for ignorance and obstinacy. Pakistan lies at the centre-stage of all the geo-strategic changes taking place in this part of the world. While she works with the global and regional actors to manage the influence of external environment, her greatest challenge lies within Pakistan. Since the influences of global, regional and domestic environments have conflicts and contradictions; the formulation of strategy to fight war on terror becomes extremely complex and challenging. The irony is that the sole super-power is loosing her goodwill capital very rapidly in the world and religious extremists of Pakistan do not loose any opportunity to spin any global event to their selfish political advantage. Likewise, regional actors like India do not hesitate to take advantage of global war on terror to label freedom movement in Kashmir into cross border terrorism. Pakistans strategic responses are therefore complex but not impossible. Theoretical Framework 1. 21st Century has witnessed terrorism as an emerging threat to world peace and security. This overgrowing menace has various forms and manifestations; its spectrum is broad and deep-rooted, ranging from religious and ideological extremism, sectarian intolerance, sub-national militant assertions, geo-strategic and political dynamics to transitional inclinations. Terrorism is not random, undirected or purposeless violence. It has clear objectives and uses violence and aggression as means to attain these objectives. Viewing this phenomenon from a restricted prism and merely focusing on the terrorist activities would mean administering a simplistic therapy to an exceedingly convoluted malaise, whose roots are well-woven into the geopolitical dynamics and socio-economic injustice. 2. The emergence of transitional terrorism has signaled a fundamental change in the nature of conflict, a paradigm shift from the cold war period. While the history of terrorism is very old, there is a little doubt that the events of September 11 dramatically changed the global security environment and the traditional concept of National Security. Pakistan has been a victim of terrorism for a long time. Our geostrategic location and proximity to the endemic sources of conflict place us unenviable situation. 3. To combat terrorism effectively, social and economic uplift and political resolution coupled with the requisite use of force should found the basis of counter terrorism strategy, but this too may appear easier said than done, because terrorism today, is an extremely complex and intricate phenomenon. Research Methodology Method Basing on my research and I will be using following methods:- Documentary Research Questionnaire Type For the subject paper the most appropriate type of my research is carry out the survey. Nature Exploratory Research Design It is obvious and perhaps without any doubt that terrorism has affected the global peace more than any epidemic or natural hazard the man kind has ever known. This fact has compelled me to carry out an effort to express my ideas to a level where needed and for this purpose the best option available were to carry out my survey through questionnaires including relevant information and public response. The second most reliable and authentic source of information was through the documentary evidences. Data Analysis Tools During the research I will be mainly focusing on the tools like;- Self administered questionnaires Research papers This research is undertaken for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree; the information in use from this survey will be kept confidential. Security of Pakistan and State of International Terrorism QUESTIONNAIRE Name________________________________________ Age __________ Profession____________________________________ Date__________ Note: Please encircle your appropriate choice Do you agree that terrorism has affected our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that Pakistans role as a frontline state has due importance in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Does 9/11 incident has any significance in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Are you satisfied with Americas role in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that Pakistans Government hasnt handled the war on terrorism in a right way? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that the war is the only way to eliminate terrorism from our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you propose that government should hold dialogues with the terrorists? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that media has any role in eradicating the terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that media is playing a right role in eliminating and creating awareness in the people regarding terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that United Nation has completely failed in controlling terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you agree that terrorism is more deep rooted than ever since the war against terrorism stared? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that war against terrorism has directly affected our country and our socio-economic structure? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that International Aid could help Pakistan to fight against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Are you satisfied with the result war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that the war against terrorism has adversely affected our new generations? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think that we can easily role back from this war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Are you satisfied with the role of Muslim World and OIC in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that the existing methodology of war against terrorism is working perfectly? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you believe that the result of this war has produced significant positive effect on our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you believe that the result of this war has produced significant negative effect on our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you suggest that Pakistan should stop supporting the war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that now our society has more awareness and has clear vision about their role in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that Americas decision is more aggressive and they should find some other way to end up this war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that drones attacks are effective? Are they posing any threats to our National Integrity? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that we must dialogue at every level and forgive terrorists, and should give them a chance to start their lives once again? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Any other Comments:- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ End Notes V.P. Dutt, Indias Foreign Policy in a Changing World, (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House , 1999) p. 4 B. Raman, Internal Security, Changing Environment, South Asia Analysis group, 26 June 2002. p. 483. International Terrorism and Anti-Terror War: Chinese Perspective by Xia Liping, Conference on Global Terrorism at Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad on August 29-31, 2005. p. 1 Syed Raffat Hussain War against Terrorism: Pakistani Perspective IPRI issue of Winter 2004. IPS Publication Terrorism and Challenges to Pakistan Available at Economic survey of Pakistan 2004-05 Ibid. Education system of Pakistan-a presentation made by Secretary Education in ND Hall.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Solar Cell Experiment :: Papers
Solar Cell Experiment Introduction: Solar Cells convert light energy to electrical energy, so are transducers. Aim 1: To investigate any relationship present between the distance between a solar cell and a lamp, and the current output of the solar cell, at a fixed voltage. Aim 2: To investigate any relationship present between the power supplied to a bulb, and the current of a solar panel, at a fixed distance apart. When investigating a solar cell, there are several variables we could investigate. Below, I have analysed all the variables that could be investigated, and evaluated which one I will investigate. When considering what variables of the light I could investigate, several things come to mind. Variable 1: Light Light has different colours, and different coloured lights are known to have different frequencies. This in turn would cause the different coloured lights to emit different levels of power. We know that this is the case because when combining the two below formulae, we can see that energy and frenquency are related. Wavelength x Frequency= Wave Speed Planck's Constant x frequency= Energy The second formula states that frequency is directly proportional to energy. When rearranging the first formula to display frequency as the subject of the formula, and then substituting the value for frenquency given (wave speed/wavelength) into the second formula, we get: Planck 's constant x wavespeed/wavelength= energy Using this formula, we can find out what kinds of light give out the most energy. As all light travels at the same speed (300,000 m/s), we know that the wavelength of the light will determine how much energy is given out from the light. The wavelength and frequency are directly related in light, because both multiplied must give a product of 300,000 m/s. We can gather by the formula that lights with a smaller wavelength will give out more energy, because when a smaller number is divided by the wavespeed and multiplied by the constant, a higher value for the
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Foundations Of Roman Empire’s Success
During the ancient times, imperialism was not a very uncommon phenomenon. Those were the days wherein bloodsheds happened almost everydayâ€â€those were the days wherein land conquests were the emerging trend and helmets, shields and heavy armory are considered as distinct fashion statements. Although fear and anxiety crippled the lives of many individuals, it cannot be denied that imperialism is one of those unforgettable events that readily shaped and moved the face of history. Generally speaking, the word empire originated from the Latin expression â€Å"imperium (Howe 13). Imperium, in return, translates to exercising sovereignty and authority. In the meantime, emperor is the title given to empire rulers. However, it is important to note that emperors go beyond being a political figure. More often than not, an emperor is viewed as someone who has the skills and influence of a military person. One of the most celebrated empires that have ever existed on this planet is the Roma n Empire. It is known for its wide scope and reach. Long before sea explorers have circumnavigated the world, the Roman Empire has already conquered the Western horizon. For the founders of these regimes, the act of observing authority and sovereignty translates to two core concepts. First, to achieve authority, more lands should be conquered, thus waging or creating wars is a must. Second, in order to ensure sovereignty, laws should be established and fully implemented. The success of the Roman Empire is indeed a notable one. Its major accomplishments remained unmatched and it had certainly contributed to the creation of civilization’s main pillars. Despite of the fact that the empire suffered from an ill-fated decline, it cannot be denied that its victory came about because of successful law implementations, efficient leaders and of course, a complex and highly organized military system wherein defeat was close to being non-existent. Roman Empire A Brief Overview From 509 BC to 264 BC, it would be too hard to imagine that Rome was actually plagued by different threats and invasion attacks (Spielgovel 75). It never occurred to anyone that this great empire was once belittled by those who attempted to conquer it. However, instead of perishing into oblivion, the darkest times of the Roman Empire worked well to its advantage. The scourge that almost annihilated it, turned out to be its greatest blessing. Instead of accepting its ill fate, the Roman Empire decided to strengthen their military force. The empire knew that if it has the strength and the necessary skills, it would not only defend its territories, it can also conquer other domains and therefore exercise its power and authority. The Roman Republic played an important role in the empire’s growth. Once and for all, the institution permitted the fusion of the government and the military rule (Spielvogel 76). In this case, the military, since it has a political function can participate on how to embark on their missions rather than waiting for the rulers’ permission (Spielvogel 76). This set-up also allowed Rome to further develop their army’s strengths and skills. These efforts did not go in vain. By the time 266 BC came, Rome has finally taken over the whole Italian peninsula (â€Å"Roman Empire†). Yet, the empire’s strength was further highlighted when it was able to conquer Carthage (Spielvogel 79). Carthage is an important domain for the empire. Aside from the fact that it controlled trade in the Mediterranean, it was also a strategic location (Spielvogel 79). Even though Hannibal, a renowned Carthage general was popular for his military skill and prowess, he has no matched for the newly reformed Roman army (Spielvogel 79). Carthage’s unfortunate loss meant that Spain, Sicily and North Africa would soon become Rome’s provinces (â€Å"Roman Empire†). Soon, Rome’s territory extended to Asia Minor, Syria, Judea, Greece and modern France (â€Å"Roman Empire†). The Pillars of Success One of the main reasons behind the formidable success of the Roman Empire can be attributed to its seemingly invincible army (Whittock 14). More than anything else, it is the empire’s military that is responsible for its glory and prestige. Even in recent years, the elite Roman Army symbolizes the bastion of highly remarkable skills in combat and warfare. If Roman politics did contribute, this is simply secondary to what the army did. As Christopher Mackay described, the Roman Empire’s political triumph was primarily based on militarism (p. 59). In land conquests, it is the army that ensures the defeat of the empire’s enemy. This is something that cannot be readily accomplished by the ruling politicians of Rome. In addition to that, defending the empire from unexpected counter-attacks was also performed by the military. It is for this reason that the Roman army can be described as one of Rome’s main pillars and foundations. The Roman Army readily reflected its Greek influences (Whittock 14). However, one of the striking differences was that it was more organized and it continued to improve as the empire invaded more lands or territories. In the beginning, military men were ranked according to their respective social classes (Whittock 14). Those who have the means have the privilege of wearing armored suits that can protect them throughout the battle (Whittock 14). However, the lower classes had to purchase their own battle gears (Whittock 14). On a critical perspective, this situation was really unfair to those who are at the bottom of the economic hierarchy. To risk their lives in war wherein there is uncertainty of whether they will go home alive or not, cannot be really described as a noble activity. Therefore, loyalty in this case cannot be assured (â€Å"The Roman Army†). Later on, joining the military became a profitable source of income for those who wanted to take part in the group (Whittock 14). Basically, the discrepancies based on social class slowly disappeared. Being a military man became a profession (Whittock 14). Those who were enlisted were given gold coins and a piece of land upon there retirement (Whittock 14). This particular reform appealed to many. On a much closer examination, soldiers often have to worry not only about the injuries that they may suffer in the war. They are also worried about leaving their families behind. More than anyone else, they need security. The gold coins and the piece of land gave these individuals the assurance that they have something to come back for. In a sense, this also served as a motivational force for them to continue fighting and win wars (â€Å"The Roman Army†). It was also this reform that paved the way for the Roman Empire’s notable legion (Whittock 14). On the other hand, it was not only the benefits of being a military man that inspired the Roman Army to win. According to Whittock, the army was also very strict and highly disciplined when it comes to their training (p. 15). As a matter of fact, the group even built practice camps so that they can handle their opponents very well (Whittock 15). Relatively, as the army subdued more lands, the size of the army became bigger and bigger and as the old saying goes, there is indeed strength in numbers. There was an overflowing supply of soldiers needed to win the battle. There were also craftsmen, engineers and swordsmen, ready to build the necessary infrastructures to build the city of Rome and the weapons that they need in the war. Rome indeed suffered during the early years, but still they emerged as the victorious one in the end. As Roberts described it â€Å"Rome usually lost its first battle but always won the last (p. 306). †Aside from the military strength that the empire once possessed, another reason for its success can be attributed to the emperors’ efficient leadership. This is most especially true as for the case of Augustus (Potter xiii). Under his rule, Rome was still at the onset of recovering from the ravages of war and series of political upheaval (â€Å"Roman Empire†). It is also important to note that Augustus replaced Caesar who was then assassinated (â€Å"Roman Empire†). In this case, civil unrest was indeed, inevitable. However, the moment that he was put on power, he made various political reforms, which are primarily patterned on strengthening family relationships, thus making the empire more united (Potter xiii). As Sheffer mentioned, Augustus represents the â€Å"innovative leadership (p. 26). It was under his rule that Pax Romana was basically achieved, thus giving the empire a more stable and dependable government (â€Å"Roman Empire†). He reconstructed the Senate (â€Å"Roman Empire†) and it was also under his regime that land grants and retirement benefits were given to the military (Wells 18). Consequently, the foundations established by Augustus gave the succeeding emperors a framework wherein they can efficiently rule the government. Good leadership did not only bring stability, it also garnered the support and loyalty of the Roman public. Given this situation at hand, the next rulers of Rome simply needed to continue what Augustus started. Lastly it cannot be denied that the creation of a legal system (Saxonhouse) sustained the success of the Roman Empire. If there is a government, then it follows that a set of rules should be applied. This will ensure that the decisions made by politicians would be of service of the whole populace. In addition to that, the legal system assured that the people are systematically governed, thus preventing total anarchy. Conclusion Indeed, without the military, the Roman Empire would never be established. However, if not for its strong leader such as Augustus, for example, managing Rome and its colonies would soon turn into a disaster. Moreover, the legal system ensured that the interests of the majority shall overcome the interests of the few.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marketing Analysis for Samsung Essay
INTRODUCTION Samsung was founded by Byung-Chull Lee on March 1, 1938, in Taegu, Korea, with 30,000 won. Initially his business focused primarily on trade export, selling dried Korean fish, vegetables, and fruit to Manchuria and Beijing. In little more than a decade, Samsung-which means â€Å"three stars†in Korean-would have its own flour mills and confectionery machines, its own manufacturing and sales operations, and ultimately evolve to become the modern global corporation that still bears the same name today. For over 70 years, Samsung has been dedicated to making a better world through diverse businesses that today span advance technology, semiconductors, skyscraper, plant construction, petrochemical, fashion, medicine, finance, hotels and more. The flagship company, Samsung Electronics, leads the global market in hightech electronics manufacturing and digital media. Samsung move to partner with Google for their Android OS and the recent series of Smartphone has tremendously brought their revenue to greater heights. In 2011, the stellar Samsung GALAXY S II sold more than 10 million units worldwide, achieving the No. 1 global market share for smartphones (2011 Samsung Electronics Annual Report). Approx 94.5% of Singapore household has a hand phone in 2008.  Likely the percentage should be higher now. The functions of a hand phone have evolved greatly in this decade. From means of communication via SMS and calls, hand phone or rather Smartphone serves consumers a far range of functions today. A Smartphone offers more advance computing ability and connectivity then conventional mobile phone. Generally the established Smartphone brands in Singapore are Apple, Samsung, Nokia, HTC & Motorola. The rapid growth and success of Samsung are the reasons why our group chose this brand. We hope through in-depth research and analysis can we better understand the success factors behind this rapidly sprang brand, particularly in the Smartphone industry. 2. SURVEY RESEARCH Survey research approach is done via questionnaire targeting general public. It can be used to gather information about people’s knowledge, attitudes, preferences, or buying behaviour for Smartphones. Basha and Harter (1980) state that â€Å"a population is any set of persons or objects that possesses at least one common characteristic. Through our survey, we sample a population which we hope can be representative of the Singapore consumers. This approach is selected by the group because it is the most widely used method to collected primary data to meet our research objectives. Through the primary data collected, we hope to draw certain information through analysis on consumer behaviour on the purchase of smartphones. Research Objectives The purpose of this survey is to understand our responders behaviour and attitude towards smartphone. We segmented the questionnaire into 4Ps namely product, price, place and promotion. We hope that with this survey finding we can better understand the needs of smartphone users, why they will or will not be using and also the reason why others are not using Samsung smartphone and the likelihood of them using Samsung in future. With the findings, we hope to draw conclusive data and make recommendations. 2.2 Contact Method We personally gave out the survey forms as shown in Appendix 1 to the general public at Ang Mo Kio Hub and Nanyang Polytechnic. We have given out to 41 respondents and used 30 of them for analysis (11 were deemed as void due to insufficient information or non completion) 2.3 Sampling Plan & Survey Questions A segment of the population selected for marketing research to represent the population as a whole. The survey is to be conducted with a sampling size of 30.The questions were limited to 10 to avoid being too lengthy resulting in fatigue respondents. First part of the survey included information pertaining respondents’ background such as gender & age which then we proceed to gathering information like consumer preference. Five point Likert scale was used to measure few variables. 3. CUSTOMER We will further describe the customer segment for Samsung smartphones using demographic, psychographic and behavioural factors. 3.1 Demographic factors The targeted segment is for both male and female, probably age between 14 and 55, skewed more towards the Gen Y. The country or area should have good network (Eg: 3G, 4G, wireless connection) to ensure optimal usage of Smartphone features. 3.2 Psychographic factors There are basically three segments of users broadly in which Samsung wishes to target; entertainment focused, communication-focused and information-centric users. The entertainment-focused users are generally younger group which see a mobile device as a lifestyle choice, and they’re willing to pay extra for a device that’ll help keep them entertained. Entertainment can also include things like social messaging with friends, facebook and networking. The communication-focused users are extroverts who live to communicate with others. They’re often in people-facing jobs like sales. They’re willing to pay extra for a mobile device that lets them keep up with others in multiple ways. E-mail, SMS, voice, conferencing, video calling  basically, anything communication-related is compelling to them, and they will pay extra for a device that does it well. The information-centric users are more introverted. Rather than focusing on their dialog with others, they tend to do a lot of thinking on their own, and want their mobile device to be a memory supplement and a means to capture new information. They’re will ing to pay extra for features that help them capture and remember ideas and information. 3.3 Behavioural factors Past users of Samsung (Be it handphone or other appliances) will likely purchase Samsung again due to familiarity and if they have had pleasant experience with the phone, the likelihood of repurchase is high. 4. MARKETING MIX 4.1 Product a. 3 Levels of Product A product is normally defined as the physical items that consumers purchase. But actually the nature of a product can be further explored in 3 levels. They are The Core Product, The Actual Product and The Augmented Product which are further explained in Appendix 3. Smartphone industry is growing rapidly with many new brands coming in for a slice of market share each fighting towards fulfilling consumer growing wants. Understanding the 3 levels of product can better enable Samsung to position itself. Based on Kotler’s Three Level of Product Framework, the Samsung smartphone core product is giving consumers tool of communication. Through product differentiation of smartphones, consumers are given a variety of choice for the actual product as illustrated in Appendix 3. Samsung’s strategy will ensure it is already at the finishing line when consumer tastes change hence it produces a wide product range for every taste and demand. b. Consumer Product Samsung smartphone is categorised as a Shopping Product. Consumers will compare on the price, style, function, quality and suitability of the smartphone due to the multiple brands and model available in the market. Having achieved unmatched global competitiveness in hardware, Samsung has been focusing on enhancing its software capabilities in user interface, user experience, and design and brand awareness. To remain competitive, Samsung must continuously develop quality and innovative smartphones to stay in the lead. c. Brand Development Strategy The most difficult step in developing a marketing plan is normally the process of developing a brand strategy. It’s often the biggest challenge face by most businesses but it is an important step in creating the company identity. In the smartphone market, Samsung branding still falls behind Apple. However Samsung in recent years has been very aggressive and rapidly gaining market share. We will move on to discuss Samsung brand development strategy. ‘While many companies that sponsor events are focused on boosting their brand awareness, Samsung Electronics looks at things a little differently. The Korean giant – a major sponsor of the recent Youth Olympic Games (YOG) – says that â€Å"brand preference†is a better indicator of whether its investment has paid dividends.’ (The Straits Time, 13 Sept 2010) Samsung sponsorships in Youth Olympic Games (YOG) and the upcoming London 2012 Olympics will certainly provide strong profile and brand power. Through sponsorship in the Olympics, Samsung seeks to, through user experience boost up their brand. d. Survey Result on Target Segment Perception (Product) From our survey findings, 94% of the respondents are smartphone users with with 2 respondents one non-smartphone user and one unsure. We have checked with the unsure respondent and respondent was using a smartphone bought to her by her daughter. The strong percentage of smartphone users 94% as per survey results showed a strong And 60% of the respondents responded they are likely to purchase Samsung for their next phone. 4.2 Price a. General Pricing Approach Price will always be the key concern of consumers’ before making any purchasing decision (Smith and Carsky, 1996). The level of price is found to positively affect behavioral intentions mainly because price establishes image of the brand in the eyes of the consumers (Aaker, 1991). The price set for any product including smartphone is crucial as it directly impacts on consumer purchase. The company’s range of low- to high-end smartphones caters to almost every budget. Based on client perceived value and market offerings, Samsung adopts a value based pricing strategy. ‘If there is a consumer for it, we will offer the product, says Younghee Lee, senior vice-president of sales and marketing for Samsung’s mobile business.’ (The Business Time, 17 March 2011) b. Price Compared to Competitors Samsung stays on a competitive price and with its vast product line; every price range is met with a product. We have used the recent launch of Samsung S3 Smartphone with its competitors as illustrated in Appendix 4. Samsung S3 smartphone is considered the high end product series in the smartphone market and we have chosen close competitors mainly Apple iPhone 4S and HTC One. From the comparison, though Samsung S3 is the latest product launch amongst the three phones, it still stays at a less than $100 price difference with competitors. The price Samsung offers is very close to its competitors giving it an edge over them. c. Product Mix Pricing Strategies The product mix is the collection of products and services that a company chooses to offer its market and pricing strategies based on what objectives the company had set for them. Samsung’s product strategy is to create Android devices across varying price points and flood the market through as many carriers across the world as possible. The original Galaxy S was sold through about 240 different global vendors. Product-line pricing involve setting price for different products within a product range at different price point is the strategy Samsung applied for smartphone. For example, Samsung had a lot of smartphones products with different design and feature at different prices as shown in Appendix 5. The greater the feature and benefit obtain, the higher the consumer have to pay. d. Price Adjustment Strategies A set of strategies used by companies to adjusted their basic prices to account for various customer differences and changing situations. The commonly use strategies are Discount and Allowance Pricing, Segmented Pricing, Psychological Pricing and Promotional Pricing. In the smartphone industry, discount and allowance pricing adjustment strategy is commonly used. This strategy allows companies to adjust their basic price to reward customers for certain responses, such as early payment of bills, volume purchases, and off-season buying. This strategy can come in many forms. Seasonal discount is a price reduction to buyers who buy merchandise or services out of season. For example, when Samsung Galaxy S3 is launch, the price of Samsung Galaxy S2 was reduced. In this scenario, older model of smartphone is the same as off season products. Seller will offer discount to encourage the buyer to purchase off older models. Allowances are another type of reduction from the list price. For example, trade-in allowances are price reductions given for turning in an old item when buying a new one. Trade-in allowances are most common in vendors selling smartphone. e. Survey Result on Target Segment Perception (Price) Through our survey findings, most respondents rated price as ‘most important’ factor to consider when buying a smartphone. An interesting thing to note is 40% of the respondents mentioned they will pay up to $300 for a smartphone and 30% mentioned they are willing to pay more than $1500 for a smartphone. It is therefore important to draw specific data to understand the needs and wants for those segmented clients. 4.3 Place a. Number of channel levels Place is also known as channel, distribution or intermediary. It is the mechanism through which goods are moved from the manufacturer to the consumer. We have analysed Samsung smartphone distribution as shown in Appendix 6. Samsung practises indirect channels using selective distribution. The channel contains one to two intermediary levels. Through the major telcos and authorised dealers, Samsung distribution in Singapore is very intense, and this is exactly what Samsung wants. One can purchase a Samsung Smartphone at every neighbourhood in Singapore. All authorised distributors were given product training & support whenever needed. All telco (SingTel, M1, Starhub) also have dedicated staff to provide training & desk support to consumers should they require assistance on how to use the smartphones. b. Channel intensity From the Appendix 6, the distribution channels are intense diverting to over 300 outlets making it easily accessible for consumers. The wide and broad channels are one factor for Samsung success. c. Number of outlets, location The outlets for Singapore are estimated to be over 300, with at least one outlet in every neighbourhood and the availability to buy online with free delivery. d. Survey Result on Target Segment Perception (Place) From our survey results, 99% of the respondents bought their phone through the various channels with 49% through telco and dealers. Consumers prefer buying phones with contracted lines and this might suggest Samsung can consider giving a better incentive to telcos and dealers to further boost up their sales. 4.4 Promotion a. Marketing Communications Objectives Marketing communications objectives is paramount to marketing success. If there is no objective, than there will be no way to measure the marketing success. After all, an objective is the goal intended to attained, which should be attainable and can be measured. Understanding the Product Life Cycle (as illustrated in Appendix 7) of each product can enable the company to respond with the marcom objectives. Though Samsung started its Smartphone in 2008, in our opinion the stage for Samsung smartphone is at its maturity stage in the Singapore context. During launch of a new smartphone, the objectives will be more informative like: Telling market about the new product Explaining how a product works Suggest new uses for a product Marketing effort by Samsung is normally conducted for launch of new products. As for their existing products, it is conducted together with their vendors like IT fairs and Electronic fairs. The marketing communication objectives for these efforts will be different from a new launch. The objectives these efforts are: Encourage brand switching Persuading customers to purchase now Build brand preference Keep product in consumers’ mind Maintain top of mind awareness Promotion Mix Attractive prices of good products are not enough for a business to generate maximum sales and profits. The benefits of products have to be communicated to customers. In marketing, this is commonly known as â€Å"promotion†. The total marketing communications programme is called â€Å"promotion mix†. Elements of promotion mix include Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Personal Selling and Direct Marketing. The elements of promotion mix used by Samsung smartphone are: 1) Advertising Deliver marketer’s message using any paid form of mass media outlets, it involve non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. The 3 purpose of advertising are Informative, Persuasive and Reminder. Samsung has been using all three purposes for their advertising campaign in different occasion. Let’s look into Samsung individual advertising purpose and objectives. Sales Promotion Sales promotions normally refer to encouraging customers to respond or undertake some activity using some form of incentives through special short-term techniques. Some of the sales promotions technique used by Samsung smart phone is: a) Joint promotion with Major Telco Samsung smartphone often had joint promotion with major telco to boost up the sales of the smartphone. For example the promotion that was in the Starhub official site that offers Samsung Galaxy S3 at different price depending on the plan sign up or the Samsung Galaxy S2 at a low price with 2 years plan. (As shown in Appendix 8) b) Joint Promotion with Major Electronic Mega Store Samsung always conduct joint promotion with major electronic mega store during ad-hoc promotion fair. Premiums like additional SD card, screen protector, casing or 0% interest instalment plan is often used during such fair. This promotion is used to enhance the sales by offering some perks and also to clear stock for the older model smartphone. (As shown in Appendix 9) Survey Result on Target Segment Perception (Promotion) Through our survey findings, respondents rated ‘current mobile plan expired’ as the most important factor which influence their purchase of smartphone. This might be an important indicator for Samsung to have intense tie up promotions with the telcos to offer consumers attractive rates for those plans that have expired. A significant percentage of respondents also mentioned the launch of new smartphone is influential in making the purchase. These are likely the consumers who are willing to pay a premium price for the latest launch of smartphone. Samsung can utilise this and through advertising for example; television commercial, newspaper advertisements, internet announce the new launch in a tasteful manner to attract this segment of consumers. 5. CONCLUSION Constantinides (2006) emphasizes that marketing mix is a framework of the dominant marketing management paradigm to identify market development, environmental changes and trends. Several studies confirm that the 4Ps is indeed the trusted conceptual platform of practitioners dealing with operational marketing issues (Romano and Ratnatunga, 1995; Coviello et al., 2000). The wide acceptance of the 4Ps among field marketers is the result of their profound exposure to this concept during college years, since identifying the 4Ps as the controllable parameters is likely to influence the consumer buying process and decisions (Brassington and Pettitt, 2003; Soekartawi, 2005a). We conducted the survey to evaluate different segments of customers’ attitude toward 4Ps. It is expected that with this survey findings with the primary data we have collected can we better understand and provide recommendation for Samsung to develop greater understanding of how to serve existing and potential customer based on 4Ps concept for a basis to meet profitability of their business. Through our survey, we realised a very important trend; almost 94% of the respondents carry a smart phone. Assuming the latest data from Singstat stating 95% of Singapore household having a handphone, and with that equate to 94% of them having a Smartphone, the total volume of smartphone market is estimated to be minimum 3-4Million in Singapore alone. Current users of Samsung are generally satisfied with the features and functions of the phone. However as Samsung faces close competition with its competitors, Samsung needs to continuously come out with new innovation and technology to stay in the lead. As Samsung is in its maturity stage of the product life cycle, Samsung needs to differentiate itself from competitors. However the tricky part is to position products across different, yet overlapping, market segments. It is important to note, however, that since some consumers may belong to both segments, positioning claims for a product should never conflict. To avoid confusing consumers, it may be necessary to make a broad appeal to both segments and then change the positioning slightly within each segment. As Samsung smartphone do has many variations, approximate 24, the positioning within each range should be unique and clear to consumers. Overall we feel that Samsung has done well to come this far and stay in the lead. The advantages Samsung has over competitors are the wide distribution channels and the vast product variations. Samsung must continue to ensure its distributors and telcos are given attractive incentives which in turn can bring in non Samsung users. Samsung should also focus on building brand loyalty, which will ensure retain of past and current Samsung consumers. Their primary goal should be to maintain their current market share and extend the product life cycle. REFERENCES Samsung Electronics 2011 Annual Report accessed on 25 June 2012 _rpt.pdf Singapore in figures 2011 accessed on 25 June 2012 Constantinides E (2006). The Marketing Mix Revisited: Towards the 21st Century Marketing. J. Mark Manag, 22: 407-438. Porter, M., â€Å"Competitive Strategy – Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors,†(New York: The Free Press,1980). Smith, M.F., and Carsky, M.L. (1996). Grocery Shopping Behaviour:A Comparison of Involved and Uninvolved Consumers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 39 (2), 73-80. Aaker, D.A. (1991), Managing Brand Equity. Capitalizing on the Value of Brand Name, Free Press, New York, NY. Busha, Charles H., and Stephen P. Harter. Research Methods in Librarianship: Techniques and Interpretation. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, Inc., 1980. Romano C, Ratnatunga J (1996). The Role of Marketing, Eur J. Mark, 29: 9-30. Brassington F, Pettitt S (2003). Principles of Marketing, Third Edition, Prentice Hall/Financial Times. New Jersey.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia †His Life and Death
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia – His Life and Death Although the confrontational style of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Gregory Nino Scalia was widely regarded as being one of his less appealing qualities, it underscored his clear sense of right and wrong. Motivated by a strong moral compass, Scalia opposed judicial activism in all forms, favoring instead judicial restraint and a constructivist approach to the interpretation of the Constitution. Scalia stated on numerous occasions that the power of the Supreme Court is only as effective as the laws created by Congress. Scalias Early Life and Formative Years Scalia was born March 11, 1936, in Trenton, New Jersey. He was the only son of Eugene and Catherine Scalia. As a second generation American, he grew up with a strong Italian home life and was raised Roman Catholic. The family moved to Queens when Scalia was a child. He graduated first in his class from St. Francis Xavier, a military prep school in Manhattan. He also graduated first in his class from Georgetown University with a degree in history. He earned his law degree from Harvard Law School, where he also graduated at the top of his class. His Early Career Scalias first job out of Harvard was working in commercial law for the international firm of Jones Day. He remained there from 1961 until 1967. The lure of academia drew him to become a law professor at the University of Virginia from 1967 to 1971. He was appointed general counsel of the Office of Telecommunications under the Nixon administration in 1971, then he spent two years as chairman of the U.S. Administration Conference. Scalia joined the Ford administration in 1974, where he worked as Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel. Academia Scalia left government service upon the election of Jimmy Carter. He returned to academia in 1977 and occupied a number of academic positions until 1982, including resident scholar for the conservative American Enterprise Institute and law professor at Georgetown University Law Center, the University of Chicago School of Law, and Stanford University. He also briefly served as chairman of the American Bar Associations section on administrative law and the Conference of Section Chairs. Scalias philosophy of judicial restraint began to gather momentum when Ronald Reagan appointed him to the U.S. Court of Appeals in 1982. Supreme Court Nomination When Chief Justice Warren Burger retired in 1986, President Reagan appointed Justice William Rehnquist to the top spot. Rehnquists appointment drew all the attention from Congress and the media, and even the Court. Many were pleased, but Democrats strongly opposed his appointment. Scalia was tapped by Reagan to fill the vacancy and he slipped through the confirmation process virtually unnoticed, floating by with a 98-0 vote. Senators Barry Goldwater and Jack Garn didnt cast votes. The vote was surprising because Scalia was far more conservative than any other Justice on the High Court at the time. Originalism Scalia was one of the most well-known Justices and was famous for his combative personality and his judicial philosophy of originalism – the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted in terms of what it meant to its original authors. He told CBS in 2008 that his interpretive philosophy is about determining what the words of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights meant to those who ratified them. Scalia maintained that he was not a strict constructionist, however. I do not think the Constitution or any text should be interpreted either strictly or sloppily; it should be interpreted reasonably. Controversies Scalias sons, Eugene and John, worked for the firms that represented George W. Bush in the landmark case, Bush v. Gore, which determined the outcome of the 2000 presidential election. Scalia drew fire from liberals for refusing to recuse himself from the case. He was also asked but declined to recuse himself from the case of Hamden v. Rumsfeld in 2006 because he had offered an opinion on an issue related to the case while it was still pending. Scalia had remarked that Guantanamo detainees dont have the right to be tried in federal courts. Personal Life vs. Public Life After graduating from Georgetown University, Scalia spent a year in Europe as a student at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. He met Maureen McCarthy, a Radcliffe English student, at Cambridge. In 1960, they married in 1960 and had nine children. Scalia was fiercely protective of his familys privacy throughout his term on the High Court, but he began granting interviews in 2007 after years of refusing to do so. His sudden willingness to engage the media was due primarily to the fact that his children had all become full-grown adults. His Death Scalia died on February 13, 2016, at a ranch resort in western Texas. He failed to appear for breakfast one morning and an employee of the ranch went to his room to check on him. Scalia was found in bed, deceased. He was known to have heart trouble, to suffer from diabetes, and he was overweight. His death was declared due to natural causes. But even this event was not without controversy when rumors began swirling that he had been murdered, particularly because an autopsy was never performed. This was at his familys behest, however – it had nothing to do with political intrigue. His death incited an uproar as to which president would have the right to appoint a replacement for him. President Obama was nearing the end of his second term in office. He nominated Judge Merrick Garland, but Senate Republicans blocked Garlands appointment. It ultimately fell to President Trump to replace Scalia. He nominated Neil Gorsuch very soon after taking office and his appointment was confirmed by the Senate on April 7, 2017, although Democrats attempted a filibuster to block it.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hidden curriculum essay part 2
Hidden curriculum essay part 2 Hidden curriculum essay part 2 Hidden curriculum essay part 2Hidden curriculum essay part 1Moreover, race becomes a socially constructed category because it is not just a biologically constructed attribute, such as a skin color, or a scientific one. Race is associated with biological components such as hair texture and color, facial structure, skin color, etc. Actually, it becomes clear that a social category of race is created by â€Å"reference to the physical features†(Banton, 1998, p. 196). People are born with different biological attributes, different personal characteristics and talent. The process of socialization affects people as the members of society, â€Å"into which they have been born†(Banton, 1998, p. 196). The category of race stands for the category of society members, who are treated unreality because of certain differences in biological construction.In fact, any social category can be viewed as a social construct, because it has been developed from certain form or material ta ken from the environment. Racial distinctions between individuals have always been focused on certain physical characteristics. Besides, racial distinctions are similar to ethnic distinctions, which are based on some common culture and cultural values. According to researchers, â€Å"the members of a racial category may feel themselves to be the members of a group and to share elements of common culture†(Banton, 1998, p. 198). Many researchers state that racial classification depends on the so-called objective assessments that are often made by observers. As a result, racial distinctions lead to the exclusion of people from civil rights.In the United States, racial category is well-defined because many Americans recognize that racial distinctions affect human interaction, dividing people into different racial groups. Race is used as socially constructed category as it lies in the basis of other categories which affect human interaction. However, many people still treat this c ategory as a biological category because of the perceptions of people, which involve a set of physical differences. As a result, any person in human society can be perceived as a member of certain racial category. In other words, it becomes clear that inheritable physical differences of individuals inspire and support social behaviors of individuals, and deal with race as a socially constructed category. The study of race relations helps to better understand the nature of the construction of races, assuming the role of biological and cultural aspects of race. According to Webster, racial classification stands for racial categories that generate certain groups of people â€Å"on the basis of certain selected anatomical features†(Ferber, 1995, p. 168).Thus, it is necessary to conclude that race is not a biological category that involves simple skin color, hair colors and facial construction, but it is a socially constructed category. Race depends on specific social relations t hat contribute to the overall development of human society. Race as a socially constructed category gives a meaning to social construction and leads to racialization of population. Racial agents are constructed as a result of a complex process that is aimed at defining the boundaries between racial groups. Race as a socially constructed category generates and promotes racialized identities. In general, race cannot be viewed as merely a natural category, because it is constructed by individuals and can be reconstructed, depending on certain changes in social perceptions and attitudes. Race is an unstable category because any socially constructed category can be organized differently and perceived differently.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Burlesque Biography By Mark Twain English Literature Essay
A Burlesque Biography By Mark Twain English Literature Essay by Mark Twain (1835-1910) Two or three persons having at different times intimated that if I would write an autobiography they would read it when they got leisure, I yield at last to this frenzied public demand and herewith tender my history. Ours is a noble house, and stretches a long way back into antiquity. The earliest ancestor the Twains have any record of was a friend of the family by the name of Higgins. This was in the eleventh century, when our people were living in Aberdeen, county of Cork, England. Why it is that our long line has ever since borne the maternal name (except when one of them now and then took a playful refuge in an alias to avert foolishness), instead of Higgins, is a mystery which none of us has ever felt much desire to stir. It is a kind of vague, pretty romance, and we leave it alone. All the old families do that way. Arthour Twain was a man of considerable note–a solicitor on the highway in William Rufus’s time. At about the age of thirty he went to one of those fine old English places of resort called Newgate, to see about something, and never returned again. While there he died suddenly. Augustus Twain seems to have made something of a stir about the year 1160. He was as full of fun as he could be, and used to take his old saber and sharpen it up, and get in a convenient place on a dark night, and stick it through people as they went by, to see them jump. He was a born humorist. But he got to going too far with it; and the first time he was found stripping one of these parties, the authorities removed one end of him, and put it up on a nice high place on Temple Bar, where it could contemplate the people and have a good time. He never liked any situation so much or stuck to it so long. Then for the next two hundred years the family tree shows a succession of soldiers–noble, high-spirited fellows, who always went into battle singing, right behind the army, and always went out a-whooping, right ahead of it. Thi s is a scathing rebuke to old dead Froissart’s poor witticism that our family tree never had but one limb to it, and that that one stuck out at right angles, and bore fruit winter and summer. Early in the fifteenth century we have Beau Twain, called â€Å"the Scholar.†He wrote a beautiful, beautiful hand. And he could imitate anybody’s hand so closely that it was enough to make a person laugh his head off to see it. He had infinite sport with his talent. But by and by he took a contract to break stone for a road, and the roughness of the work spoiled his hand. Still, he enjoyed life all the time he was in the stone business, which, with inconsiderable intervals, was some forty-two years. In fact, he died in harness. During all those long years he gave such satisfaction that he never was through with one contract a week till the government gave him another. He was a perfect pet. And he was always a favorite with his fellow-artists, and was a conspicuous member o f their benevolent secret society, called the Chain Gang. He always wore his hair short, had a preference for striped clothes, and died lamented by the government. He was a sore loss to his country. For he was so regular.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Nationals infrastructure accident Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nationals infrastructure accident - Essay Example This paper aims at highlighting the various actions that are necessary for the U.S. government to consider in order to mitigate occurrence of similar events in future. For those who watched the media news about the New Orleans landfall made by the Hurricane Katrina in the year 2005, highly remember how water flooded over the numerous levees, which were built to prevent an occurrence of such accidents as well as protecting the city. Several factors contributed to the failure of New Orleans levees ranging from poor engineering designs to the storm’s sheer ferocity (Reilly, 2009). All these factors were into consideration during the reconstruction of the levee after the wake of the Hurricane Katrina. The other low-lying cities in America learned a lot from the failure of New Orleans levees and considered such factors when making evaluation on their preparedness prevent occurrence of such storms. New Orleans is an American city that is located in a unique site, because it is completely below the sea level. Residents of this city cope with the surroundings of large water bodies such as Lake Pontchartrain, Mississippi River, and Mexico Gulf with array of levees designed to prevent flooding water from entering the city (United States, 2006). When conditions caused the breakage of the constructed levees during the Hurricane Katrina in the year 2005, the effect was highly harming and flooding water pooled out covering the entire city. With the initial 24 hours after the storm started, 28 levees had already failed. The total number of failed or broken levees increased to over 55 within the first week. The U.S. USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers), the core constructor of the levees issued out a public explanation on why the levees failed after several days. According USACE’s account, the design of the levees was only to protect the city from Category Three storms, and the Hurricane
Decision Making paper research Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Decision Making research - Term Paper Example Furthermore, the researcher investigates how skill is developed and what are the types of skills every individual has. 1.1 Statement of the problem The researcher wishes to resolve the issue whether a skill is learned or not. Based on the testimonies of many individuals, a skill is not learned because it is something that is being acquired during birth. On the contrary, many believe that, like other talents (e.g singing, dancing, playing musical instrument), skill needs to be enhanced to become an ability, and in the long run would form part as a habit. 1.2 Scope of the Problem In this paper, the researcher limits the investigation to the cliff of the data gathered, analyzed and used. However, since the researcher seeks to resolve the issue aforementioned, there would be series of comparison and analysis to test the validity of the hypothesis. 1.3 Hypothesis A skill is learned through time. The ability of an individual to use his knowledge on, for example, painting, and circus exhibi tion, writing and speaking becomes a skill once mastered, or least, familiarized, and eventually becomes a habit. Types of Skill The combination of ability and knowledge that enables a man to do a task and take it to higher level is called skill; while ability refers to skills and qualities that allow a man to perform a work or task (â€Å"Abilities and Skills†). There are types of skills namely: Cognitive, Perceptual and Motor skills. A. Cognitive Skill This type of skill involves the thought processes. It is often referred as intellectual skills. According to Vanlehn, an individual is said to have acquired cognitive skill if he solve problems in intellectual tasks relying on his knowledge rather than entirely depending on his physical prowess (n.p.). In addition, commonly performed task like dealing with algebraic equations, word problems, electronic troubleshooting, computer programming, working on medical diagnosis and even simple college physics and chemistry solving cou ld enhance the skill. Basically, Cognitive skill acquisition could be traced on the path of history by which problem solving has been the study of many researchers. Moreover, Vanlehn states that in the midst of 1960, researchers studied how an individual would use his knowledge and respond to a problem-solving task; the subjects were tasked to move a pyramidal stack of disks from one peg to another by moving one disk at a time according to certain restrictions. In the course of their research, they have found out that when it comes to strategies and ways in dealing the task, an individual would tend to turn from one intermediate state to another until he gets the solution. In the example above, the subject was able to solve the puzzle by moving disks until it appeared correct. Hence, the subject has learned that in order to solve small and great problems, it takes proper analysis of the problem, comprehensive gathering of information needed as an alternative, judgment and critical t hinking. It has become a skill. B. Perceptual Skill Unlike other skills, perceptual skill carries with its name the word perception--means the ability to interpret and know certain information (Walkley 18). It is the conscious recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli that serve as a basis for understanding, learning, and knowing or for motivating a particular action or reaction (â€Å"
Operant Conditioning Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Operant Conditioning Paper - Essay Example Operant Conditioning is widely used not only in psychology but also in other different settings. A person behaves in a particular way due to the response (stimuli) he experiences in his environment. When these responses are reinforced, then the person or animal is conditioned to respond. Operant Conditioning does not use the trial and error method in determining a person’s reaction to a certain response. It is directly experienced by the individual through a certain experience in his environment. Reinforcements mean â€Å"to strengthen or make strong†but they can be both positive as well as negative. A reinforcer is called positive when the reinforcement is presented or takes place. On the other hand, a negative reinforcement is when the reinforcement is withdrawn. In order to suppress a person’s behavior, negative reinforcement is utilized, but that doesn’t mean that negative reinforcement is punishment. Negative reinforcers are often used to correct a person’s behavior by removing the positive reinforcer and replacing it with the negative one. This helps the individual to condition or respond in a different way by reducing the consequence or threat of punishment, thereby changing his behavior for the better. Operant Behavior is moulded according to the consequences an individual receives in the environment. The freedom of a person is affected in the process. (Skinner, 1971) If the individual has experienced positive reinforcing consequences usually feel a sense of freedom, but this is not the case in negative consequences. According to B.F Skinner, â€Å"The experimental analysis of operant behavior has led to a technology often called behavior modification†. (B.F Skinner, 1971) Between the positive reinforcement and Negative reinforcement, the one that is most used in the correction of behavior is the Negative reinforcement. In such an environment, the trouble causing consequences are removed and replaced with other consequences,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Critical Thinking Argument Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Critical Thinking Argument Paper - Assignment Example Age has never been an indicator of a person’s ability to produce results. While at the workplace, employees should be assessed basing on their capability to produce results but not on their age. There is no logic in an argument suggesting that, if the elderly are employed, the younger generation would lack the opportunity to work in organizations. In fact such a view is an argument in fallacy. Workplace principles demand that each and every employee should be treated fairly at his/her place of work. The elderly employees at the workplace have the right to employment just like the young. The principles of nondiscrimination at the place of work, therefore, form basic components of the human rights. Such rights should only be ignored if there is proof that continued employment of a particular person results in no significant benefit for the organization he/she works for. In order to fulfill the provisions in the principles that govern workplace discipline, an aged person may be replaced by a younger person only when the aged lacks the manual strength or concentration to effectively perform his/her roles. Discriminatory practices at the workplace affect the economy negatively regardless of the specific gains that may be realized by an organization that engages in such discrimination. Discrimination may result in relevant skills being disposed off. Such disposal may result in losing skills that would have contributed uniquely to the success of the organization. Some aged workers may have a great experience in the running of matters at the workplace which may not be the case with the young employees. In such situations age discrimination may result in organizations incurring economic losses. This in turn results in jobs being matched to workers in an inefficient manner and thus wastage of talents. The participation of the elderly in activities at the workplace results in correct matching of jobs with workers
Research Methodolgy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Research Methodolgy - Essay Example Knowing the manner of data collection readers would be able to evaluate the validity as well as reliability of the results, and the conclusions which were drawn from them. A method of a certain research depends on the type of research conduction and approaches used in the study. The study can be Quantitative type or a Qualitative Research. Quantitative methodologies assume that collected data are measurable, or if they are not, it is necessary to design an experiment or computer simulation in a way that respective measurements can be taken. Once the measurements are done, the problem is to fit (in a broad sense) the data adequately. Derived dependencies are then interpreted in the context of the initial problem formulation with a possible test of the hypothesis about the nature of the data and the errors in the measurements. In qualitative methods, the interest is centered on the qualitative characteristics of the phenomenon. Rather than trying to quantify every detail, these methods try to grasp the Quantitative and qualitative methods are relatively distinctive in the emphasis they position on each (Stake, 1995). For quantitative inquiries, argumentation is based on a demonstration of the phenomenon as a fixed set of variables. There, systematic statistical or further functional relations between the factors or variables. Meanwhile, in qualitative researches, argumentation is with reference on a description of the research observation units fairly than on approximation of some degree of number of variables. The purpose of quantitative research is simply to elucidate observed phenomena; to provide the capacity to predict as well as to control examined concepts. As a result, these concepts call for quantification. The proceeding pages present summaries and criticisms of the two selected research topics (one quantitative and the other one is the qualitative research), as well as the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
PRACTICAL AND WRITTEN ASSESSMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
PRACTICAL AND WRITTEN ASSESSMENT - Assignment Example 66). This paper looks at performance management system in the Fasset sector. Performance management process in this organization is a major process in any organization because it assists the management and their staff to sustain the organization when implementing their business strategies (Marr, 2012, p. 79). It is; thus, an essential section of an organization joining the managers and their staff. The system is planned to support communication and criticism between administration and staff. It creates prospects for distinctive work implementation, and work as a basis for compensating top workers. Armstrong and Baron (2003, p. 67) noted that organizations need a controlled technique of interaction between different ranks of the association. Businesses that need and encourage this reaction circle can gather information on performance and develop from the facts obtained. The entire process involves employees and their supervisors, observation procedures and individual testing techniques (Bernthal, Rogers & Smith, 2003, p. 68). It usually involves frequent interactions between the management and workers concerning the organization. These compulsory communications ensure workers have an opportunity to interact and share ideas (Boland and Fowler, 2000, p. 417). Business interior environment comprises of the components within the corporation, including present workers, administration, and particularly business background, which describes staff member’s behaviour (Bernthal et al. 2001, p. 17). Some of these factors affect the organization as a whole while others only affects the managers. Leadership styles used by managers can affect the entire organization. An organizational statement describes what the association represents and reasons why the organization exists (Brigall and Modell, 2000, p. 281). The statement explains the general purpose of the association and comprises of the qualities that
Research Methodolgy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Research Methodolgy - Essay Example Knowing the manner of data collection readers would be able to evaluate the validity as well as reliability of the results, and the conclusions which were drawn from them. A method of a certain research depends on the type of research conduction and approaches used in the study. The study can be Quantitative type or a Qualitative Research. Quantitative methodologies assume that collected data are measurable, or if they are not, it is necessary to design an experiment or computer simulation in a way that respective measurements can be taken. Once the measurements are done, the problem is to fit (in a broad sense) the data adequately. Derived dependencies are then interpreted in the context of the initial problem formulation with a possible test of the hypothesis about the nature of the data and the errors in the measurements. In qualitative methods, the interest is centered on the qualitative characteristics of the phenomenon. Rather than trying to quantify every detail, these methods try to grasp the Quantitative and qualitative methods are relatively distinctive in the emphasis they position on each (Stake, 1995). For quantitative inquiries, argumentation is based on a demonstration of the phenomenon as a fixed set of variables. There, systematic statistical or further functional relations between the factors or variables. Meanwhile, in qualitative researches, argumentation is with reference on a description of the research observation units fairly than on approximation of some degree of number of variables. The purpose of quantitative research is simply to elucidate observed phenomena; to provide the capacity to predict as well as to control examined concepts. As a result, these concepts call for quantification. The proceeding pages present summaries and criticisms of the two selected research topics (one quantitative and the other one is the qualitative research), as well as the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Future of technology (advantages and disadvantages) Essay Example for Free
Future of technology (advantages and disadvantages) Essay From day to day, our world has been changed gradually from one condition to another. Nowadays, technology has advanced in huge leaps and bounds. We cannot imagine the world without technological advances such as computer, televisions, and machines and so on. However there are some advantages and disadvantages of technology. First, technologies play an important role in society because it makes life easier to live on and makes time less consuming. People do not have to do all the hard labor anymore. For example, many people have washing machines, clothes driers and dishwashers, so the amount of energy needed to wash and dry clothes and wash dishes is greatly reduced. Second, medical science is very progressive and saves many innocent lives. Medical treatment has been going well with the help of technology. Nowadays, hospitals use technology as assistance for operations. However, technology also brings harm to our society. The overuse and development of factory industries causes pollution to our world. For example the use of cars and machines causes smoke that affects the quality of our air and destroys our ozone layer and as a result people suffer illnesses like cancer. Another disadvantage is that technologies create financial problems in families because most technologies are expensive. For example people that do not have a washing machine will have to wash clothes by hand which is time consuming. In conclusion, we cannot stop technology from developing in our society. Nowadays, we as people rely on technology everyday to make our lives simpler. Without modern technology our world would be a tough place to live in.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Neural Grafts for PD Symptoms
Neural Grafts for PD Symptoms New Neurons for Old The Swedish neuroscientist Patrik Brundin was twelve years old when his father was diagnosed with PD. He resolved to devote his life to finding a cure for the disease and elected to study medicine at Lund University in Sweden. In the late 1990s, he joined Anders Bjà ¶rklund, a pioneer of neural transplantation, to work on a series of neural grafts aimed at reversing the symptoms of PD. A neural graft is an experimental procedure for transplanting neural tissue into the brain. The operations were controversial because the transplanted neural tissue came from aborted fetuses. Research had shown that the optimal time to transplant human fetal-brain tissue from the substantia nigra was from six to eight weeks after fertilization. Because only 10 percent of the fetal cells are likely to survive the entire procedure, the neurosurgeon may need to implant cells from multiple fetuses in one operation. To prepare for the operation, the fetal tissue has to be dissected under the microscope so that only those cells whose destiny is to make dopamine would be transplanted. Attached to the substantia nigra tissue are cells that have different fates to become cartilage, skin, etc. If the surgeon isnt careful and grafts these cells into the brain, theyd grow into big bits of skin and cartilage. It is a delicate process. The entire fetus is only the size of a fingernail; the substantia nigra, the size of a pin. After hours of painstaking dissection, the fetal cells will be mixed with a chemical called trypsin to dissociate the cells into a liquid suspension. Researches with rats had shown that fetal cells grafted in the substantia nigra did not reverse PD-like symptoms, because the grafted nerve fibers could not grow long enough to reach their targets in the striatum. So the neurosurgeon will implant the fetal cells in the striatum. In the 1990s, 18 cases of neural grafting operations were conducted at Lund, and over 300 worldwide, with encouraging results. By 1999, many people believed this method is the only way to cure PD. But for others, the results were uncontrolled trials with a potential for a placebo effect. This led two teams in the United States to propose controlled blind trials of fetal tissue transplantation operations. Patients entering the trial would be assigned to one of two groups: a treatment group and a control group. Patients would not know which group they were in and would continue taking their regular dopaminergic medication. The first study performed the trial separately for people over and under sixty. The doctors held follow-up meetings with the patients for twelve months. In 2001, the team reported the results. The over-sixty treatment group experienced no measurable improvement compared to the control group. The under-sixty treatment group got some improvements, but the researchers found worrying evidence of adverse side effects: facial dystonias and dyskinesias. Unlike L-dopa-induced dyskinesias, which disappear as patients medication wears off, these dyskinesias were coming from the graft, and they were permanent. The second study assigned the patients randomly to two treatment groups one using material from a single fetus, the other using material from four fetuses and a control group. The groups were followed for two years and tested using UPDRS. There was no difference between the three groups, showing that fetal dose didnt matter, and again some patients developed graft-related dyskinesias. These two studies killed the field of neural transplantation. A decade after these studies, Brundin is still a strong supporter of neural grafting. He claims the studies had numerous flaws. Brundin may be correct about neural graftings efficacy. It worked in the cases of two patients in the Lund series. The two patients were diagnosed thirty years ago. Both responded well to L-dopa, but developed severe L-dopa-induced motor complications. In the 1990s, they went to Lund, where the surgeons transplanted dopaminergic fetal tissue into the striatum on both sides of their brains. After four years, both patients could drop all dopaminergic mediations. Their PET scans showed clear signs of new dopamine production in the striatum, and their motor states, as measured by the UPDRS, showed a sustained benefit. These cases showed that this bold strategy can work and serve as a caution against dismissing neural grafts prematurely. The early scientific trials of levodopa failed. But scientists like George Cotzias persisted and worked out the correct dosing regimen, and the failure turned into spectacular success. In Europe, a large trial called TRANSEURO is under way involving some 150 patients. The work might redeem neural grafting. In the last few years, a potential alternative to fetal cells and embryonic stem cells has become available. In 2006, Japanese researcher Shinya Yamanaka showed in mice that ordinary skin cells could be reprogrammed to become pluripotent capable of becoming any cell. Soon after, Yamanakas technique was achieved with human skin cells. Rather than using fetal cells, researchers can take a patients own skin cells, reprogram them to become so-called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), then let them develop into dopamine neurons. These neurons can be studied in the lab or grown for neural grafts. Such iPSCs not only bypass the ethical issues plaguing embryonic stem cells, but also have other advantages. Because iPSCs are derived from the patients own cells, there is no need for immunosuppressive drugs. But because there is a risk that such cells might turn cancerous, it may take decades to develop a safe and effective procedure. Key Takeaways In the late 1990s, Patrik Brundin worked on a series of neural grafts aimed at reversing the symptoms of PD. Two controlled blind trials of fetal tissue transplantation operations conducted in the United States in early 2000s showed that the treatment group experience no measurable improvement compared to the control group. It was also worrisome that some patients developed graft-related dyskinesias. In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka showed that ordinary skin cells could be reprogrammed to become pluripotent.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Thunderwith Essay -- essays research papers
Thunderwith Essay Everyone goes through a grieving stage in their lives. Lose of a loved one like a mother or just personal problems can cause a person to be upset and grieving. In the novel Thunderwith by Libby Hathorn, the main character Lara gives an example of the stages of grieving. And how she learnt to overcome her mother's death. Â Â Â Â Â In the beginning of the novel, Lara is faced with the death of her beloved mother. She is sent to live with her father that she has not seen since she was a child. Lara is also going to live with her father's new family that she has never met. Larry her father has a new wife. 'Lara has the impression that the Man will care for and look after her, saving her from his wife and kids.'; When Lara eventually meets her new stepmother, her half-brother and half-sisters, she immediately knows that she is not wanted and that they hate her. So Lara thinks that the Man will look after her and save her from his family. This is further denial of the pain and loneliness she feels. Thunderwith the novel expresses a young girl grieving over her mother's death. Â Â Â Â Â Soon afterwards Lara meets a dog. She decides to call it Thunderwith because she thinks that it is a gift sent down by her mother. Lara is so happy that she can have one moment of happiness. 'She had just met Thunderwith and somehow by caring about him meant she didn't care about being by herself. She 'was not really alone at all-Thunderwi...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Great Expectations: Lessons on Life and Love :: Great Expectations Essays
Great Expectations: Lessons on Life and Love Great Expectations is merely timeless. It is about all the things that life is about: how relatives can be loving, or abusive, how people can choose their own families; how a woman might be driven to destroy her child, or give her child away; how people may be corrupt, may be redeemed; how your upbringing defines your character, and how you may rise above or embrace that definition; and how, finally, love is a choice. Great Expectations, written by Charles Dickens, is a moral book, without any clear moral directives. Its language is beautiful, its plot compelling, its characters complex and complete. People, Dickens tells us, are not always what they seem. Not simply because they've disguised or hidden or renamed themselves, like Magwitch; not only because those who seem most beautiful may be, in fact, most terrible, like Estella. People are not always what they seem because people are never only one thing. The wretched Mrs. Joe becomes nearly lovable after her injury; Mrs. Havisham melts (before she burns); Magwitch in trouble terrorizes Pip, but in prosperity is his benefactor; Wemmick's character is dependent on his location; there is a hint that even Estella, at last, is not as brightly cold as her name and nature suggests; and, of course, Pip is at first good, and then snobbish and profligate, and then, finally, good. Money changes everything except human nature. Human beings chan ge: not for the better, and not for the worse, and not permanently. People change, then change back. Their changes do not necessarily make them happy. That is the human condition. "That was a memorable day for me," says Pip, after first visiting Satis House, "for it made great changes in me. But it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause, you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day." "Great Expectations" is no less instructive for not being morally definite. That first link will change you, as the circumstances of your childhood will. It is your own duty (I believe Dickens says) to change yourself inwardly as you are changed outwardly.
Friday, October 11, 2019
United States Efforts To Combat Domestic Counter Terrorism
The threat of terrorism has become real since the 9/11 attacks in the US. The government as well as the international community has joined efforts in order to combat the ever present terror attacks mainly targeting America. Although there have not been other terrorist attacks in the US soil since the 9/11 attacks, the fact that, terrorists continue to threaten and in fact other US interests outside the US remains as clear pointer to the fact that, terrorism is a real threat to the US and therefore warrants measures against protecting every American’s right to fundamental freedoms guaranteed under law. Terrorist activities recently targeting the US allies and foreign interests include attacks in Kenya, Morocco, Pakistan, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen and Tunisia. The above calls for tough and effective anti terrorism laws to curb the evil. It is against that background that, US has taken considerable measures to combat the evil both domestically and internationally. For the purpose of this, paper, attention will be given to domestic measures aimed at curbing terrorism and only touch a little bit on international terrorism. International measures have included the capacity building programs being initiated by the US in its allies by giving incentives such as training military on the effective military combats styles as well as increasing of satellite surveillance as well as use of communication technology to track and disrupt the activities of the terrorist and carry out preemptive attacks on their bases if suspected to be planning and attack (Abuza, Zachary,2005). On top of that, according to , combating terrorist requires a coordinated activity. The first step involves the use of al means in order to deny the terrorists the chance of committing the crime in other words decapacitating them, this is possible through number of ways which include, cutting arms supply, denying terrorists access to arms and other weaponry which would be harmful if left in the reach of the terrorists and improved security checks in all vulnerable areas such as airports all aimed at lessening the probability of terrorists successfully attacking the US. One can not forget the role on good governance for in some cases the activities of terrorism have happen just because a government official serving in a major security installation such as in the airports or immigration department s failed to execute their duties properly (Acquaviva, Mike, 1989) The US has in measure aimed at improving its home security passed several antiterrorism bills all of which have in one way or another contributed to the interruption of terrorist activities therefore lessening the chances of terrorist attacks in the US. In a bid to protect its citizens and sovereignty America enforced many measures including military operations in places deemed to harbor terrorist activities or are at least sympathetic to terrorist activities. The constitution of America empowers the president through congress to intervene in cases where the country comes under security threat using all means under his/her discretion. It is against this back ground that, the US has taken measures which not all agree to have nevertheless helped to reduce the incidence of attacks. Such measures have included the empowerment of all security institutions such as the FBI and the CIA, to play a bigger role in the hunt and elimination of terrorists and their activities, increasing military expenditure as well as security budget to facilitate programs aimed at combating terrorism. Other activities have included the passing of laws aimed at confiscating property suspected to originate or be ended to terrorist cells or allies. Other key measures aimed at combating the crime involve the passing a bill which empowers key security agencies to intercept communications deemed suspicious and likely to enhance terrorist activities. Other measure have include the coding of the US security levels to also alert the people of America when ever a threat of attacks is deemed inevitable as well as when it is considered relatively safe. Also the US has introduced the concept of travel advisories which although they do not apply domestically are key in protecting the Americans against the thereat of attacks. Other than the methods used, it does not occur there were other alternatives since, the present measures have succeeded in making the US a better place. It is notable that, there has been numerous attempts by the terrorists groups to hit US again possibly to commemorate the September 11 attacks but all have been thwarted or intercepted and if they happen it has been in a small magnitude. Although critiques have argued that, the measures taken by US has increased anti-Americanism especially form Islamic countries, the fact is that, the terrorist are determined to attack US and considers such as achievements. This calls for no less than radical measures aimed at maintaining the security of Americans. In the fight against terrorism, the US has not been alone for it has received all manner of support from its key ally Britain as well as from the UN which helped pass some of the international amendments aimed at curbing the threat and danger of terrorism (Abuza, Zachary,2003). In all regions of the work the US has key partners’ and allies who allow it to operate form the solids in the endeavor to reduce the efficiency of the terrorist. From Africa to Asia, and Far East, the US collaborates with key countries through sharing of intelligence, use of countries facilities, to launch activities as well passing anti-terrorism legislations which are deemed crucial in deterring terrorists. On the other hand the US benefits form these ties in that the countries can arrest suspects wanted in connection with terrorism and them to US for interrogation and trial especially those wanted in connection to the September attacks. Just like all other well intentioned struggles, the combat against domestic terrorism will need the right environment in order to be successful as well as to achieve is objectives. In a nutshell the following are the most immediate needs and changes which may result into a fight with a well guided mission and vision, one which will meet the expectations of the people of America. Firstly, the issue of good PR will need to be emphasized a lot and it needs to be highlighted in all departments and institutions dealing with terrorism. Although the US military has done much efforts to meet this, goal, it is has not been sustained and maintained in that, some organs of the government seem to be comfortable with the progress so far. Far form the truth, there is need to ensure that, every move from the government aimed at countering the threats of terrorism as well as all others aimed at influencing major international partners as well as world bodies such as the UN are not misrepresented or misinterpreted by the public. Against the background of the Iraq war which has resulted into enormous life losses to the Americans, it is easy for people to lose the zeal for the fight and start opposing it. This happens due to poor communication as well as poor PR skills. Therefore the role of communication and PR in this war against domestic terrorism needs to be speeded up in order to ensure that; throughout all campaigns the government has the blessing of the masses. The other challenge in the combat against domestic tourism comes in the form of opposition to legislations or bills aimed at solving the problem of terrorism. When ever a senator or any member of the congress brings up a motion on terrorism fighting, there is a need for all the congress men to put aside all their political ideological differences to back such law because its touches the whole American society. Lastly, the challenge of people withholding crucial information from the law enforcement agents is a matter of grave concern. Usually, terrorists live among the people that they plan to attack. In that case, those who live near the terrorists and shield them from the law enforcer are obliviously on the wrong. The public should be more involved and actually share any crucial information with the police. By hunting down for terrorist in the mountains, jungles and seas, by attacking those who collaborated with the terrorist to attack it, the act of the US in regard to terrorism can not be regarded to as being overreaction. Simply put, there was no other way of doing it, the US had lost close to $100 billion in terms of economic damages as a result of terrorists activities of the recent past. Against such a background, the activities and efforts of the US to combat domestic tourism can be termed only as fair and justified for failure to act would and can lead to further attack hence more losses. This can also significantly affect the world order as the US is looked up on by many vulnerable countries to offer protection in cases of external aggression on their sovereignty as it did in the case o Kuwait.
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