Monday, September 30, 2019
Ritual – wine taralli
Nonna's Wine Taralli In a tiny house surrounded by a forest of fig trees in Rende, Cosenza, Calabria, my great great grandmother taught her little granddaughter how to make â€Å"Nonna's Wine Taralli. †That little girl would eventually become my grandmother and she would also teach me the art of wine taralli-making. Two cups of my grandfather's homemade white wine, fourteen ounces of canola oil and sugar, two teaspoons of baking powder, an envelope of â€Å"Lievito Bartolino,†three and a half pounds of flour and â€Å"un po' di aranzi,†as my Italian grandmother says, which are the licorice-flavoured seeds of the nise.These ingredients combine to make â€Å"Nonna's Wine Taralli†– a cookie-textured, ring shaped and slightly sweetened version of the traditional Italian taralli, whose recipe has been passed on for generations by the women in my southern-Italian family. Come fall and spring, a grandmother makes an abundance of wine taralli in the pre sence of daughters and granddaughters who watch intently and help accordingly.According to Searle's Taxonomy, the making of â€Å"Nonna's Wine Taralli†is regarded as ritualistic behavior as it is collective, formal, performance and formative, trengthens existing social statuses and relationships, and exudes ultimate goals. To begin, the making of â€Å"Nonna's Wine Taralli†is consistent with Searle's Taxonomy as it is collective, meaning there are at least two people (Searle 19) as well as formal since it calls for conformity, cannot be improvised and is not spontaneous (20). The activity is collective. It involves at least two and at most three women: a grandmother, her daughter and her granddaughter in any which combination.The activity is formal. Each and every ingredient is essential. There is not much, if any, room for improvisation. The flavour is entirely dependent on each and every ingredient. If certain ingredients are missing, sacrificed or substituted, the wine taralli will not taste as they are expected to taste and should taste. There is not only an expected taste, but also an expected and fixed order of events. The beating of the oil, sugar and white wine come first, followed by the sifting of the flour, baking powder, â€Å"Lievito Bartolino†and â€Å"aranzi,†then the kneading of the dough, the cutting of the strips and finally, the formation of the rings.Furthermore, the activity is performance. It can be seen as performance as it is bodily and demands its participants submit to a particular role (22). The activity involves the beating and sifting of the essential ingredients and the kneading of the dough through folding, pressing, and stretching, which require steady hand and wrist movements. It also involves roles which are quite fixed and unchanging. I recall standing on top of a chair in order to reach the counter of my grandmother's kitchen at the young age of five.I watched her perform er role which involve d kneading the dough with her strong hands as I waited anxiously for my role to come, which consisted of rolling the soft dough into strips and then forming them into the taralli's distinct ring-like shape. Throughout the years, the roles between my grandmother and I have remained the same. Finally, the making of wine taralli is formative and strengthens existing relationships and social statuses (24). An abundance are made to last several months since we gather only twice a year to make them.Since so many ot them are being produced at one time, he participants, especially young granddaughters like myself, have the opportunity to develop the ability to create and perfect the art of taralli-making. It also allows participants to strengthen existing familial and cultural bonds and social statuses. The familial bond between grandmothers, mothers and daughters and the familial status of being a member of this particular family are present and strengthened. The cultural bond that is shar ed in being members of the Italian heritage is strengthened by the practicing of an age old cultural tradition.The bond of womanhood is trengthened in that the participants are exclusively Italian women from the same family. These bonds are present while not explicitly stated. While there is only a small group of participants, the bonds and social statuses that are shared amongst them are strong and meaningful. A popular Italian saying that is spoken by my grandmother when making wine taralli is, â€Å"one can resolve any argument over a glass of wine and a handful of taralli. †As I get older, it becomes more clear to me what the ultimate goals of this ritual are and how they are achieved.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Life today is better Essay
Nowadays life is more comfortable, convenient and better than it was a century before. Modern facilities for health, education, communication and transport have added a lot in bringing betterment to the life of people. Advances in technology have provided people with many ways to spend their leisure time and they also have more opportunities to utilize their physical and mental abilities to achieve a better living standard. Technology and education have got much better as compared to the past as there are more schools, colleges and universities giving basic and modern education. Subsequently, it has revolutionized all the sectors of society. For instance, in the past 100 years, research surveys indicate that millions of people died due to disease outbreaks and absence of cures and appropriate health facilities. But now the mortality rate has significantly reduced because there are hospitals available almost in every town, equipped with basic emergency requirements. Medical research and inventions have eradicated many diseases from the world. Communication has become much easier and fast as internet, mobile phones, television are available nowadays. There is no need to write long descriptive letters and wait for the response for long time. One can talk and even watch his loved ones with only a single click. They provide a better source of recreation too, thus helping to get rid of boredom. Similarly, infrastructure has been improved hence it has upgraded the standard of travelling. One can travel long distances using airplane in few hours while it was not possible some years ago. People had to travel for days to cover long distances on animals, keeping heavy luggage and food with them. Development in industrial sectors has opened new areas for work to earn a living. It has introduced a wide range of career choices so that one can opt for what he likes to do instead of sticking with the occupation of ancestors. It can be inferred from the above arguments that standard of life is far better than it was in the past. People have more facilities and choices for spending and maintaining their lives. It has all happened due to the advent of education and technology that was absent in the past.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Consumer behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Consumer behaviour - Essay Example These products have been grouped together depending on the type of decision rules that consumers would adopt while purchasing them Consumers will exhibit habitual/routine response behaviour while buying these products. In such cases, the consumer recognizes a problem and resorts primarily on internal search only, i.e. relies on his long-term memory. The internal search throws out a single solution, i.e. the most preferred brand which is purchased by the customer. There is thus low level of consumer involvement in such cases. Consumers typically demonstrate routine buying behaviour in case of low priced products that are frequently purchased. Consumers will resort to limited problem solving (LPS) decision rules while purchasing an aftershave lotion or taking carpeting decisions. Under LPS, consumers resort to some amount of external search in addition to internal search. They tend to consider a few alternatives before selecting a particular brand. Products involved in LPS arouse mild interest and curiosity. Consumers also resort to a little post purchase evaluation in such cases. Consumers will resort to extensive problem solving while purchasing luxury cars. They indulge in extensive information search which is followed by a complex evaluation of multiple alternatives. This process entails a thorough post purchase evaluation in such cases. Consumers use the extensive problem solving decision rules in case of infrequently purchased, very highly priced products. Typically such products carry a high symbolic meaning and have high social visibility. There are numerous features like focus, film format, lenses, timers, preview button, viewfinder, light meters, shutter controls etc. that can be considered while purchasing a 35mm camera. I find that the following attributes are relevant and must be kept in mind while making the purchase decision for a 35 mm camera; Shutter Speeds, Flash Sync, Autofocus,
Friday, September 27, 2019
Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Research Report - Essay Example er, is that the Human Resource function by its very nature focuses not only on recruiting the most qualified workers to the organization but also ensuring there is a robust working environment. Lack of conducive working environment precipitates factors such as poor work moral, negative attitude to work, low or total lack of commitment to the organization. At Four Seasons, the management has taken cognizance of the fact that an organization’s most important asset is its employees. Highly qualified staffs who are well motivated would go out of their way to provide the best services to the customers. Such a quality is of profound importance in the hospitality industry where client satisfaction is the key to ensuring the hotel remains in business. An employee provides the first point of contact between a customer and the organization and as such, is the most important PR agent of the organization. Depending on how he or she is treated, a customer’s decision to make a repeat purchase is often rely much on the prior experience they had with the organization. The aspects of HR functions are not quantifiable in monetary terms, but play a big role in influencing the organization’s strategy. It is difficult estimating how much a well-motivated staff may be worth for the organization, but it is central to the firm’s profitability. According to Khan, the Human Resource department has three key roles to play in the organizations strategic advancement (Khan, 2014). These roles include one, to function as a strategic partner. This includes the provision of support for the organization’s policies, the people and implementations of regulations within the organization. Under this role, the department is usually the duty of taking care of administrative matters such as issues dealing with the individual employee payroll issues, insurance, leaves and any other benefits due to the employee. The department also provides support for the circulation of executive orders
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Discuss Constantine, his Conversion to Christianity and the end of the Essay - 1
Discuss Constantine, his Conversion to Christianity and the end of the Roman Empire - Essay Example However, in the Roman Empire the government distrusted Christians and this implied that they were the minority in a society that was filled with pagans. During this period, the Christians followed the Christian way of life by obeying authorities such as bishops and the rule of law, but they refused to abide by the customs of the pagans. The government was filled with pagans, and this prompted it to single out the Christians, but they held on strongly to Christianity and they were not moved by the constant harassments they underwent. This scenario prompted Christians to be killed and continued to unite them further in their fight to be allowed freedom of worship. Prior to the end of the roman empire Diocletian, who was an emperor during this time declared Christianity as forbidden and churches were demolished. In addition to this, Christians were denied their legal rights all in the efforts of completely removing Christianity from the society. Around the year 299, disruption of the pagan rituals and burning of the Diocletian’s palace caused many Christians to be killed since they were blamed for these occurrences. However, the persecutions did not completely destroy Christianity, and this is the time when Constantine took up the fight to restore Christianity because he was disturbed by the persecution they underwent. Constantine had encountered many of the harassments against Christians since he was brought up in Diocletian’s court and he found them disturbing. Before the battle between the Christians and pagans at the Milvian Bridge, he had a dream where God instructed on how they would encounter the pagans. During this time, he was not a Christian, but he had a vow that if he won this battle he would fight for Christians for the rest of his reign. His mother was a Christian and she had instilled Christianity values in him, so he had the zeal to fight for their rights. The Christians won this battle, and he believed that God
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Iphone 5 Holographic laser Key Board & Wide Screen Projector Term Paper
Iphone 5 Holographic laser Key Board & Wide Screen Projector - Term Paper Example In the computer market, where this company has traditionally been very strong, Apple has continued to strengthen its products by increasing their quality especially in desktops and laptops (Rouse, 1999). The latter has led to a great increase in the sales of the company, the sales in the Mac units alone brought in more than 10 billion dollars in revenue to the company, and this was a forty percent increase in sales from the previous year. Its continued innovative style and its ingenious marketing strategy, especially when unveiling new products, have continued to make Apple one of the leading companies in the IT sector. II. SITUATION ANALYSIS a) INDUSTRY There seems to be always a shift in the priorities of the IT sector every few years and this is most likely because this sector is currently thick with new product developments from the different companies involved in it. These products have become a part of everyday life and very few people all over the world can do without them. It is therefore certain that the demand for IT products, especially those developed by Apple, is going to continue rising significantly unless another company comes up with better and more advanced products than the ones it currently has on the market. There have been dramatic improvements in the functionality of Apple products and this can be exemplified by the recently introduced iPhone 5. This has been facilitated through the development of faster chips as well as the simplification of wireless technology as well as network servers to ensure that there is faster access to information through the internet (Yao, 2012). The IT industry is heavily influenced by the popular culture more than anything else is and it is because of this that many of the companies involved in it have remained successful through the years. b) COMPETITION In recent years, it can be said that most of the companies that manufactured computers such as Dell and Alien ware have been major competitors of Apple in t he market. Furthermore, Apple has come to face fierce competition from other companies in the online media sector and the greatest of these rivals has been Samsung, which has tended to produce products similar to those of Apple only selling them at cheaper prices (Burt, 2005). c) COMPANY The greatest strength of Apple as an IT company has been its ability to gauge and make the products which the public like and would like to acquire. Moreover, because of the high quality of its products, this company has come to be well known all over the world. Innovation is one of the things, which keep Apple going, and in fact, it is the main reason for its success globally. However, this company also has some core weaknesses and one of these is the competition, which it has with other companies that try very hard to outdo it by attempting to make better products. Furthermore, Apple products tend to be quite expensive and this discourages people from buying them even though they would have liked to (May Wong, 2005). Apple is one of the leading IT companies in the world and its progress in the market has risen over the years. This means that that the rate of its growth in the market has increased hence opened new doors for more ideas hence increased growth opportunities more and more. Many other IT
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Jazz Concert Report CA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Jazz Concert Report CA - Assignment Example The audience consisted of people from all walks of life and cut across all age-groups. Nevertheless, the appeal of jazz on young people like was intriguing. Many students and youth who were already out of college were in attendance. From the yells and screams they were producing, it was clear they were enjoying every second of the show. The concert featured one of the most popular jazz musicians in New York, Ari Hoenig. Ari Hoenig has a small super jazz band. It did not take long for the small band to work the audience into frenzy. The group’s performing forces are both instruments and voices. Drums, violins, guitars among other instruments combined with the band’s voices to produce compelling music. The first song of the night was Lines of Oppression. Hoenig brought it out powerfully by amazingly working on his drums in a manner that took drumming to the next level. He almost made the drums sound like horns before settling down into a loose swing groove (Kelman n.p.). The song started off in a pianissimo but somewhere in the middle rose to a crescendo before leveling out. The reason for this arrangement was to bring out the intended mood of restlessness which often results from oppression. The texture of the song is basically polyphonic with the effect of heightening the musicality of the performance. The voices of the singers blend beautifully with the various instruments used. The tempo, however, keeps changing throughout the rendition. This is in keeping with the song’s expressionistic sonority because Lines of Oppression is largely emotional. Consequently, the artiste was able to grip the audience throughout the performance. Generally, Ari Hoenig was able to reach out to the hearts of his audience throughout the performance. The second performance of the night was Wedding song. The song dispels the impression that Hoenig is
Monday, September 23, 2019
Grants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Grants - Essay Example Grants from funding agencies to help promote literacy in primary schools: SAMPLE GRANT NO. 1 . Summary Information : Government Education Grant. Supplemental Education Service Providers’ Program: Study Center. The subject area is: Reading K-4. One on one tutoring: one student for every one instructor. Maximum cost: Rs. 32/- per hour. Target group: Students living on the South side of District Hometown or attending school there. Following the standard elements of a proposal, the main guidelines: First, The Title Page. Then, The Abstract: Regular and consistent classes for improving the reading skills of economically backward children, to make a difference in their lives in all areas. Lesson plans include CIERA (Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement) strategies through guided reading. The over-all focus is on the six dimensions of reading instructions: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, text comprehension, and motivation. Introduction: Statement of the problem: Poor academic performance of non-native English speaking children, from poor families. Purpose of the work: To improve young children’s reading skills before they are caught in a cycle of failure.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Hinduism and Buddhism Essay Example for Free
Hinduism and Buddhism Essay There are many religions in the world. Two of the most popular religions in the world are Buddhism and Hinduism. These two religions are very old religions. The ideals, tenets and aspects of these religions have been embraced by many individuals and by many other religions over time. In looking closely at these two religions, it is noticeable that there are similarities and parallelisms between the Buddhism and Hinduism religions. Buddhism naturally shares many ideas with Hinduism (Brodd, Sobolweski, 2003, p. 75). This is not surprising because of the roots and history of these two religions. But despite what could be considered as similarities or even close ties found between Buddhism and Hinduism, there are professionals who noted how lines are set and differences are established between the two religions. Similarly, the differences that underlie in the paths leading towards the particular directions of the specific religion, may it be Buddhism or Hinduism. Buddhists teachings or Dharma not to be confused with the related Hindu doctrine of dharma, or ethical duty are in some respects difficult to understand (Brodd, Sobolweski, 2003, p. 75). Ideas that share parallelisms or similarities, in one point or another, like the idea of dharma in Buddhism or Hinduism, or the state of improved sense of self, or self awakening, of the elevation of the spiritual self in a higher plane through the tenets and practices inspired by religion, are all important in the practice, observation and exercise of religion. The role of these aspects is important in understanding why or why not humans subscribe to religion and its religious ideals. In consideration of these ideas, this paper will explore the discussions about Buddhism, Hinduism, Dharma and the complexities involved in the motivations; reasons and rationale on why or why not individuals immerse themselves in the ideals of these religions particularly on dharma or why individuals criticize the religion; and the aspects they often point out as footholds of their arguments, pro or against these religions and its ideals, tenets, beliefs and impact on thinking, attitude and behavior. What is dharma? Followers of the Hindu belief believe that the dharma refers to the ethical code or the sense of responsibility one places on one’s self. While dharma in Buddhism refers to the teachings that one of the most important persons in Buddhism – Siddhartha Gautama – taught the followers of this particular religion. As a set of teachings or as a moral or ethical code, the two ideas of dharma are all about inspiring people to do actions which would be considered as â€Å"good†or â€Å"ideal. †Neither the dharma in Hinduism nor the dharma in Buddhism espouses the action which can be considered as â€Å"bad†, â€Å"ill-willed†or â€Å"malicious†. Because of that, the ideas of dharma go hand in hand with practice of religious fervor. One should follow the dharma in Buddhism or the dharma in Hinduism even with the presence of an ultimate personal deity to whom one must provide an account of ones actions, thoughts, etc. The ideas involving the dharma in both religions and the reasons why a person practices and observes the dharma is closely related with the practice and consciousness on doing things that the person believes will earn him or her favor or good graces of his or her own personal god or deity. The idea is this it is reconcilable to have ones faith and ones religious actions feature actions in tune with and in accordance to the dharma (both in Buddhism and in Hinduism) and actions that one might believe are actions approved by his or her own god. The pursuit of what is right in ones mind is often related to the pursuit of doing what he or she thinks god would have wanted him or her to do. The teachings of the gods and deities of the major religions is about moral right. Dharma is always about doing what is morally right because Buddha did not teach or preached to the people about doing the wrong things. This situation is suitable especially in this day and age wherein individuals are not always exclusive to one religion anymore. Catholic Christians are welcoming the ideals and practices from other religions including Buddhism and Hinduism and the idea of dharma. Handling these two side by side is not impossible since they compliment each other and do not contradict each other. With this, dharma is observed even if there is also the pursuit of accountability of action for one’s specific personal god because the choice of actions runs in similar directions and not in opposing or contradicting pathways. Even if the action of the person is geared towards pleasing his or her own personal deity or god, the same action can be done following the Dharma. It would not conflict with the religion. On the contrary, it can be used to improve the actions of the individuals. Following the Dharma will result in the creation of a behavior that results to actions that are favorable to the gods and consistent with the ideals of the religion and is favorable and consistent to the ideals of Dharma as well. For example, Buddhists and Hindus can do things the right things so that when the time comes that they are called for their accountability, they can say that they did good things consistent to the religious belief. Their actions are motivated not just by religion or religious directions but also by the directions of the Dharma. Their actions can be considered as something better. It is ideal for an individual to not just act based on what their religion dictates but also based on what the Dharma dictates because it makes peoples actions more morally sound (Isherwood, Berg, Summers, 2007, p. 137). Simply said, Dharma is about doing in accordance to what is right and what is wrong. Everybody has their own dharma, that is to say the duty which is important to themselves there are certain things which he should do and certain things that he should not do (Isherwood, Berg, Summers, 2007, p. 137). This paradigm exists side by side with religious beliefs and this ideal can be used to improve religious practices in the effort to gain the approval of a persons god/deity. Dharma in Buddhism is an ideal that helps an individual possess an ideal set of behavior; while the idea of Dharma in Hinduism has a similar role in a persons life. In this concept, both Hinduism and Buddhism shares the similarity of providing the people/believers with a mindset or thinking/behavior paradigm that can help them act in a way that is more acceptable and helps them live more harmoniously with each other. Dharma guides a person. One should focus on his or her own Dharma in accordance with the details and characteristics of his/her life (Isherwood, Berg, Summers, 2007, p. 137). It is very, very important to follow ones own dharma and not somebody elses (Isherwood, Berg, Summers, 2007, p. 137). One of the characteristics of some of the religions in practice today is the presence of the concept of punishment and enticement/rewards. Religion, through its tenets and through the leaders of the religion that manage the â€Å"faithful†, always reminds the followers about the set of punishment waiting those who do not follow the pack and the rewards in store for those who do as the religion says. In some aspects of some of the religions today, the tenets of the religion include setting behavioral guidelines. In these guidelines, behaviors of the members which are against the guidelines deserve punishment often severe like the Christian/Catholic practice of excommunicating members, as well as the threat of ending up in fiery or frozen realm of torture and suffering for the soul like hell. While the behavior of the members of the religious congregation which are consistent to the ideals and guidelines of the religion deserve merit and later on, reward, which often comes in non-physical form like good things happening to the soul and the promise of a better afterlife. This sometimes becomes an important point when criticisms are raised. There are critics that believe that the creation of the punishment/reward system in these religions dictate the behavior of the members. They do not experience a genuine spiritual growth unlike what happens to individuals who experience a change in their lives because of the result of reflection, meditation and actions which are not enforced behind the power of threat and punishment. For example, some of the members act as dictated because they are fearful of the punishments, or some act as dictated because they want to get the rewards promised by their religion. The concept of the Dharma tradition provides no such direct punishment or reward system. Dharma in Buddhism and in Hinduism is focused on guiding an individual with the prospect that the person can achieve a state. But this is not akin to the idea of reward because achieving that state does not end or stop, rather it is pursued everyday. It is only a genuine sense of self and a genuine appreciation of what has changed in life which can truly say if the pursuit of the Dharma tradition either in Buddhism in Hinduism has been successful and effective. Vis-a-vis, there is no punishment for those who would not follow. This particular aspect of Buddhism/Hinduism is not about giving out punishment; but instead explains to the individual how doing, otherwise, can result to making one’s life more difficult than necessary. One might set out to understand and follow the Dharma in both traditions even without the concept of punishment or enticement. One of the aspects of the idea of Dharma that can convince anyone to follow this ideal with or without the punishment/enticement is because it is more than just about the self. Dharma, in both Buddhism and Hinduism, is about the sense of balance of the person in the universe. If the person has reached the consciousness, wherein his or her concern is more than his or her physical body or more than the sake of his or her physical existence (including consideration of material things and the pursuit of concepts related to the physical, material self/world like the worldly concept of material/temporary reward, etc), punishment and enticement which are limited to the physical existence becomes non-bearing or non factor. Instead, the person focuses on growth that makes the individual more focused on how he or she is in tune or living harmoniously with the rest of the universe (Ramen, 2007, p. 40). Dharma is more than just a set of rules to be a good person; it is the fundamental law that binds the universe together (Ramen, 2007, p. 40). In support of this argument, the author also added that to go against the Dharma is to defy the universe and that in following Dharma is to be in harmony with all things (Ramen, 2007, p. 40).
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Rooms and University Essay Example for Free
Rooms and University Essay My first day at University is a very important and memorable day in my life. I was waiting all the summer in 2011 to enter at the university at January 2012. That day i was so excited at as well as I was very nervous because it was my first day in the university and I didnt know any person. But at the end my first day in the university was wonderful. I had no idea how to arrive to my classroom and which room will be our class room. So I had to ask to the reception, where I was going to take classes. This person was very nice and told me the right direction. I walked to the building, and when I arrived I saw some people and I felt strange. I come up to to one girl and I asked for the classroom and I discovered that she is my close friend Shima from my school and college level and we were in the same group and I felt less nervous and comfortable . Then we went to the class room. When we began our classes, our lecturer first introduced herself and then we introduce our self in the class room. At the time of introducing all our classmates were quiet, nobody talked. I approached with two other girls they were completely unknown to me. I introduced myself, then they did the same and we began to know more about each other, like where we were from or what we did. After that, we spent the rest of the day together until we had to go home. I always remember this particular day, the reason behind it, it gave me a chance to meet with new people and making new friends. From my point of view, it is normal to be nervous in the first day at university but, there was a happy ending. So I think my first day at university was a fantastic day and it will be a memorable day in my life as said earlier.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Effects of Science on Changing Knowledge
Effects of Science on Changing Knowledge â€Å"That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow.†Consider knowledge issues raised by this statement in two areas of knowledge. Rhumer Culmer Knowledge itself is â€Å"facts, information and skills acquired by a person through experience or education†(Merriam-Webster). It is the understanding of any given subject matter and can be understood either practically or rationally. Knowledge can be broken up into numerous hypotheses and theories due to different beliefs people may have. These hypotheses can be proven to be true as they are justified logically through experiments or observation. However, others can be considered to be unjustified for a certain amount of time. There is a constant change in knowledge that is accepted because the view that people have on the world is never written in stone. The way people see the world and the things in it changes with time, as they change as a person or their environment changes as well. The reason knowledge can be accepted today and can be discarded tomorrow is because society is mechanized at every moment. Somewhere in the world, a new discovery is taking place, leading to new information on subject matter. The use of the word discarded in the statement given does not necessarily mean that all previous knowledge is thrown away and an entirely new idea is accepted, but it actually explains the idea of evolution and the world moving forward as a society. Evolution is the idea that the views on the world as we see it â€Å"may be tested and retested by future observations†(Wikipedia). As technology becomes more mechanized and gaining information is facilitated, we are able to understand more. This not only happens because of technological advances, but also because of worldwide social trends as well as new discoveries being made. Because of this a knowledge issue can be created; since some knowledge is discarded tomorrow, or what could be the near future, does this mean that the knowledge what we currently possess will always eventually be proven incorrect? New discoveries are constantly being made specifically in two areas of knowledge – natural/human sciences and history. Historians make new discoveries continuously, which is known as historical revisionism. This means that what we know from history now is not necessarily always wrong; it is just open to review. The idea of historical revisionism essentially shows that â€Å"constant revision of history is part of the normal scholarly process of writing history†(Wikipedia). As history is not complete, it is always modified to change truths in order to fit modern society. Therefore, this emphasizes the idea that instead of all knowledge being rejected because it is wrong, it is actually still accepted as the truth that has been modified due to new information, thus creating a better truth. Nevertheless, just because everything is open to modification, this does not mean that everything is right at the moment. This shows that we must never fully believe what has been given to us as fact because there is always something more to be added which can end up changing our view on the subject matter. Knowledge is also constantly altered in another area of knowledge: natural and human sciences. Scientific discoveries that create the knowledge that we accept are made from experiments and observations. These experiments are done with the use of scientific methodology, which is defined as â€Å"principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses†(Merriam-Webster). Scientific methodology has become more accurate over time due to advances in technology, thus affecting what is accepted and what is discarded. A good example of this is when scientists found a direct link between people smoking cigarettes and developing lung cancer. In the past, lung cancer was actually considered an exceptionally rare disease. Therefore, the fact that was accepted then was that there was no link to smoking and getting the dis ease. However, in the 1950s, â€Å"evidence linking cigarette smoking with lung cancer began to accumulate†(Bastian, 2008), showing that the fact that was accepted before was discarded by some people as they believed that there was now a connection between cigarettes and lung cancer. Scientific methodology even proved that there was a relationship between the two; â€Å"†¦study, carried out in Britain between 1951 and 1994, revealed that the death rate for smokers from lung cancer was about three times that of non-smokers from men over 35†(Bastian, 2008). Even though this experiment clearly showed a link between the two variables, some people still accepted that there was no way smoking cigarettes would at some point make you develop lung cancer. This example questions our knowledge issue as well as the statement given because we now see that knowledge given today and knowledge that is discarded tomorrow is not only done because of facts but also in the end it i s a person’s choice what they want to believe in. It depends on the people themselves: in the end, there is no way for anyone to be forced to discard any knowledge that they possess or accept anything that they do not want to. Medical advances also have been a result of discarded knowledge that was previously accepted. An example of this is the medical advances over the past 25+ years or so with heart disease. In the past, it was accepted that â€Å"heart attacks, called infarcts, were [big] and the damage to heart muscle was often catastrophic, leading eventually to heart failure and death†(Cox, 2009). The only cure for a heart attack was putting a patient into a dark room and giving them pain medication and medicine to â€Å"prevent dangerous irregular heartbeats†(Cox, 2009). This method was not successful all the time because the rate of death from this disease was still high. Both doctors and patients thought there was nothing they could do and accepted it. This accepted fact was discarded in the 2000s because there were new discoveries. Finding new drugs, such as Lipitor, for heart disease â€Å"are now routinely used to slow the progression of atherosclerosis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Cox, 2009) , which is plaque that can cause heart attacks. This example shows that the increase in technology and new discoveries helps improve the knowledge that we have accepted in the past, or even change our knowledge for the better. The use of the word accepted in the statement implies that there is something or someone influencing what is accepted by society, and which is denied. Whatever is accepted by society is called the truth. This brings in the idea of social factors affecting what people believe in. Nowadays, people are under the influence of way too many people. For example, celebrities have more influence on people than they should. If they say one thing is the right thing to do, then most people follow this idea. Proof of this is the changing trends in clothing. Celebrities can wear one thing and suddenly most people are wearing the same thing, if not something similar because they think it looks good. This shows that today or better yet, in the present, the ideas are accepted. However tomorrow, or in the future, the trends can be discarded. This happens if a different celebrity wears something else. The public then think whatever they were wearing before is no longer acceptable, therefore they must m ove on with the world. Another example of this is a person’s view on the world from when they were younger to when they become older. For instance, as a child we are taught that the opposite sex is annoying, strange and can spread a fictional disease, sometimes called cooties. As children we all accepted this as common fact and dare not test the theory to be incorrect. However, with the test of time, or aging, we start to view the opposite sex as attractive in certain ways. Therefore, we end up discarding what we thought was pure fact and knowledge as a child. There is proof of this because there are males and females getting married, starting families and having serious relationships worldwide. Things that are currently accepted as knowledge are easily open to be discarded in the future. Nothing is permanent because what we believe constantly changes. This is due to technology and research on different subject matter being furthered. However, if any piece of knowledge is accepted or discarded entirely depends on the person. There are many cases to show that generally, yes, knowledge has been accepted and discarded throughout time, but in the end it is always up to a single person to determine if they want to accept a piece of knowledge or to discard a piece of knowledge because it is their belief. People’s beliefs change over time because the world around us is constantly changing and there is no way to stop that, thus there will be a large number of ideas that will be accepted and discarded in society in the future. Works Cited Bastian, Sue. Chapter 10: Natural Science. Pearson Baccalaureate: Theory of Knowledge. N.p.: Pearson Education Limited, 2008. 172-80. Print. Scientific Method. Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 07 Jan. 2014. Cox, Lauren. The Top 10 Medical Advances of the Decade. The Top 10 Medical Advances of the Decade. MedPage Today, 17 Dec. 2009. Web. 06 Jan. 2014. Definition of Knowledge in English. Knowledge: Definition of Knowledge in Oxford Dictionary (British World English). Copyright  © 2013 Oxford University Press., n.d. Web. 08 Jan. 2014. Historical Revisionism. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Dec. 2013. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Allegory of the Cave by Plato Essay -- Plato Allegory Cave Philoso
The Allegory of the Cave by Plato      "The Allegory of the Cave," by Plato, explains that people experience emotional and intellectual revelations throughout different stages in their lives. This excerpt, from his dialogue The Republic, is a conversation between a philosopher and his pupil. The argument made by this philosopher has been interpreted thousands of times across the world. My own interpretation of this allegory is simple enough as Plato expresses his thoughts as separate stages. The stages, very much like life, are represented by growing realizations and newfound "pains." Therefore, each stage in "The Allegory of the Cave" reveals the relation between the growth of the mind and age.      The first stage of the excerpt, which is characterized by chained and confined people, is a metaphor representing the infant and child ages of humans. Like the confined people, children are not allowed to wander freely outside of their home and must stay close to their parent's watchful eye. Those living in the underground den have their heads positioned in a way that they must not view a fire blazing behind them. The heads of the people only see the shadows cast by the fire and objects passing by behind them and they can only guess as to the actual physicality of the object. This also is very similar to children who are curious about objects around them. Although children do not understand complex objects, they do want to know the purpose and function of the object. The mentalities of the people in the cave and of children are 100% subjective and are trapped in their own ignorance: "To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the imag es."(5) Totally emerged in isolation and without experience, those in the den have no idea as to what the true nature of the shadow is. Their only truth is the shadow and they cannot learn the real meaning behind the shadow unless set free.      Furthermore, when Plato writes to set free those in the den, he is moving on to the next stage of human growth: being a teenager. The prisoners in the cave are set free to wander and move about. This symbolizes the time in life where teenagers move away from their parents. After teens have been under their parent's supervision and confinement for years, they want to go out and learn new things on their own. "At first, when any of them is liberated and... ...eyes."(6-7) Even though the people in this stage have seen true beauty and enlightenment, they are viewed as old and ridiculous. Although, the one who has come down from the top may try to educate others on what he/she has seen. An example of this is when grandparents teach their children or grandchildren about life, then repeating the cycle by giving children the determination to see the light.      Plato was thousands of years ahead of his time when he wrote The Republic. His insight on the physical capabilities of the mind may be applied to many different situations, even being applied to Hollywood movies such as The Matrix. With Plato's belief in the human mind, we have moved away from ancient thought to the technologies and advances of today. As humans grow older with age and experience, they also grow the capacity to see new things. Babies may see just a picture or a color, but an adult may see a work of art or a spiritual enlightenment. The changing of the mind's eye through out time plays an important role in the way all people view life. Comprehending the mind's eye, what Plato did a long time ago, is what may help people move on to the next stages of their own lives.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Plagiarism Essay -- Cheating Essays
Plagiarism missing works cited Plagiarism is a distinguished sounding word. One would almost think that it sounds like some lofty philosophical ideal named for the great Greek teacher Plagiarus, something to be aspired to. This is not so. Plagiarism is in fact a moral misdemeanor, and an academic felony. By definition, plagiarism is "a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work." Socrates, Plato and Aristotle would have frowned on such a practice, and "Plagiarus" would have been kicked out of the academy. Such is the fate of many college students today. Plagiarism exists in greater and lesser forms. It can range anywhere from copying a phrase without giving credit, to copying entire works and submitting them under ones own name. In Steven Wilhoit’s book "Helping Students Avoid Plagiarism", several forms of plagiarism are outlined: †¢Buying a paper from research service or term paper mill. †¢Turning in another student's work without that student’s knowledge. †¢Turning in a paper a peer has written for the student. †¢Copying a paper from a source text without proper acknowledgment. †¢Paraphrasing materials from a source text without appropriate documentation. The Internet has made simple an additional type of plagiarism: †¢Turning in a paper from a "free term paper" website. Students throughout the ages have faced the moral dilemma of turning in an original piece, or borrowing someone else’s words. There are many reasons to be tempted into dishonesty. Perhaps one is unsure of his or her writing skill, or knowledge in the subject matter. Maybe there are pressures of time, or the need to get a good grade. The advent of th... ...ndation of plagiarized works is not going to be of as great a service to the community in which he or she serves. Nor are the moral standards of such a person desirable in the workplace. I would never enlist the services of a professional knowing that he or she had, in effect, stolen part of his or her professional degree, and did not actually obtain the knowledge that was prescribed as part of his or her certificate. I would hope that such a person was caught at this long before he was my Doctor, Banker or Mechanic. Because of the advances in information technology, I am of the opinion that every incoming freshman should complete an assignment on plagiarism. I myself have gained awareness in so doing, and have a greater appreciation of the temptations faced by students as well as the frustrations faced by educators. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle would be proud. Plagiarism Essay -- Cheating Essays Plagiarism missing works cited Plagiarism is a distinguished sounding word. One would almost think that it sounds like some lofty philosophical ideal named for the great Greek teacher Plagiarus, something to be aspired to. This is not so. Plagiarism is in fact a moral misdemeanor, and an academic felony. By definition, plagiarism is "a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work." Socrates, Plato and Aristotle would have frowned on such a practice, and "Plagiarus" would have been kicked out of the academy. Such is the fate of many college students today. Plagiarism exists in greater and lesser forms. It can range anywhere from copying a phrase without giving credit, to copying entire works and submitting them under ones own name. In Steven Wilhoit’s book "Helping Students Avoid Plagiarism", several forms of plagiarism are outlined: †¢Buying a paper from research service or term paper mill. †¢Turning in another student's work without that student’s knowledge. †¢Turning in a paper a peer has written for the student. †¢Copying a paper from a source text without proper acknowledgment. †¢Paraphrasing materials from a source text without appropriate documentation. The Internet has made simple an additional type of plagiarism: †¢Turning in a paper from a "free term paper" website. Students throughout the ages have faced the moral dilemma of turning in an original piece, or borrowing someone else’s words. There are many reasons to be tempted into dishonesty. Perhaps one is unsure of his or her writing skill, or knowledge in the subject matter. Maybe there are pressures of time, or the need to get a good grade. The advent of th... ...ndation of plagiarized works is not going to be of as great a service to the community in which he or she serves. Nor are the moral standards of such a person desirable in the workplace. I would never enlist the services of a professional knowing that he or she had, in effect, stolen part of his or her professional degree, and did not actually obtain the knowledge that was prescribed as part of his or her certificate. I would hope that such a person was caught at this long before he was my Doctor, Banker or Mechanic. Because of the advances in information technology, I am of the opinion that every incoming freshman should complete an assignment on plagiarism. I myself have gained awareness in so doing, and have a greater appreciation of the temptations faced by students as well as the frustrations faced by educators. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle would be proud.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Sustainability in the Mining Industry
ANSWER OF QUESTION ( A ) : Mining has really negative effects on the environment. Environmental ethical theories have formed in western states in 20Thursdaycentury. Sustainable is really necessary for the overall development of the state and it means sustain and development. It requires the reason and culturally modified human existences to run into their cultural demands through the rational stuff for societal and economic agencies. It besides required that human activities must be based on the esteeming the environment and our natural universe and grow harmonious relationship. In excavation industry, there are ever disputing statements about net incomes and benefits. The forfeit of one individual is ever the benefit for the other and the regulating Torahs, regulations and ordinances and job resolution attacks vary between specific states and trade goods. But there is no cardinal ethical model or charter to steer the operations and determination devising of, mining industry. It is a field that is small explored and discovered that is why it is developing in a manner that to destruct our environment and natural universe. Human want to travel more stuff and assets on the surface of the planet Earth each twelvemonth than the ice glaciers of the last ice age. All the effects are non due to mining but there are assorted premier grounds for such singular attempt. The effects of excavation industry goes beyond the entire size of mine. From a corporate point of position, excavation has many economic and societal advantages which includes low production costs, low capital investing, short development clip and high productiveness. One definite effect is, that sedimentations or which would otherwise wasteful, can commercially misused. Perversely, it is an extraction procedure that has much greater environmental feelings than an ordinary resistance procedure, slightly because of the really immense volume of waste stone generated. An unfastened prey can be anticipated to bring forth about 50 times more waste stone than an belowground mine. Some characteristics of excavation industry are similar to those of below ground operations. Chasing infra-structure development and storage of stock list or other undertakings such as rail line, lodging, power workss and roads pose the same challenges to the environment. There is an exasperating ineffectualness about speech production of â€Å"mining, †as if it were consistent singular. Mining is the stuff that is a foundation for life and doing it disputing to overstate its importance. It is besides called the portion of â€Å"metabolism†for any civilisation. Major civilisations in history are named harmonizing to their cardinal mineral merchandises. Humanity depends upon the minerals to defy its being more than of all time in history. The development of population, proliferation of electronic games and appliances, bringing of electricity and velocity of transit, all depend on the development of excavation industry. Mining brings with it both benefits and costs. An industrial mine requires assorted things to do the concern in working status. It needs top geologists, mining applied scientists, trained labour, geochemists, expensive machinery, security, complex chemicals and roads. Probably all the mines are off the grid that is why it needs a power works and most significantly, it needs immense sum of nutrient and H2O. Mining industries are in babyhood phase that is why there is no international jurisprudence which governs the excavation undertakings. As a replacement, there are more than a twelve compacts, criterions and codifications that are all self-enforced and voluntary. These besides comprises the International Cyanide Management Code, the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Codes, the Equator Principles, the Global Reporting Ingenuity, the Natural Resource Charter, the United Nations’ â€Å"Ruggie Codes, and the Extractive Industries Transparency Ingenuity†are really few names. Every new construction attempt to try to trump the predating 1s by signifyingtheessential codifications of corporate battle in excavation developments. But these different constructions are besides reflect as an implicit in competition thick development bookmans, practicians and bureaus. Many of these persons, bookmans, practicians and organisations are viing and disputing others for support from the same little group of subscribers, and frequently intended to fund their definite enterprises through association fees from the corporations they are trying to consequence. Apart these inventivenesss, the guiding criterions are used to advance economic development that reimbursements everyone that involved, i.e. foreign companies, local communities and host authoritiess. It must non to interrogate the implicit in ecological and economic value of specific mines industries. The enlargement of excavation is recognized as ineluctable. These criterions and rules are full with the footings like â€Å"minimize, †â€Å"adequate, †and â€Å"mitigate†as in â€Å"minimize natural resettlement†or â€Å"lessen the inauspicious impacts.†It is merely a rhetoric of vagueness. The grade is really hard to exemplify that phenomena because a mine is non merely a hole in the Earth but there are many cavities and stones covering a big country, in such a manner that it may take two or three yearss to see the composite, and even so a tourer or supervisor would non cognize all its facet and dimensions. ANSWER OF QUESTION ( C ) : Biological redress of mine sites is the other name of the mine renewal. It is a procedure of reconstructing land that has been excavated for an economically or natural operational intent. Although the process of mine renewal ensues one time excavation is accomplished ; the planning and readying of mine renewal achievements occur prior to a mine being started or permitted. Mine renewal generates utile landscapes that meet a diverseness of ends widening from the reestablishment of productive bionetworks to the constitution of municipal and industrial resources. In the United States, mine recovery is a systematic portion of modern excavation activities. Modern mine retrieval mitigates and minimizes the environmental effects of excavation. Biological redress includes the arrangement of Earth or an sanctioned aide on the ranked country, contouring of land, reseeding with intrinsic flora, trees and harvests and besides old ages of careful look intoing to guarantee success. Poisonous solutions from acerb mine drainage are delinquent in the excavation procedure of coal and metals extraction. This phenomena is recognized as ARD ( acerb stone drainage ) or AMD ( acerb mine drainage ) . It ensues when sulphuric acid is produced during the excavation processes of sulfide minerals and exposed to H2O or air, and the disturbance of micro-organisms. That is a natural occurring procedure ; nevertheless the excavation activity accelerates it and increases the formation of acid from the minerals. When out of control the AMD can take to the disintegration of toxic elements to H2O watercourses and dirt ( i.e. lead, Zn, Cu, arsenic, Se, quicksilver and Cd ) . The application of controlled biotechnological elucidations on these topographic points can assist to avoid the dirt and H2O pollution and became a concern chance for the investors. On the contrary, the redress of heavy metals and toxic solutions from mining chasing H2O is tremendously important due to its extremely toxicant consequence. Some bio-mining micro-organisms are capable to bring forth metabolites that work by entraping heavy metals and restraining its spread into the bio-atmosphere. Bio Sigma has the capacity to develop undertakings that can take part in the bioremediation of trashs from the excavation hustle. Bioremediation of contaminated dirts is a natural decrease procedure that is go oning about everyplace in our planet Earth and since life foremost appeared or existed on the planet Earth about 3,500 million old ages ago. Surely, the initial theory of the bioremediation process is that after the thought framed in 1979 in Gaia theory. Harmonizing to such hypothesis, the planet Earth, in its remotest portion, be similar to a individual being that under the achievement of external facets, chiefly human achievements, activates setups to reconstruct environmental scenes suited for life. Clearly, the challenging of dirt pollution with heavy metals appears to follow this constellation. In such a mode that natural ecosystems spontaneously activate biochemical processs led to restrict the harmful gear provoked. These natural classs include the achievement of the microbic dwellers present in the Earth, the sorption of toxins by specific dirt elements or its agglomeration into nucleuss. The potency of Earth for bioremediation of toxins are based on the great figure of micro-organisms bing in this tellurian district. It has been projected that each gm of Earth may incorporate up to 1010 bacterial cells. However, the efficaciousness of this procedure be contingent on several factors surrounded by the most pertinent are the types of drosss and its speculation and the physicochemical, microbiological and mineralogical features of the host Earth. Though monitored natural decrease was ab initio concentrated on organic pollutants, there is a turning attending in understanding the fate of inorganic drosss, particularly heavy metals and hydro Cs in dirts. In the state of affairs of heavy metals, the countenances of the Earth matrix have a colossal influence on their bioavailability and mobility through leaching and sorption bioprocesses. For illustration, manganese and Fe ( hydro ) oxides are a chief sorbent dross of metals in dirt. Additionally, these mineral sections can be generate during biogenic processs, micro-organisms can play a major function in sanitation of Earths. One of the premier challenges in this country is how to cover with the tremendous sum of sedimentations generated in excavation dispensation operations over long epochs of clip and in many fortunes situated in the earth’s crust. For illustration, many of the prevailing abandoned mine topographic points that can be categorized as possible contagious disease beginnings of heavy metals and hydrocarbons are clearly pretentious by enduring issues. Therefore, it is important to optimise the scheme of mine wastes storage with the intent of bar from mobilisation and weathering of contaminations. Figure 1: Beginnings of heavy metals and their cycling in natural ecosystems The cardinal foundations of heavy metals pollution of Earth are both of anthropogenic and natural beginning. At the present times, nevertheless, the announcement of heavy metals into the environments is chiefly due to human achievements that comprise among others, i.e. agribusiness ( pesticides and fertilisers etc. ) and metallurgical achievements ( excavation, smelting, completing and metal transmutation etc. ) . The deleterious effects of these heavy metals on animate beings or workss are apparent when extant in applications above a threshold significance. On the other manus, some heavy metals ( Fe, Ni, Mn, Zn, Co and Cu ) , in low deliberation, aid as micronutrients and are indispensable elements for the development of animate beings and works. In the patterned advance of heavy metals in earthly ecosystems, the contented of metals signifiers up from left to compensate along the trophic series. In a first methodological analysis, earth consist of a great diverseness of elements that includes the atoms of inorganic minerals, populating micro-organisms, aqueous solutions, gases and dead organic affair that fill the infinites. However, the inorganic stuff is by far the most voluminous fraction in Earth. Heavy metals in natural scenes are attach toing to different Earth parts, harmonizing to the agreement. Therefore, there is a clear association between the dispersion of metals in each part and the grade of metal armament in the natural state of affairs. In this mode, metals are more bio-available in the redeemable than in the tarriance fraction. Given the impending for serious ecological harm and burdensome renewal operating expenses, it is practical to prosecute long-run and cost effectual interventions for acidic mine drainage. Submissive intervention systems harness the of course go oning procedures to rectify pollutants. The possible compensations of submissive intervention are lower operating expenses, fewer site visits requisite, ability to work in distant countries, chances to utilize reprocessed or waste stuffs, and more natural signifier. Potential disadvantages include susceptibleness to high watercourses and high pollutant concentrations, cyclical fluctuation in presentation, the demand for intervallic redevelopment or care, infinite necessities, and the comparative lack of proficient cognition with these systems.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Food and Religion Essay
Food is a very important aspect in three main religions in the world, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. In a Jewish culture, food is often regarded in feasts or celebration such as the Passover. Jews usually prepare bread, wine, apples, nuts, cinnamon, eggs, lamb, vegetables, and cakes (McGilly, 2005). Islamic culture and Jewish cultures have almost the same type of cuisine and foods prepared especially during the early periods. Milk, lamb, breads, wine, apples, cheese, honey and dates are some of the common Arab foods. On the other hand, Christians are known for their bread and wine. Jerusalem, Egypt, and Middle East are in a desert region where early people lived as shepherds. They are called nomads because they move from place to place where there is plenty of food for their goats and herds of sheep. Wheat and barley were the common crops then used in making bread and cakes. Besides the nomads, there are also agricultural regions where different crops are planted. The plants by the early and present Israelites are much the same such as olives, honey, pomegranates, figs, date, grapes; and foods and beverages such as breads, cheese, yogurt, roast lamb, milk, and of course, wine. Wine is the most common beverage drank in occasions such as the Passover and wedding. Another major plant is the olive tree which is highly regarded because of its many uses such as oil for cooking, wood for fire, and medicine (â€Å"Great Feasts of the Bible,†2002). Foods are the main ingredient in Jewish and Christian feasts such as the Passover. Passover is celebrated as the salvation of the Israelite slaves in Egypt. During the Passover, unleavened, roasted lamb, and bitter herbs are commonly prepared. Passover is celebrated in other regions as Easter (Christian festival) in America and Europe. Although celebrated in different dates and regarded as different occasions, they share a theme for both Christian holiday and Christ’s resurrection. Passover was also celebrated by Jesus Christ as his Last Supper before his death (â€Å"Great Feasts of the Bible,†2002). REFERENCES: Great Feasts of the Bible. (2002). McGilly, J. (2005). Jewish Foods. Retrieved 16 September, 2007, from http://www. ilperetz. org/graduates/joshua_mcgilly. htm
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Bank of Canada and Interest Rates Essay
The Bank of Canada has indicated that it has concerns over inflation being too low. (Parkinson). However, inflation has been rising and the Canadian economy has strengthened over the last several months. Keeping interest rates too low over a long period of time may have a tendency to over-inflate the economy and create asset bubbles while also creating pockets of greater debt, not dissimilar to those that contributed to the global economic collapse of 2008-2009. Although the Bank of Canada has iterated – and reiterated – its current neutrality with respect to interest rates, economists predict that current conditions may require the bank to move more quickly than it may like to bump the rates in the next several months. (Parkinson). Canada is currently facing a housing bubble like that which occurred in the United States, prior to the massive global downturn of 2008-2009. (Altstedter). Home prices have been steadily increasing along with the size of the debt that homeowners are taking on in order to afford the increase in housing prices. Earlier this year, the Bank’s governor, Stephen Poloz, had forward guidance language that cautioned that interest rate hikes could be in the offing removed from Bank of Canada’s policy statements. (Kawa). Since the removal of the language, inflation has begun to increase and the Canadian Dollar has weakened somewhat. This will contribute to further expansion of the housing bubble in Canada. In order to slow the growth of the housing bubble and prevent or delay its eventual bursting, the Bank of Canada will likely be forced to raise interest rates. Bank of Canada Will Not Alter Interest Rates One of the reasons Bank of Canada’s Governor Stephen Poloz removed forward guidance warning of the potential need to increase interest rates from the Bank’s policy statements was to highlight the neutral stance he and the Bank are embracing with respect to interest rates. (Kawa). Poloz said in a September statement that he feels that the global economy is â€Å"performing largely as expected†and that the housing industry in Canada was â€Å"stronger than anticipated.†(Isfield). This month, Poloz stated that he feels that the upside and downside inflationary risks are, at this time, balanced and that, as such, there is no need alter interest rates in the foreseeable future assuming the status quo is not disrupted. (Parkinson). The Bank’s current neutral stance on interest rates, has now been reiterated and strengthened, to such an extent that it is possible, to â€Å"ultra-neutral.†(Isfeld). Because of Poloz’s ongoing statements with respect to interest rate neutrality, the bank’s removal of interest rate hike guidance from its policy statements, and the perception that the risks between and inflationary upside and an inflationary downside are perceived by Poloz and the board to be balanced, it is unlikely that interest rates will be changed in the next six to twelve months by the Bank of Canada. Works Cited Altstedter, Ari. â€Å"Housing Bubble Will Force Bank of Canada to Renew Rate Hike Warnings Soon, Pimco Says.†Financial Post. 1 Oct. 2014. Web. <> Isfeld, Gordon. â€Å"Bank of Canada’s Stephen Poloz Turns Ultra-Neutral On Interest Rates.†Financial Post. 3 Sep. 2014. Web. Kawa, Lucas. â€Å"Say Goodbye To Forward Guidance From The Bank Of Canada.†Business In Canada. 14 Oct. 2014. Web. Parkinson, David. â€Å"Bank of Canada Still Fears Low Inflation Despite Balanced Outlook.†The Globe And Mail. 3 Nov. 2014. Web.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Baderman Island Resort Word Processing Software Upgrade
Smith Systems Consulting is IT services provider delivering business and office automation solutions country wide. We have expertise in project management, software application design, deployment and support. We also provide computing hardware and network installation services. To provide Baderman the most suitable word processing solution, our experts have worked out a plan comprising of three staged project plan based on time tested proprietary standards. Need Assessment Our experts will be involved in identifying current as well as future word processing needs for all users at Baderman.This activity will include documenting all features currently used such as word processing, desktop publishing, web publishing etc. Consultants will conduct interviews throughout the organization to document and compile an exhaustive in-use feature list. We will also collect valuable information about the current hardware and software configurations such, versions of operating systems, memory and pr ocessing power, currently used word processing software etc. Our IS auditors will collect all policies, procedures and guidelines governing the purchase, use and upgrade of computer hardware and software at Baderman.The objective of need assessment is to document all the requirements from various business units. It is an essential element of developing a business-case for any recommended solution. This business-case will help management understand the utility of such an investment, and create the executive’s buy-in necessary for the success of such a project. Product Identification Following need-assessment we will provide details of product(s) identified to best suit the current and future needs at Baderman. Our goal during this phase will be to provide a choice of options supported by data collected during need-assessment.The management may decide to opt for mix of products for different department such as word processing software for many and desktop publishing, web author ing systems for communication and marketing etc. Our proposed solution will accommodate such possibilities to avoid any repeat of work. As standard procedure we will also submit an impact analysis for each of the chosen products, on the currently deployed infrastructure. This will help develop accurate budget and expenditure forecast. Implementation The implementation phase will be further divided into three stages.Each stage will target a group of workers chosen to minimize loss of productivity in operational activities. First group will comprise of top managers from all the various business units. Installation and training will be provided to these leaders and consultants will monitor the progress continuously. These managers will provide the necessary momentum required to successfully implement the change at lower level. This exercise will create stake holders at department level ready to take a lead in adopting new solutionNext in line will be line managers reporting to lead man agers, and lastly all the knowledge workers using word processing software will be targeted. Following a strict step by step regime will allow deployment and training teams to focus attention on groups. This will deliver measurable and repeatable process for adoption of upgrades or new technology. We strive to provide the best quality of service to all our customers. Our planners, consultants and engineers will provide the right mix of skills and expertise to deliver favorable results.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Executive leadership personal growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Executive leadership personal growth - Essay Example I had the task of surveying a group of people about their needs of soap and convincing them to buy the soap of my choice. The task required me to market the product which I had at that time. So I was given the opportunity to state the price which, I thought, would be fine, but at the same time I had to sell an exact number of soaps so that the task would be completed with the required goals. I learned the art of communication and applied it when I started marketing and selling my product. However, I soon realised that the way I was marketing the product was in sync with the needs and wants of the people. The most important lesson in marketing is to sell what people don’t know. The late great Steve Jobs was once asked the question whether his company undertakes market research in order to find out what the needs of the people are, and the great man responded in his characteristic fashion that people don’t know what they want and, therefore, it is the job of the companies and the entrepreneurs to give them something what they have never thought about but would still appreciate and fit it in their daily life and their needs. I learned about my weaknesses while I was enrolled in the program. Every man thinks that, when he takes a task to perform, he will do it in the best possible way. However, there are quite a few contingencies which go about in the performance of any task. One of my greatest weaknesses was not being a good listener. I did not listen to the demands of the customer in the right way and, therefore, lost in my goal of selling the required number of products assigned to me. The program I went through taught me how to be patient with my clients, as well as being attentive to the way I attempt to market my products to other people. It’s essential to have a strong face to face expression while dealing with the clients. â€Å"Each personality type has a different idea of what it means to be successful. Self-knowledge is one common g oal that will help everyone achieve personal success. So many people are hung up on somebody else's idea of what it means to be successful, and they are unaware of what is truly important to them. This is completely normal. We all have important role-models and influencers in our lives who may have basic values that are quite different from our own. If this is the case, it's important to recognize that the discrepancy between what we have been taught is truly important and what we personally believe to be truly important is due to a difference in perspective. If we spend our time and effort trying to meet somebody else's idea of success, and ignore or belittle any conflicting messages from our own psyche, then we will find ourselves exhausted and unhappy. Realizing what is truly important to us is a major step towards achieving personal success.†(Personal Growth) In accordance with the above text, it is important to analyse one’s weaknesses and strengths in order to at tain growth as a person. We all tend to get inhibited as personalities. However, there is a way to curb the inhibition, which is to fight it out in your own mind and to stay determined and calm in the process of removing all the inhibitions. While doing my marketing job I learned the art of selling products after facing many failures. The important thing to note here is that, as human beings, we do not give ourselves enough chances to try out something new and innovative. We are anxious
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Gulf Oil Spill Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Gulf Oil Spill Paper - Essay Example Both the air and water pollutants are primary pollutants (Norse & Amos, 2010). This is because the hydrocarbon fumes, smoke, and the oil are released from the source of pollution directly into the environment. They also keep hold of their chemical components. Question 2 There are a number of effects which are associated to the spill. Numerous different species of animals and coral died. The demise of these marine creatures could be seen as both short-term and long-term effects on the environment and wildlife. Nonetheless, there are other short-term effects of the spill on the wildlife and environment. One, water pollutants may lead to a significant decrease of the marine creatures. Two, oil may penetrate the bodies of marine animals, lessening their insulating capacity, and making them more susceptible to temperature changes and less active in water. The long-term effects include, one, water pollutants may lead to the extinction of species because of the bottlenecking that may happen to attempt to repopulate the creatures. Two, creatures that depend on scent to locate their mothers or babies disappear due to the stout oil smell. This causes the rejection or abandonment of babies, hence their starvation and eventual death (Norse & Amos, 2010). Question 3 The troposphere is closest to the surface of the earth. It has the ability of diluting pollutants. It also moves air pollutants from high pollution production areas to lows production pollution areas. The stratosphere is above the troposphere. Pollutants in this layer remain in the atmosphere for long because they do not disperse. In the mesosphere, temperature lessens with height. Therefore, pollutants remain in the atmosphere for a prolonged period. Temperature augments with height in the thermosphere. Therefore, pollutants are moved from where they have high concentration to other areas. The exosphere is the external layer. This layer enables the movement of pollutants to far distances because molecules and a toms are widely spread. The identified pollutants from the spill will affect the atmosphere. This is because the burned oil releases hydrocarbon fumes and smoke which react to develop ozone in the atmosphere (NOAA, 2013). Question 4 The different cleaning procedures include bioremediation, dispersants, skimming, and natural degradation. Bioremediation Bioremediation entails the employment of micro organism metabolism to get rid of pollutants. It may include ex situ or in situ technologies. Ex situ entails the elimination of the polluted material to be cleaned at a different location. Conversely, in situ entails treating or cleaning the polluted material at the site. Dispersant Dispersants are chemical elements that break the tension that separates water and oil. When a dispersant is sprayed on oil, the oil collects in reduced droplets making them to sink. This facilitates a natural breakdown. Skimming Skimming equipment with fine filtering systems may be utilized to clean up oil spi lls. First, the spill is controlled using booms then the oil is skimmed from the surface. Booms can be made from stout material or neoprene. Natural Degradation The most appropriate way of dealing with an oil spill if it is not probably going to pollute coastal regions or fishing areas is to let it naturally break down (NOAA, 2013). Question 5 There are several new regulations and safety measures for oil drilling. One, organizations are required to provide
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Rights and Obligations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rights and Obligations - Research Paper Example This is going to be done by analyzing a case study. There exists a difference between a contract and an agreement because they both have different ramifications for the parties involved. An agreement has the option of being legally binding, or it can be informal. An agreement becomes a contract when the parties involved conceptualize their agreement into a binding relationship. An agreement becomes a contract when it is made with a lawful consideration for a lawful entity. For an object to qualify to be included in a contract, it must not be forbidden by law or defeat the purpose of any laid down law. A contract should not be fraudulent in intent or imply injury and damage to a person or property of other individuals. A contract should not contravene societal morals either that can be deemed by a court of law as being opposed to public policy and interests (Miller, 2012). A contract should be agreed on based on free will and consent, and should not be realized through coercion. It sh ould not be accomplished through undue influence, misrepresentation or a mistake either. If a contract does not meet the aforementioned qualities, then it is null and void in the eyes of the law, and it cannot be enforced by law. Contracts have elements that define and validate their viability under the law, which makes them enforceable under the law. These main elements should be in a contract, or it would be invalid. The first element that constitutes a contract is an offer, agreement or a promise, which is the basis around which a contract is constructed. Without an offer, a contract cannot be actualized because it is the initial step that necessitates the drawing up of a contract (Helewitz, 2010). An offer in a contract should be between two or more individuals with one party making the offer and the other considering the same. The offer stipulates that there should be the fulfillment of duties and obligations by both parties for the offer to be constituted in a legally valid co ntract. There exists a difference between an offer in a contract and an advertisement. In an advertisement, the obligations and duties are fulfilled first before a contract is constructed. In an advertisement, one of the parties has no part to play in the setting up of terms and conditions required to fulfill the contractual obligations. Acceptance is an element that should be featured in a contract for it to be legally binding. Contractual acceptance is characterized by a party in the contract agreeing to the terms and conditions of the offer. A contract is not formalized until the party being proposed accepts the offer, and a contract is not legally binding if the requirements of an offer are under negotiation. Consideration in a contract is a vital element, and it means that the parties would be giving something back in return for the proposed offer. It is mostly characterized by a payment as consideration for the offer (Goldman & Sigismond, 2010). The parties involved in a contr act should make it clear to each other that the terms and conditions under which they are both entering into agreement are legally binding. This is an element in contracts that should be emphasized because it helps make the parties involved avoid the consequences of breach of contract. Certainty of the terms and conditions of a contract must be clearly stated and understandable to all parties. Lack of certainty of the regulations
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Law and Legal Obligations Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Law and Legal Obligations - Case Study Example The endorsing of the food by the celebrities, prominent personalities in visual media, The audio advertisements that tell about the taste and goodness of the junk food, The baseless topics that are publicised by the advertisements which do not have experimental proof, The instigating the children to eat junk food either by audio, visual, print media Can be considered as advertising the junk food under the criminalising of the sale of junk food to children and the ban of junk food vending machines in the schools and hostels Junk Food: The food that lacks nutrients and has more calories, The food that lack fibre and develops acidity The foods that have sugar content more than the prescribed level The foods that have less protein, fibre and that was replaced by starch and fats, The foods that have more fats than carbohydrates, The foods that have fat, carbohydrate, protein and fibre in disproportionate composition. (proportion is defined in the next section) The foods, which are not prescribed for good health of children. (health is defined in the next section) Vending Machines: The machine that supplies junk food without knowing to whom it is supplying. The machine which delivers junk food by taking the input of prescribed coins in to it. The machine which delivers junk food by taking the input of prescribed currency in to it. The vending machines which contain all the above three features and are installed in schools, hostels and the places where children buy the junk food directly without the consent of the adults. Section II In this section 'disproportion composition of the fats, carbohydrates, proteins, fibre, health of the children were defined. Disproportionate composition: the composition of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, fibre in a food substance was... In this paper a law about banning the junk food for children will be drafted and various terms will be defined. The definitions will be given according to the spirit of the law and the explanations for offences and defences will be incorporated. The sale of junk food to children will be considered as a crime. The sale of the same food for the adults is not in the purview of this act. For this purpose the sale of junk food, where children will buy directly from the vendors will be banned and prominently the sale of junk food in schools and hostels was prohibited. This will be considered crime against the children and the society if it was observed to be done and the individuals or the organisations who are responsible for those acts will be prosecuted according to the clauses and provisions in the act. Disproportionate composition: the composition of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, fibre in a food substance was considered as disproportionate if they do not match with the composition of the food substances prescribed by Health department for the sake of health of children. The health of children can be defined according to the weight of them proportionate to their height, the extra fat they accumulate under their skin, the hip waist ratio of them, the good sight regarding their eyes, the accumul
Monday, September 9, 2019
Classic Airlines and Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Classic Airlines and Marketing - Essay Example irline is faced with the challenge of ensuring that they deliver quality services and at low costs so as to ensure they retain and acquire new customers (Lane & Kotler, 2006). In order for classic airlines to succeed in the market, it must foster forecasting of the market potential and demand for its products and establish long term marketing objectives. Classic airline aim is to marketing its fleet but is faced by organizational issues whereby its internal and external marketing strategies have not been able to live up to the expectations of its stakeholders. Due this, competition has undermined its profitability as customers are looking for other airlines that can satisfy their needs of lower travelling costs. This has had the effect of decreasing the lucrativeness of the company. Classic airlines needs to develop a marketing plan that will ensure that it attracts, retains customers and also boost its sales. A good marketing plan will lay down the strategies to be followed to ensure a company retains, attracts customers and also increases profitability. Classic airline has numerous challenges facing it due to the rising costs of operation and lack of innovation in the company that make it not to be able to meet consumer needs. The company is facing challenges that include decrease in its stock prices, its employee morale is low , and its loyal customers have been seeking services from other airlines. The airline needs to ensure it does environmental scanning as it will help in understanding the needs of its customers and this will further help in knowing how best to meet their needs by ascertaining that the services they offer are in line with the needs of those in need of the services (Lane & Kotler, 2006). Marketing management is required in Classic Airline as it will ensure that proper marketing strategies are put in place to ensure customers are acquired and retained. Classic Airlines should ascertain that they use marketing strategies to maximize profits
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Gender criticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Gender criticism - Essay Example Throughout the novel, disparities in gender roles emerge whereby the author depicts male characters as the superior sex compared to their female counterparts. Advancing this perception are traditions entrenched within the Victorian era, which influenced the author’s perception of gender. According to the author, females adulated the males regarding them as superior beings capable of making pivotal decisions despite females’ divergent perspectives. In addition, James’ description of females best exemplified real life Victorian women; however, his description of his male characters contrasted that of Victorian males. The Victorian zeitgeist regarded women as proper, docile beings preoccupied with safeguarding their reputations. For example, despite the Governess’ infatuation with her employer, she refrained from acting on her emotions, as she stood to soil her reputation. Conversely, the male characters in the novel were far from being chivalrous or moral me n, as were Victorian men. The master of Bly did not concern himself with matters pertaining to the two children left under his charge whereby he opted to hire governesses to take care of the children, as he engaged in selfish pursuits. In addition, a conversation between Mrs. Grose and the Governess revealed that an employee named Quint was sexually promiscuous, a behavior shunned by Victorian males. The author best exemplified disparities in gender roles through the Governess’s treatment of the children. She expects Flora to be courteous, flawless and conscious about her behaviors. However, she is less critical of Miles’ behaviors bordering on the extent that she encourages him to be a little naughty (James 12- 15). In addition, Miles takes offence when the Governess presumes to compare him to his little sister. He remarked: An analysis of the main female characters shows that there exist generational differences among the women, which were
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Commercial bank of kuwait (CBK) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Commercial bank of kuwait (CBK) - Essay Example Characteristics of the industry in which the bank operates Commercial Bank of Kuwait operates in the Kuwait’s banking industries whose environmental features are identifiable. The industry is one of the strongest in the region and this identifies positive prospects such as sustainability and a business’ profit making interests. The industry is also free from unfavorable competition from international financial institutions. It comprises of about ten local banks and nine foreign banks, a number that identifies oligopolistic market. This means that the market players have significant potentials to dictate market factors but competitors can at the same time use such powers to gain competitive advantage over the firm. This further identifies banks’ fears of customer manipulation and leads to significant level of stability in the industry. The industry is also in its developmental stage in which competition is increasing as each bank seeks to expand its market control . Developments in the industry also identify diversification into new products and application of technology for developing new products as well as for efficiency. Innovation has been another characteristic feature of the industry and is a factor to increased level of competition. Favorable political environment has also been reported within the industry with policies that support commercial banks’ stability and operations. The policies indicate stability of the industry, regardless of possible entry by more foreign banks, because of the government policies that focuses on protecting the industry. Further, the minimal market size helps in protecting the industry from further venture by foreign banks because of risks of failing to reach breakeven points by new entrants and the country’s small population explains this (Capital Standards 1). The Industry however faces risks from volatility in two industries that are significant to its sustainability. The industriesâ€℠¢ dynamism affects performance and profitability of the banking industry that is also susceptible to threats of concentration. The role of Islamic banking that is gaining momentum in the country is another threat to the banking industry because of its ability to reduce the market base. Islamic banking is a significant threat because of the country’s dominant faith that is likely to induce bias towards the religious banks (Capital Standards 1). The Kuwait’s banking industry is also susceptible to global economic factors as global recession was witnessed during the global recession in the year 2009. Other significant sectors to the banking industry such as the construction sectors are also susceptible to the global economy and affect banks’ conditions. The industry’s financial indicators such as gross loans and non-performing loans also offer a basis for its analysis. Amount of gross loans has been increasing and this indicates increasing demand for financi al services. Increasing trend in nonperforming loans in the industry also indicates increasing advanced services to customers that culminates to increased defaults and threats of defaults. The increasing volume on non-performing loans is however, a threat to the industry as defaults constrains liquidity. Policies to improved asset quality have however promised to reduce the threats of growing volume of nonperforming loans with positive results being reported in the year 2010. The industry also relies on low cost deposits as sources
Friday, September 6, 2019
Marketing and Converse Question Essay Example for Free
Marketing and Converse Question Essay Need: Protection for the feet Wants: Cheap shoes which are comfortable and customizable. Demands: Emerging artists, designers and musicians wearing Chucks because of their affordability, simplicity and classic look. Now, anti-establishment rock fans beg Converse to feature a shoe by their favourite artist. Question 3 Production concept: The idea that consumers will favour the products those are available and highly affordable, and the idea that the company focus on improving production and distribution efficiency. Product Concept: Costumers will favour the products that offer the most quality, performance and features. Therefore the company should focus on making constant product improvements Selling Concept: The idea that consumers will not buy enough of the products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. Marketing concept: The marketing philosophy that holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering that desired satisfaction better than competitors does. Almost every red Chuck converse sold goes to Global Fund. Question 4 Converse sees its role as one of making great products that its costumers want to wear. Beyond that it participates in consumers discussions rather that dictating them. Drawbacks: Converse rides a fine line: How many limited editions and upscale design can the brand produce without losing its image as a non marketing marketer. How popular can the brand become without losing the core costumers who love the precisely because it isn’t popular Question 5 Converse has been very careful in all that it does to remember on very important things for a brand like Converse, where authenticity is the most important trait, the costumer experience should be driven by the costumer.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Engine Cooling And Lubrication System
Engine Cooling And Lubrication System Cooling System: Despite the vast improvement in the basic internal combustion engines, around 70% of the energy from the gasoline is converted to heat. As it is not dissipated to the atmosphere on its own, a cooling system is employed for this purpose. Several purposes of the cooling system which it serves by cooling the engine include cooling the engine to keep it from overheating by transferring the heat to the air. This helps avoid the excessive wear and tear at high temperatures, auto-ignition due to hot cylinder which may result in knocking and hence, piston/cylinder failure. It may also incorporate thermal stresses which is not good for the engine itself. Figure . Cooling system and plumbing connection While it serves the purpose of cooling the engine, it also helps the engine to warm up quickly during cold start ups and then maintaining a constant temperature. When the engine is cold, components wear out faster too and the engine is less efficient, emitting more pollution. Types of Cooling System: There are two types of cooling systems found in cars: Air-cooled Liquid-Cooled Air-Cooled Engines: Many small and the medium-sized engines are air-cooled. This category includes most small engines like lawn mowers, chain saws, model airplanes etc. Using the air-cooled system allows both the weight and price of the engine to be kept low, along with reduced complexity of the machine. The air-cooled system is still widely used on most of the motorcycles in use these days. This system utilizes the concept of heat transfer through fins to cool the engine. The cross-sectional area of the fin being larger closer to the head and a reduction in the area as we move further from the engine block. The basic principle on which the air-cooled engines rely on is the flow of air across their external surfaces to remove the excess heat to keep the engine from overheating. The airflow on machines like motorcycles and aircrafts is provided across the surface when the vehicle moves forward. Deflectors and ductwork is incorporated to direct the airflow to the critical locations where more cooling is required. The outer surface of the engine is made from a good conductor of heat and the surface is finned to promote maximum heat transfer, along with which an extra fan is used to increase the air-flow rate; whereas others use the concept of free-convection. These fins are to be properly designed for appropriate cooling effect which is required. Some automobile engines also use exposed flywheels with air-deflectors fastened to the surface. When the engine is in operation, these deflectors create air motion which increases the heat transfer on the finned surface. Even after considering and applying all the measures, the uniform cooling of cylinders is still difficult to achieve on air-cooled engines as compared to the liquid-cooled engines. The figure below shows that the cooling needs are not the same at all the locations. Figure . Variation of heat losses from the fins of an air-cooled aircraft engine. Seventy-one percent of the heat losses occur on the hotter side of the cylinder, containing the exhaust valve. The engine shown was used on a number of different aircrafts. Hotter areas, such as the ones around the exhaust valve and manifold need greater cooling and hence larger finned surface area. Cooling the front of an air-cooled engine which faces the forward motion of the vehicle is much easier and efficient as compared to the back surface of the engine. This may result in temperature differences and thermal expansion problems. Disadvantages: Disadvantages of air-cooled engines are that they: Are less efficient, Are noisier, with greater air flow requirements and no water jacket to dampen the noise, Need a directed air flow and finned surfaces. Advantages: When compared with liquid-cooled engines, air-cooled engines have the following advantages: They are lighter in weight, They cost less, No coolant system failures (e.g., water pump, hoses), No engine freeze-ups, and Faster engine warmup. Liquid-Cooled Engines: In a liquid or water-cooled engine, the engine block is surrounded by a water jacket through which the coolant flows. This allows for a better control of the heat removal from the engine, just by added weight and a more complex system. Very few water-cooled engines use just water as the cooling fluid in the water jackets; this is because the water has a freezing temperature of 0Â °C which is unacceptable as coolant in colder regions, so additives are usually used for better performance. Although water has very good heat transfer properties, but when used alone, it causes rust and corrosion in many of the pipes of the cooling system. Ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) is the antifreeze agent which acts as a rust inhibitor and a lubricant for the water pump. When added to water, it lowers the freezing temperature and raises the boiling temperature of the coolant. The properties of the mixture depend on the ratio in which water and the antifreeze agent are mixed. Pure ethylene glycol should not be used, and even at high concentrations the heat transfer properties of the water are lost as well. The properties of the ethylene glycol water mixture are shown in the table below. In addition to good thermal properties, a coolant should satisfy the following requirements: 1. Chemically stable under conditions of use 2. Non-foaming 3. Non-corrosive 4. Low toxicity 5. Non-flammable 6. Low cost Most commercial antifreezes satisfy these requirements. Many of them are basically ethylene glycol with small amounts of additives. Some commercial engine coolants use propylene glycol as the base ingredient. It is argued that when coolant systems leak or when the coolant becomes aged and is discarded, these products are less harmful to the environment than ethylene glycol. Basic Components: The basic components of a liquid-cooled system is shown below. Figure . Basic liquid-cooled system radiator radiator top hose radiator bottom hose water pump thermostat thermostat housing electric cooling fan thermo-time switch Radiator: The radiator is the part of the cooling system which is responsible for the heat rejection from the coolant and into the atmosphere. The radiator core is usually made up of flattened tubes with aluminum strips (fins) that zigzag between the tubes. These fins effectively transfer the heat contained in the coolant into the air stream to be lost into the atmosphere. On each end of the radiator is a tank made up of plastic to cover the ends. The tubes either run horizontally or vertically between the two tanks. The aluminum-plastic system is more efficient and cost effective. On radiators with plastic end caps, there are gaskets between the aluminum core and the plastic tanks to seal the system and keep the fluid from leaking out. The tanks have a large hose connection, one mounted towards the top of the radiator to let the coolant in, the other mounted at the bottom of the radiator on the other tank to let the coolant back out. On the top of the radiator is an additional opening that is capped off by the radiator cap. Another component in the radiator for vehicles with an automatic transmission is a separate tank mounted inside one of the tanks. Fittings connect this inner tank through steel tubes to the automatic transmission. Transmission fluid is piped through this tank inside a tank to be cooled by the coolant flowing past it before returning to the transmission. Radiator Fans: One or two electric fans are mounted on the back of the radiator close to the engine. These fans used the concept of forced convection to cool the heated coolant going through the pipes in the radiator core. If noticed, this fan starts working once the engine reaches a predefined temperature, after which the cooling by just natural convection during the forward motion of the car cannot be achieved. In the cars with air conditioning, there is an additional radiator mounted in front of the normal radiator. This radiator is called the air conditioner condenser, which also needs to be cooled by the air flow entering the engine compartment. As long as the air conditioning is turned on, the system will keep the fan running, even if the engine is not running hot. This is because if there is no air flow through the air conditioning condenser, the air conditioner will not be able to cool the air entering the interior. Pressure cap reserve tank: The pressure cap is simply a cap which maintains the pressure in the cooling system up to a certain point. If the pressure builds up higher than the set pressure point, the spring loaded valve releases the pressure. Figure . Pressure cap When the pressure in the cooling system reaches the point when the cap needs to release this excess pressure, some amount of coolant is bled off. The coolant which is bled off goes into the reserve tank which is not pressurized, which causes a partial vacuum in the cooling system. The radiator cap on these closed systems has a secondary valve which allows the vacuum in the cooling system to draw the coolant back from the reserve tank into the radiator. Coolant Pump: It is a simple pump which helps in circulation of the coolant around the system. This pump is run using one of the following: A fan belt that will also be responsible for driving an additional component like an alternator or power steering pump A serpentine belt, which also drives the alternator, power steering pump and AC compressor among other things. The timing belt that is also responsible for driving one or more camshafts. The impeller of the pump uses centrifugal force to draw the coolant in from the lower radiator hose and send it under pressure to the engine block. A gasket seals the water pump to the engine block and prevents the flowing coolant from leaking out where the pump is attached to the block. Thermostat: The thermostat is simply a valve that measures the temperature of the coolant, and if the coolant is hot enough it opens to allow the coolant to flow through the radiator otherwise the flow to the radiator is blocked and the fluid is directed to a bypass system that returns the coolant to the engine. Figure . Thermostat The engine is at times allowed to run at higher temperatures of 190-195Â °C; this reduces emissions, moisture condensation inside the engine is quickly burned off improving engine life, and a more complete combustion improving fuel economy. Oil as a Coolant: The oil when used to lubricate the engine also helps to cool the engine. The piston for example gets very little cooling from the coolant in the water jacket or the externally finned surface, so when the back surface of the piston crown is subjected to the oil splash or flow the piston is cooled to some extent. This is very necessary as the piston is one of the hottest elements in the engine. Usually, the oil is sprayed in pressurized systems, and splashed in non-pressurized systems. The oil acts as the coolant on the back face of the piston crown as it absorbs energy and then runs back into the larger reservoir where it mixes with the cooler oil and dissipates this energy into the other engine parts. This splash cooling of the piston is extremely important in small air-cooled engines as well as in automobile engines. A few other engine components other than the piston are also cooled by oil circulation, either by splash or by the pressurized flow from the oil pump. Oil passages through internal components like the camshaft and connecting rods offer the only major cooling these parts are subjected to. As the oil cools the various components, it absorbs energy and its temperature rises. This energy is then dissipated to the rest of the engine by circulation and eventually gets absorbed in the engine coolant flow. Some high-performance engines have an oil cooler in their lubricant circulation system. The energy absorbed by the oil as it cools the engine components is dissipated in the oil cooler, which is a heat exchanger cooled by either engine coolant flow or external air flow. Oil Pump: The gear-type oil pump has a pair of meshing gears. The spaces between the teeth are filled with oil when the gears unmesh. The oil pump obtains oil from the oil pan and sends oil through the oil filter to the oil galleries and main bearings. Some oil passes from the holes in the crankshaft to the rod bearings. Main bearings and rod bearings are lubricated adequately to achieve their desired objectives. In the rotor type oil pump, the inner rotor is driven and drives the outer rotor. As the rotor revolves, the gaps between the lobes are filled with oil. When the lobes of the inner rotor move into the gaps in the outer rotor, oil is forced out through the outlet of pump. An oil pump can also be driven by a camshaft gear that drives the ignition distributor or by the crankshaft. Oil Pan: Oil also flows to the cylinder head through drilled passages that make up the oil gallery, lubricates camshaft bearings and valves, and then returns to oil pan. Some engines have grooves or holes in connecting rods, which provide extra lubrication to pistons and walls of cylinders. Oil Cooler: Oil cooler prevents overheating of oil, by flow of engine coolant past tubes carrying hot oil. The coolant picks excess heat and carries it to the radiator. Oil Filter: The oil from oil pump flows through oil filter before reaching the engine bearings. The oil filter retains the dirt particles and allows only clean filtered oil to pass. The Lubrication system and its types: There are three basic types of oil distribution systems used in engines: Splash, Pressurized, or A combination of these. The crankcase is used as the oil sump (reservoir) in a splash system, and the crankshaft rotating at high speed in the oil distributes it to the various moving parts by splash; no oil pump is used. All components, including the valve train and camshaft, must be open to the crankcase. Oil is splashed into the cylinders behind the pistons and onto the back of the piston crowns, acting both as a lubricant and a coolant. Many small four-stroke cycle engines (lawn mowers, golf carts, etc.) use splash distribution of oil. An engine with a pressurized oil distribution system uses an oil pump to supply lubrication to the moving parts through passages built into the components. A typical automobile engine has oil passages built into the connecting rods, valve stems, push rods, rocker arms, valve seats, engine block, and many other moving components. These make up a circulation network through which oil is distributed by the oil pump. In addition, oil is sprayed under pressure onto the cylinder walls and onto the back of the piston crowns. Most automobiles actually use dual distribution systems, relying on splash within the crankcase in addition to the pressurized flow from the oil pump. Most large stationary engines also use this kind of dual system. Most aircraft engines and a few automobile engines use a total pressurized system with the oil reservoir located separate from the crankcase. These are often called dry sump systems (i.e., the crankcase sump is dry of excess oil). Aircraft do not always fly level, and uncontrolled oil in the crankcase may not supply proper lubrication or oil pump input when the plane banks or turns. A diaphragm controls the oil level in the reservoir of a dry sump system, assuring a continuous flow into the oil pump and throughout the engine. Figure . Lubrication of an engine consisting of a combination of a pressurized system and splash system Oil pumps can be electric or mechanically driven off the engine. Pressure at the pump exit is typically about 300 to 400 kPa. If an oil pump is driven directly off the engine, some means should be built into the system to keep the exit pressure and flow rate from becoming excessive at high engine speeds. A time of excess wear is at engine startup before the oil pump can distribute proper lubrication. It takes a few engine cycles before the flow of oil is fully established, and during this time, many parts are not properly lubricated. Adding to the problem is the fact that often the oil is cold at engine startup. Cold oil has much higher viscosity, which further delays proper circulation. A few engines have oil preheaters which electrically heat the oil before startup. Some engines have pre-oilers that heat and circulate the oil before engine startup. An electric pump lubricates all components by distributing oil throughout the engine. It is recommended that turbocharged engines be allowed to idle for a few seconds before they are turned off. This is because of the very high speeds at which the turbocharger operates. When the engine is turned off, oil circulation stops and lubricated surfaces begin to lose oil. Stopping the oil supply to a turbocharger operating at high speed invites poor lubrication and high wear. To minimize this problem, the engine and turbocharger should be allowed to return to low speed (idle) before the lubrication supply is stopped. Lubrication system in 2-stroke engines: Many small engines and some experimental two-stroke cycle automobile engines use the crankcase as a compressor for the inlet air. Automobile engines which do this generally have the crankcase divided into several compartments, with each cylinder having its own separate compressor. These engines cannot use the crankcase as an oil sump, and an alternate method must be used to lubricate the crankshaft and other components in the crankcase. In these engines, oil is carried into the engine with the inlet air in much the same way as the fuel. When the fuel is added to the inlet air, usually with a carburetor, oil particles as well as fuel particles are distributed into the flow. The air flow then enters the crankcase, where it is compressed. Oil particles carried with the air lubricate the surfaces they come in contact with, first in the crankcase and then in the intake runner and cylinder. In some systems (model airplane engines, marine outboard motors, etc.), the oil is premixed with the fuel in the fuel tank. In other engines (automobiles, some golf carts, etc.), there is a separate oil reservoir that feeds a metered flow of oil into the fuel supply line or directly into the inlet air flow. Fuel-to-oil ratio ranges from 30:1 to 400:1, depending on the engine. Some modern high-performance engines have controls which regulate the fuel-oil ratio, depending on engine speed and load. Under conditions of high oil input, oil sometimes condenses in the crankcase. Up to 30% of the oil is recirculated from the crankcase in some automobile engines. It is desirable to get at least 3000 miles per liter of oil used. Most small lower cost engines have a single average oil input setting. If too much oil is supplied, deposits form on the combustion chamber walls and valves will stick (if there are valves). If too little oil is supplied, excess wear will occur and the piston can freez e in the cylinder. Engines that add oil to the inlet fuel obviously are designed to use up oil during operation. This oil also contributes to HC emissions in the exhaust due to valve overlap and poor combustion of the oil vapor in the cylinders. New oils that also burn better as fuel are being developed for two-stroke cycle engines. Some two-stroke cycle automobile engines and other medium- and large-size engines use an external supercharger to compress inlet air. These engines use pressurized/ splash lubrication systems similar to those on four-stroke cycle engines with the crankcase also serving as the oil sump. Lubricating Oil: The oil used in an engine must serve as a lubricant, a coolant, and a vehicle for removing impurities. It must be able to withstand high temperatures without breaking down and must have a long working life. The development trend in engines is toward higher operating temperatures, higher speeds, closer tolerances, and smaller oil sump capacity. All of these require improved oils compared to those used just a few years ago. Certainly, the technology of the oil industry has to continue to improve along with the technology growth of engines and fuel. Early engines and other mechanical systems were often designed to use up the lubricating oil as it was used, requiring a continuous input of fresh oil. The used oil was either burned up in the combustion chamber or allowed to fall to the ground. Just a couple of decades back, the tolerances between pistons and cylinder walls was such that engines burned some oil that seeped past the pistons from the crankcase. This required a periodic need t o add oil and a frequent oil change due to blowby contamination of the remaining oil. HC levels in the exhaust were high because of the oil in the combustion chamber. Modern engines run hotter, have closer tolerances which keep oil consumption down, and have smaller oil sumps due to space limitations. They generate more power with smaller engines by running faster and with higher compression ratios. This means higher forces and a greater need for good lubrication. At the same time, many manufacturers now suggest changing the oil every 6000 miles. Not only must the oil last longer under much more severe conditions, but new oil is not added between oil changes. Engines of the past that consumed some oil required periodic makeup oil to be added. This makeup oil mixed with the remaining used oil and improved the overall lubrication properties within the engine. The oils in modern engines must operate over an extreme temperature range. They must lubricate properly from the starting temperature of a cold engine to beyond the extreme steady-state temperatures that occur within the engine cylinders. They must not oxidize on the combustion chamber walls or at other hot spots such as the center crown of the piston or at the top piston ring. Oil should adhere to surfaces so that they always lubricate and provide a protective covering against corrosion. This is often called oiliness. Oil should have high film strength to assure no metal-to-metal contact even under extreme loads. Oils should be non-toxic and non-explosive. Some desired qualities of Lubrication oil: Lubricating oil must satisfy the following needs: Lubrication. It must reduce friction and wear within the engine. It improves efficiency by reducing the friction forces between moving parts. Coolant Removal of contaminants Enhancement of ring seal and reduction of blowby Slow corrosion Stability over a large temperature range Long life span Low cost Hydrocarbon Components in Lubricating oil: The basic ingredients in most lubricating oils are hydrocarbon components made from crude oil. These are larger molecular weight species obtained from the distillation process. Additives: Various other components are added to create a lubricant that will allow for the maximum performance and life span of the engine. These additives include: Antifoam agents: These reduce the foaming that would result when the crankshaft and other components rotate at high speed in the crankcase oil sump. Oxidation inhibitors: Oxygen is trapped in the oil when foaming occurs, and this leads to possible oxidation of engine components. One such additive is zinc dithiophosphate Pour-point depressant Antirust agents Detergents: These are made from organic salts and metallic salts. They help keep deposits and impurities in suspension and stop reactions that form varnish and other surface deposits. They help neutralize acid formed from sulfur in the fuel. Anti-wear agents Friction reducers Viscosity index improvers Rating of Lubricating Oils and grades: Lubricating oils are generally rated using a viscosity scale established by the Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE). The higher the viscosity value, the greater is the force needed to move adjacent surfaces or to pump oil through a passage. Viscosity is highly dependent on temperature, increasing with decreasing temperature. In the temperature range of engine operation, the dynamic viscosity of the oil can change by more than an order of magnitude. Oil viscosity also changes with shear, decreasing with increasing shear. Shear rates within an engine range from very low values to extremely high values in the bearings and between piston and cylinder walls. The change of viscosity over these extremes can be several orders of magnitude. Common viscosity grades used in engines are: SAE 5 SAE 10 SAE 20 SAE 30 SAE 40 SAE 45 SAE 50 Common oils available include: SAE 5W-20 SAE 10W-40 SAE 5W-30 SAE 10W-50 SAE 5W-40 SAE 15W-40 SAE 5W-50 SAE 15W-50 SAE 10W-30 SAE 20W-50 Synthetic Oils: A number of synthetically made oils are available that give better performance than those made from crude oil. They are better at reducing friction and engine wear, have good detergency properties which keep the engine cleaner, offer less resistance for moving parts, and require less pumping power for distribution. With good thermal properties, they provide better engine cooling and less variation in viscosity. Because of this, they contribute to better cold-weather starting and can reduce fuel consumption by as much as 15%. These oils cost several times as much as those made from crude oil. However, they can be used longer in an engine, with 24,000 km (15,000 miles) being the oil change period suggested by most manufacturers. Available on the market are various oil additives and special oils that can be added in small quantities to standard oils in the engine. These claim, with some justification, to improve the viscous and wear resistance properties of normal oils. One major improvement that some of them provide is that they stick to metal surfaces and do not drain off when the engine is stopped, as most standard oils do. The surfaces are thus lubricated immediately when the engine is next started. With standard oils it takes several engine rotations before proper lubrication occurs, a major source of wear. Oil filters: Included in most pressurized oil systems is a filtration system to remove impurities from the engine oil. One of the duties of engine oil is to clean the engine by carrying contaminant impurities in suspension as it circulates. As the oil passes through filters that are part of the flow passage system these impurities are removed, cleaning the oil and allowing it to be used for a greater length of time. Contaminants get into an engine in the incoming air or fuel or can be generated within the combustion chamber when other than ideal stoichiometric combustion occurs. Dust and other impurities are carried by the incoming air. Some, but not all, of these are removed by an air filter. Fuels have trace amounts of impurities like sulfur, which create contaminants during the combustion process. Even pure fuel components form some contaminants, like solid carbon in some engines under some conditions. Many engine impurities are carried away with the engine exhaust, but some get into the interior of the engine, mainly in the blowby process. During blowby, fuel, air, and combustion products are forced past the pistons into the crankcase, where they mix with the engine oil. Some of the water vapor in the exhaust products condenses in the crankcase, and the resulting liquid water adds to the contaminants. The gases of blowby pass through the crankcase and are routed back into the air intake. Ideally, most of the contaminants are trapped in the oil, which then contains dust, carbon, fuel particles, sulfur, water droplets, and many other impurities. If these were not filtered out of the oil, they would be spread throughout the engine by the oil distribution system. Also, the oil would quickly become dirty and lose its lubricating properties, resulting in greater engine wear. Figure . Oil Filter Flow passages in a filter are not all the same size but usually exist in a normal bell-shaped size distribution. This means that most larger particles will be filtered out as the oil passes through the filter, but a few as large as the largest passages will get through. The choice of filter pore size is a compromise. Better filtration will be obtained with smaller filter pores, but this requires a much greater flow pressure to push the oil through the filter. This also results in the filter becoming clogged quicker and requiring earlier filter cartridge change. Some filter materials and/or material of too small a pore size can even remove some additives from the oil. Filters are made from cotton, paper, cellulose, and a number of different synthetic materials. Filters are usually located just downstream from the oil pump exit. As a filter is used, it slowly becomes saturated with trapped impurities. As these impurities fill the filter pores, a greater pressure differential is needed to keep the same flow rate. When this needed pressure differential gets too high, the oil pump limit is reached and oil flow through the engine is slowed. The filter cartridge should be replaced before this happens. Figure . Exploded view of an Oil Filter Figure . Pore size distribution for common filters Sometimes, when the pressure differential across a filter gets high enough, the cartridge structure will collapse and a hole will develop through the cartridge wall. Most of the oil pumped through the filter will then follow the path of least resistance and flow through the hole. This short circuit will reduce the pressure drop across the filter, but the oil does not get filtered. There are several ways in which the oil circulation system can be filtered: 1. Full-flow oil filtration. All oil flows through the filter. The filter pore size must be fairly large to avoid extreme pressures in the resulting large flow rate. This results in some larger impurities in the oil. 2. Bypass oil filtration. Only part of the oil leaving the pump flows through the filter, the rest bypassing it without being filtered. This system allows the use of a much finer filter, but only a percentage of the oil gets filtered during each circulation loop. 3. Combination. Some systems use a combination of full-flow and bypass. All the oil first flows through a filter with large pores and then some of it flows through a second filter with small pores. 4. Shunt filtration. This is a system using a full-flow filter and a bypass valve. All oil at first flows through the filter. As the filter cartridge dirties with age, the pressure differential across it needed to keep the oil flowing increases. When this pressure differential gets above a predetermined value, the bypass valve opens and the oil flows around the filter. The filter cartridge must then be replaced before filtering will again occur. Solid lubricants, such as powd
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