Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Food can be significant in people’s lives
Food can be significant in people's lives' for many different reasons – comparison of texts from food anthology. Titus Andronicus and Grandpa's Soup By samiyarahman Both Titus Andronicus and Grandpa's soup serve the purpose of entertaining the reader in Juxtaposing ways. Titus Andronicus is illustrative of the alarming horror that certain types of cooking and food reinforce, whereas Grandpa's soup is representative of the warmth and affection that certain types of food and cooking can bring.Themes portrayed in these texts such as death, mortality, celebration, esperation, love and hate are looked at from completely different angles through the literary techniques displayed by both writers, which will be analyzed and discussed in this essay. First of all, the celebratory atmosphere created in both texts highlight the horror/ happiness. For example, in Titus Andronicus, ingredients of human flesh and bones are mixed to produce delightful dishes.Literally, this is gruesome and ch aotic but for the characters cooking these dishes it connotes a sense of victory over defeating their enemies and ridiculing them, which they then celebrate. Similarly, in Grandpa's Soup the ingredients are given a voice to, making them almost onomatopoeic for example, ‘hoch', ‘loch' and ‘och'. The rhythmic tone signifies togetherness and similarity between the words indicative of the togetherness and strong relationship the character has with her Grandpa.The repetition of these ingredients throughout the poem adds emphasis to this idea, it seems as if it was pouring out of her mind – this is also reflected through the character's voice because it doesn't seem to be limited to a form, the poem sprawls and is shaped by the speech, which reflects the Joy and elebration in the poem. Death and mortality are also common themes in these poems presented to us in two completely different ways. Ruthless cannibalism in Titus Andronicus versus natural death in Grandpa' s Soup: Titus very easily and by giving clear instructions orders on how to kill Chiron and Demetrius.This implies that if he so effortlessly does this he is not at all moved or disturbed by it and that it is completely normal to him. The silence and reaction of others around him show that they are also unaffected by it, which forces out an extremely shocking response from the reader. In contrast, Grandpa's Soup signifies that Grandpa's cooking provides her with genuine pleasure not Just contentment or satisfaction but something greater therefore she goes onto talk about her fear of losing him, which overcasts a melancholic shadow over the whole poem.The writer understands that death is a natural process that she cannot stop but she goes on to say how it will affect her living life as she will be emotionally torn apart and carry the burden of pain throughout with the absence of her Grandpa and his remedial soup. There is evidence of figurative language that is very effective in outl ining and omprehending the character's point of view in Grandpa's Soup for example the simile ‘like a rich island in the middle of the soup sea'. The hyperbole assists in getting her ideas across.Describing the soup as a sea represents the depth of the character's feelings associated with the soup, and her Grandpa. This is reinforced by the yearning that is evident through her language, for example ‘he knows I will grow and pine for it. I will fall ill and desperately need it' this could be seen as deep emotive language that shows her desperation and strong will to hold onto her Grandpa forever and the fact that she draws from the semantic field of health shows that the soup is so important to her it's like a cure or a medicine for all her illnesses.The desperate people that have no peace in Titus Andronicus are reflective of the fast pace of the poem and how quickly events unfold throughout the poem leaving the reader with no time to digest it. The Juxtaposition is evid ent in, Whereof their mother daintily hath fed, Eating the flesh that she herself hath bred' shows that she has done such a catastrophic deed but in a way that is not imaginable and omething she herself was unaware about. The adverb ‘daintily screams out the disgust.This technique achieves maximum impact because soft words are used to convey a very powerful, strong meaning completely alarming the reader because it is such an unnatural, unusual situation. Also, the conversational and chatty lexis rather than it makes as if all the gruesomeness is very common and there is nothing to be shocked about. Both writers use iambic pentameter giving the texts life and a certain personality. For example in Titus Andronicus the iambic pentameter assists in building tension, uspense and the stress.Furthermore, in Grandpa's Soup it would be appropriate to say it sounds like a heartbeat when read aloud illustrating the love and affection that resides in the poem. The role of women in Titus A ndronicus seems very minor. Rape is the stigma attached to Lavinia therefore it is believed that her life is no longer valuable or even useful which is why she is subject to death after she gets Justice. Titus uses the killing of Chiron and Demetrius as a Justification for killing Lavinia. Additionally, Tamora Just follows instructions even though she is the empress but has no real oice.On the other hand, in Grandpa's Soup, the whole poem is a female narrator expressing her feelings and having the most important place in the poem. In conclusion, it can be said that the themes of these texts are highly comparable because both texts possess the same themes, which are given a completely different light in each one. Titus Andronicus is accurately representative of its genre: a revenge tragedy and Grandpa's Soup gets across the idea that food can form and trigger memories that last a lifetime and the nostalgia allows us to reconnect with omeone that may be gone but still alive in our tho ughts.Titus Andronicus sticks closely to its fictional identity however Grandpa's Soup allows the reader to bring to lite real teelings that are relatable to a wide audience. On the contrary, it can be argued that even though we can closely relate to Grandpa's Soup rather than Titus Andronicus, the concentration of the themes in Titus Andronicus allows us to understand the real meanings of those more in it rather than in Grandpa's Soup. When analyzing the texts it is important to consider the purposes of the texts and oth texts fulfill their purpose to entertain to a large extent.The various techniques such as fgurative language, word choices, form, structure and sound patterning are used by Shakespeare and Kay to get across certain attitudes and values have been extremely successful in doing so. Additionally, the backgrounds of the writers and the eras they were writing in seem to have largely influenced these poems. For example Kay may be giving a personal account of her experienc es giving it a timeless quality whereas Shakespeare's motivation may have been what sold or was popular at the time to spectators.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Nefertiti Sun God Book Review
Kennedy Kelly-Hooks Period: 5 October 20th, 2012 Tyldesley, Joyce A. Nefertiti: Egypt's Sun Queen. London: Viking, 1998. Print. In the times of Ancient Egypt women did not have a prominent role in society. Women rarely had power and most systems were patriarchal. Queens in Ancient Egypt were mainly observers and supporters of their husband. In Joyce A. Tyldesley's Nefertiti: Egypt's Sun Queen the wife of Amenhotep IV and Queen of Egypt, Nefertiti, played a more dominant role in her marriage as well as in society.Nefertiti was seen as an equal to her husband as the women who came before her had not been seen before. The book Nefertiti: Egypt's Sun Queen covered a time span of 1386 BCE to about 1330 BCE. The book begins by explaining the royal family history of Egypt before Nefertiti and Amenhotep IV. It gives background on the parents of Amenhotep III the father of Amenhotep IV, which helps to explain ideas discussed later on in the book. Amenhotep's III mother supposedly at that time had an affair with the god Amen-Re a sun god who requested the son be named after his grandfather.After explaining the family dynamics and how Queen Tiy also was a woman of power who gave Amenhotep IV the view that women were equal, it begins to peace together the life of Nefertiti. There are no records of her childhood but that was typical in that time period for there to be no knowledge of a consorts childhood. Her parents remained unknown although they do have likely theories on who her parents were and who Nefertiti's sister was. But since the term sister was so loosely used back then nobody can be sure.The book describes the changes that Amenhotep IV who was later called Akhenaten and Nefertiti made in Egypt and how other people may have viewed them to the mysterious death of Nefertiti. Nefertiti and Amenhotep IV created a new religion which is one of the first monotheistic religions and created a new capital Armana. But after their deaths their monuments and drawings were des troyed. The author of this story created the first biography of Nefertiti through archeological and textual evidence. Joyce Tyldesley who is originally from England has written many iographies on women from Ancient Egypt. In the story she provides many views on the life of Nefertiti. Nefertiti in the story is described as the first woman to be seen equally to an Egyptian king. Nefertiti was seen as a power figure just as much as her husband was. She was even apart of Akhenaten's religion with the main god being Aten. Also Akhenaten and Nefertiti were seen as two halves of one whole. The two completed each other as seen in statues. Nefertiti was also the same size as her husband in pictures and statues which had never been done before.Queen's were usually women who just supported their husband and gave him children, as well as observing what he does. But Nefertiti played an active role in making decisions and could perform sacrifices just like a man. In some pictures she is even seen in a clothing that a king would wear. Akhenaten's mother had also played a major role and had a larger handle on Egypt than Amenhotep III who had easily let his wife take over his role. But even Queen Tiy was not seen as a complete equal as Nefertiti was.The author of this biography provides many different views that some scholars might have had about Nefertiti's life. There are theories surrounding the death of Nefertiti that have changed over time. Some people believe that she never died around the time that she was replaced as Queen and just moved on to a different location. But some have said there was a golden coffin that was moved from the kings home and was never seen again. There is writing that appears to be hers that was written to a Hittite king after her death supposedly happened.Some say she was banished possibly from her husband after he realized she could give him no sons to inherit his throne. But that theory is highly improbable. Also the fate of Nefertiti's sister after leaving the court is she either died or that she was sent somewhere else to be married. Nefertiti's parents were believed by some to be a Royal family because in their tomb there is a drawing of Nefertiti and Akhenaten giving the couple gold. However others believe her mother was one of the kings wives or that Nefertiti was a orphan. But she was definitely not the daughter of a king.Scholars may have a problem accepting this book because although most of the story is supported by likely facts there is no way to be completely sure of all the book because so much about Nefertiti's life was either destroyed or unknown. We know she was the powerful wife of Akhenaten and gave him six daughters. But we do not know of her death or origin. Archeologists have yet to find her body. The descriptions of her are strictly based of drawings and texts written in other people's tombs. Scholars would say this book is not very reliable and you cannot trust every word from it.There is evidence t hat some of the information in the book is true but the rest is just like pieces being put together on what we believed to have happened. Nefertiti: Egypt's Sun God was an interesting read and gave a lot of detail along with evidence on Nefertiti's life. However the book was very dry and hard to get into. It would describe the elements of Egyptian housing and some temples prior to their time which was not relevant to the story which made it that much harder to read. Some information was thrown into the book without a thought on how it would completely fit in.But the book had an interesting way of telling the story of Nefertiti which helped me form my own individual opinion about her. The book explained the events that lead to the ideas that pushed Akhenaten and Nefertiti to create a monotheistic religion and move the capital to Armana. It gave good background that helped me piece together Nefertiti's life and what a big deal her achievements of being worshipped and respected by many in that time was. The book was overall a good read for those who really want to learn about Nefertiti in a way that was not completely based off of theories.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Body Language and Facial Expression to Communicate
Body language and facial expressions All of us are trained in how to use this word. In other words, to communicate so that other people can understand. Usually, other people understand our meaning. In a conversation by telephone, it can communicate only by voice. In face-to-face conferences, some of the communication is done in a nonverbal way, often called body language or body movement. In some paragraphs, let's show you Body Language whether it is positive and negative, and why it is important to us. Successful communication has five aspects. Oral communication is the ability to speak clearly and concisely. Non verbal communication includes the ability to project positive body language and facial expressions. Hearing communication is the ability to listen to what others say and actually listen. Document communication is a technique used when writing text messages, reports, and other kinds of documents. Visual communication includes the ability to provide information using images a nd other visual aids. Nonverbal communication is a process of communicating by not transmitting or receiving word messages. This type of communication includes gesture, touch, body language, gesture, facial expression, and eye contact. Nonverbal communication also includes messages conveyed through important projects. For example, clothes and hairstyle are a type of nonverbal interaction that conveys information about individuals. As a general rule, nonverbal communication can be studied based on the place and situation of communication, the physical characteristics of the dialogue person, and the behavior of the dialogue person in the dialogue. Body language is a nonverbal communication that expresses or communicates information using physical behavior rather than words. Such behaviors include facial expression, body posture, gestures, movement of eyes, touch, use of space. Body language exists in animals and humans, but this article focuses on human language interpretation. It is also known as kinematics. Sign language is a complete language such as spoken language, can not confuse body language and sign language, because it has its own complicated grammar system and can display basic attributes existing in all languages. On the other hand, body language does not have a grammatical system, it does not have an absolute meaning corresponding to a specific movement, it needs to be interpreted extensively, so it is called language like sign language not. Body Language and Facial Expression to Communicate Body language and facial expressions All of us are trained in how to use this word. In other words, to communicate so that other people can understand. Usually, other people understand our meaning. In a conversation by telephone, it can communicate only by voice. In face-to-face conferences, some of the communication is done in a nonverbal way, often called body language or body movement. In some paragraphs, let's show you Body Language whether it is positive and negative, and why it is important to us. Successful communication has five aspects. Oral communication is the ability to speak clearly and concisely. Non verbal communication includes the ability to project positive body language and facial expressions. Hearing communication is the ability to listen to what others say and actually listen. Document communication is a technique used when writing text messages, reports, and other kinds of documents. Visual communication includes the ability to provide information using images a nd other visual aids. Nonverbal communication is a process of communicating by not transmitting or receiving word messages. This type of communication includes gesture, touch, body language, gesture, facial expression, and eye contact. Nonverbal communication also includes messages conveyed through important projects. For example, clothes and hairstyle are a type of nonverbal interaction that conveys information about individuals. As a general rule, nonverbal communication can be studied based on the place and situation of communication, the physical characteristics of the dialogue person, and the behavior of the dialogue person in the dialogue. Body language is a nonverbal communication that expresses or communicates information using physical behavior rather than words. Such behaviors include facial expression, body posture, gestures, movement of eyes, touch, use of space. Body language exists in animals and humans, but this article focuses on human language interpretation. It is also known as kinematics. Sign language is a complete language such as spoken language, can not confuse body language and sign language, because it has its own complicated grammar system and can display basic attributes existing in all languages. On the other hand, body language does not have a grammatical system, it does not have an absolute meaning corresponding to a specific movement, it needs to be interpreted extensively, so it is called language like sign language not.
Middle East - 2 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Middle East - 2 questions - Essay Example The discussion establishes that the Arab Spring has led to the formation of Islamic monarchs that instill democratic governance systems to ensure devolution of the region’s resources towards equated development. It is critical to acknowledge that the Palestinian and Israeli differences that in the present state revolve around the issues of terrorism and inhuman political practices. The Arab Spring has influenced the constituent countries’ political ideologies and administration practices to acknowledge the new changes in the contemporary society. Arguably, the presented research asserts that the organization has forced the countries to deviate from the full enforcement of the Sharia law. Further, the Middle East nations have been against the controversial relationships that have been stimulating warfare and terrorism activities between the Palestine and Israel nations, while blaming Israel for the atrocities. Therefore, it is evident that the Arab Spring has influenced the heated differences between the Middle East and Western economies. The Islam religion has been subject to criticism concerning its support for terrorism. Critically, the accusations are demeaning to ensure that the Muslim faith loses its significance over other religions; hence, reducing the chances by which others may adapt the faith2. The Arab Spring’s ideologies and support for the constituent nations’ political structures and practices have spurred the political unrest in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. The contemporary society has united towards the active demonstration against the inhuman activities being conducted by the nations in the above named Muslim nations3. It is known that religion is a choice to every human being, and the Arab Spring nations should deviate from engaging their disguised political interests towards the fight against the different ideologies.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Wage inequality report in the X city of China Coursework
Wage inequality report in the X city of China - Coursework Example We find evidence that level of education, age, experience and sector of employment poses the greatest variation in determining the wage limits in the city. The presence of trade liberization and international foreign investment policy imparts varying levels of exposure to some Chinese cities more than others. While the presence international firms operating in the X city do not have a direct effect on wage equality, a major difference is evident between the majority and minority foreign-owned firms. Majority foreign-owned firms exhibit skilled-biased changes that adversely increase wage inequality. INTRODUCTION. The unequal distribution of individual or household wage across various sectors in the economy is referred as wage inequality. It can be presented as a percentage of wages to percentage of population. China has witnessed rapid growth in national income, foreign investment and export volume in the last few decades. However these economic improvement has been accompanied by inc ome inequality. The wage inequality coefficient of China has steadily increased from 0.33 in the 80s to 0.46 in the year 2000 according to government statistics. These signify a 2-3% growth rate per year, alarmingly one of the fastest in ever recorded. (Yunbo Zhou, 2012) Investigated the causes of the disparities in the wage inequality in urban and rural areas and found that, in rural areas, it is explained by an increase in the wage earning jobs in poorer regions in the end of the 20th century and decrease in regressive taxes. There are allegations of wage inequality in the X state of China. Using the provided data we investigate it basing our research on three divisions we carry out data analysis and provide the results to the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security; Gender Affiliation and membership in Communist party Local (Hukou) and non-local workers Given the data we determine the correlation coefficients between wage rates and the various variables. This will enable us to deduce whether to use the variables in our regression analysis. Table 1 summary statistics of wage rates by sector and by gender Manufacturing sector Construction sector Others All Male Female All Male Female All Male Female Mean 2.300194 2.389804 2.082571 2.091158 2.077667 2.334 2.24447 2.385095 2.071033 S.d. 0.106617 0.129925 0.180342 0.118321 0.124271 0 0.06246 0.084603 0.090478 No. obs 72 51 21 19 18 1 268 148 120 Table 2 t-Test results for male and female workers H0: ?1-?2=0 vs HA: ?1-?2?0 Manufacturing sector Construction sector Others Assuming ?1=?2 t statistic 1.316535 -0.47321 2.525396 t critical 1.994437 2.109816 1.968922 Assuming ?12 t statistic 1.382249 -1.75867 2.535402 t critical 2.018082 - 1.969201 The research conducted examines the phenomena of nature of two variables and their degree of relatedness. Altering the level of one variable will automatically affect the other. The concept behind the t - test is to determine the difference in the statistic means of two variables relative to the spread or variability of the wage. The purpose of statistical tests is fundamentally meant to test null hypothesis. The results in the Tables 1 and 2 can be used to draw the following conclusions; The wage earned by male workers in the manufacturing sector is significantly higher than what is earned by female workers. The same is also true in the other sectors. However female workers in the manufacturing sector earn more than their male counterparts. This deviation is attributed to the less number of female workers in the construction sector. Thus we can conclude that wage inequality is evident in the X town of China based on gender.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Events, Hospitality and Tourism Dynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Events, Hospitality and Tourism Dynamics - Essay Example There should always a stable political environment in order for a country to develop and move forward economically. In order to achieve political stability, each country should achieve ideas of political stability. Ideas of political stability can be achieved through certain mechanisms. Achieving such ideas requires a good understanding of the factors that may affect political stability in general. There are various factors that are important considerations in achieving political stability. First, the entire society needs to be freed from any tendency of destabilization including political divisions, ethnicities, corruption, sectarian conflicts and major political disagreements. These factors cause lack of political stability; and yet political stability is necessary in organizing and hosting major events such as the Olympics and FIFA World Cup (Liubov 2010). This essays suggests that ideas in order to host events such as Olympics and FIFA World Cup, it is important to consider certain factors that help in achieving the ideas of political stability. The major factors that are important considerations in achieving ideas of political stability include: constitutionalism, respect for rights and freedom of people, democratic political system with free and fair elections, employment and improved living standards of people, transparency and accountability, food security, diplomatic relations with other countries, and good governance (Bhagwati 2002). Every politically stable society begins with a democratic political environment (Sawchuk et al 2013). Democracy involves governing through people by allowing the people or citizens to participate in forming the government. This is usually done through the elections. In democratic political system, citizens participate either directly or indirectly in the political system through elected representatives. The people in a democratic society may also be involved in
Friday, July 26, 2019
Molar Mass of a Volatile Gas Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Molar Mass of a Volatile Gas - Lab Report Example The atmospheric pressure, which was assumed to be equal to the pressure of the volatile gas, was also measured and recorded. When all the liquid had evaporated, cold water was run over the flask to facilitate the cooling of the vapor. The mass of the flask, aluminum foil as well as the condensed vapor was then determined. It was assumed that the mass of the condensed fluid was equivalent to the vapor that filled the flask. The molar mass of the gas was then computed using the ideal gas law. The number of moles in the unknown sample was calculated from the formula n=PV/RT where n was the number of moles, P was the pressure of the gas, V was the volume of the gas, R was the gas constant (8.21x10-2 L atm mol-1 K-1), and T was the temperature in Kelvin (Slowinski, Wosley and Rossi 55). The experimental molar mass was lower than 32, which was the actual molar mass of the unknown gas. The low experimental value could be due to experimental errors. For example, it was possible that there was condensed vapor in the foil cover, which interfered with the accuracy of the measurements. One other possibility that led to the disparities in the experimental molar mass of the unknown gas and the actual value was deviations from the ideal gas law. It was possible that the gas did not behave as described by the ideal gas law hence leading to the disparities in the two values. It was also possible that excess vapor escaped from the flask leading to an underestimation of the mass of the condensed liquid and the subsequent molar mass. Overall, the experiment gave an estimation of the molar mass of the unknown gas using the ideal gas law. Therefore, it was concluded that the ideal gas law was a useful equation in describing the behavior of
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Why the North won the American Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Why the North won the American Civil War - Essay Example To be objective, it is very important to take into account not only military events, but the "roots of success" resulted in victory of the North. The analysis of the first set of reasons includes political, economic, social and industrial sphere and conditions which had a great influence on both parties1. 1. Manpower and resources. The strength of the North was that it remained the core of the nation. In contrast, the Southern states, separated form the Union, were perceived as the mutinous party. The conservative North, embodied social and political customs and tradition, represented a strong power and reliability for many American citizens. This psychological perception of the differences between the South and North strengthened the positions of the North as the custodian of peace and constancy. The social priorities were supported by economic development of the North which always plays a major role considered as the main indicator of future success or failure of a country. The main advantage of the North, which undoubtedly supported its victory, was the fact that the North had occupied a stronger position in the economic and political spheres of life. The North had started to dominate after the Constitution was adopted by all of the States in 1789, uniting the States into one nation. In a century, the North was considered as the political center of the nation and nobody doubted its superiority over the Southern part. . Of cause, there were some differences between the States which had been worked out through compromises, but it could not undermine the authority of the North. The main advantage of the North was its developing industry, which supported the rapid economic growth of this region, and manufacturing of ammunition so important for the North troops during the war. In contrast to agrarian South the level of the North economic development was higher and more stable. And when during the war time the south needed financing, "almost 60 per cent was derived from the issue of paper money, about 30 per cent from the sale of bonds, and less than 5 per cent from taxation (the remaining 5 percent from miscellaneous sources.) In contrast, the income of North in "13 per cent was raised by paper money, 62 per cent by bonds, and 21 per centby taxes (and 4 per cent by other means)"2 This financial data depicts the main advantage of the North, relied much more upon taxation and borrowing and less upon government notes as South did. It is a well known fact that industry is not influenced greatly by external environmental changes as the agriculture (droughts, bad harvest), and in this very case the positions of North were stronger, and resulted in accumulation of huge resources which South was not able to obtain. As industry in the North expanded it looked towards southern markets, rich with cash from the lucrative agricultural business, to buy the North's manufactured goods. However, it was often cheaper for the South to purchase the goods abroad. 2 1Richard N. Current, The History of Wisconsin Volume II. The Civil War Era, 1848- 1873. (Madison: The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1976), 3. 2Gabor S. Boritt, ed. Why the Civil War Came
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Myocardial infarction Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Myocardial infarction - Case Study Example The mice used in this experiment were reported to have larger and more severe atherosclerosis wounds after a stroke or myocardial infarction. These results were observed to be as a result of increased monocyte production that was triggered by the stroke that affected the spleen action. This understanding of factor affecting atherosclerosis and can be used in using better management techniques (Dutta et al 2012). This is because the kind of intervention used on atherosclerosis patients with ischemic complication can affect the long term outcome. Care should thus be taken with patients with such problems to avoid further complications I find this article to be important because you find that most patients suffering from atherosclerosis also suffers from myocardial infarction. The interaction of the two makes it hard to treat one or the other. Understanding how myocardial infarction affects other diseases is important in developing better treatment methods. For instance, people sufferin g from atherosclerosis should not be subjected to a treatment that increases the possibility of getting a stroke or myocardial infarction. It gives a deeper understanding how the myocardial infarction may affect the body so that precautions can be taken. Article two Guidelines for Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction The article looks into the various strategies that have been put forward on the treatment of myocardial infarction. It starts by analyzing all the symptoms associated with the disease and how they affect the body. The author then systematically explains all the treatment options and their implication on the body. This is putting in consideration that although there may many treatment strategies, their effectiveness is tagged on their ability to give the nest end results and reduce the risk of the patient getting other infections. The article puts all these risks in the clear so that doctors can be able to decide which treatment option best suits their patient condi tion. The author highlights early risk stratification and rapid diagnosis as major factors influencing the success of treatment of acute myocardial infarction. In order to understand the extent of the progression of the disease, different strategies are used and this look for biochemical, pathological, clinical and electrocardiographic (ECG) characteristics (Banerjee & Kumar 2011). These risks should be analyzed quantitatively to get a greater picture of the disease progression. I think this article is important because it not only describes the different treatment options but it also gives a detailed account of the risks associated with these treatment options. The physician can use this method to determine which treatment option suits a patient in context of other disorders that the patient may have. The information presented here can be used by doctors to have the needed information that would increase the chance of having better outcomes. Article Three Plasma HDL cholesterol and risk of myocardial infarction: a mendelian randomisation study The article is about a study that seeks to know whether a high level of plasma HDL cholesterol decreases the risk of getting myocardial infarction. The study seeks to identify whether the association of low risk to myocardial infection with low plasma HDL cholesterol is cause. It takes a mendelian approach where genes are assorted independently during meiosis and their causal effects is not affected by the disease progr
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Workplace Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Workplace Issues - Essay Example If the employee is not working in an area that "involves public safety or sensitive government policies", the courts may disallow drug testing (Bergman and Berman-Barrett, 2008, p.70). Limiting drug testing is based on the provisions of probable cause, and the search and seizure protections in the constitution. The federal government justifies drug testing using the legal theory that the potential for harm must outweigh the damage inflicted by the loss of the subject of constitutional rights. In any event, employees in private employment should have the same protections as a government employee. Without probable cause, IE obvious intoxication, the employee should not have to submit to an invasive search of his blood or breath.  Employees are protected from discrimination in their compensation based primarily on the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (Equal pay and compensation discrimination, 2009). The 1963 act was meant to target gender discrimination, but subsequent acts have focused on minority status, age, and disabilities (Equal pay and compensation discrimination, 2009). The 1963 Act prohibits paying different rates of pay based on gender when the employees are equal in skill, effort, and responsibility (Equal pay act of 1963, 2009). Women have argued for gender equality, and the 1963 Act was keeping with our country's tradition of fairness and reflected a fundamental shift away from the traditional roles of men and women (Persily, Citrin, and Egan, 2008, p.158). However, the equality of pay also depresses overall wages and benefits business the most. Artificially higher pay for women attracts more women to the labor pool, and this surplus of labor drives down wages (Sowell, 2004, p.163). The fact that we have co mplied with the principles of gender equality does not fairly compensate for the economic loss incurred in the labor market, and gender should not be considered as a criterion for pay equality. Â
Nursing Accountability in Relationship Essay Example for Free
Nursing Accountability in Relationship Essay In this paper, I will review and implement recommendations based on the findings of the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) regarding the training of hospital staff to respond to a mass casualty incident (MCI). I will give examples and situations that can affect the effectiveness of proper training and responses to a traumatic event in our city, county, state, or country. For years, hospitals have contemplated the possibility of a mass casualty incident (MCI). Federal agencies planning and responding to these events have determined that it would be overwhelming and catastrophic to any community. The resources would not be sufficient to absorb the needs and requirements for help. These events can be naturally occurring or manmade, for example, hurricane season and tornado season in Texas can be predicted with accuracy. In the West coast, we have constant planning and preparation for the next big earthquake even though we do not know with accuracy when it would be. During hurricane Katrina, we had an excellent opportunity to witness how prepared a city is, and how hospitals can easily be overwhelmed by a massive influx of patients. Examples can be given worldwide, but for the purpose of simplicity we will not elaborate further. Never before have we experienced more threats than in the past few years starting from the Oklahoma City bombing and the 911 attacks as the most horrific examples to site. More and more we have seen our fears become our realities and our vulnerabilities, and this is what has made us rethink our strategies and training for proper response to chemical, radiological, or biological threats. Findings The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires that hospitals implement and test proper hospital response training twice a year. My hospital, BAMC, a military hospital, has complied with the training and has made significant contributions to the evolution and preparedness in response to a potential or actual event. The military has always been an integral part in training and preparation in regards to logistics and coordination of available resources, but even the best trained or better equipped hospitals cannot compensate for the impact it has on its employees, particularly nurses. Nurses take part and are an important aspect of training and preparation, and they are essential in the response to a crisis or trauma. Working in the emergency department, I often question myself as to how is it that we can train and prepare every year for a mass casualty incident (MCI) when I can see how easily we get overrun and in total disarray. Our hospital is currently capable of taking up to four major traumas all at the same time, but the reality is that even under the best staffed days we get overwhelmed, resourcing quickly to diversion of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) to other hospitals when we have reached maximum capacity. If training then is to prepare us and allow us to be well equipped with the necessary knowledge to perform, why is it that we struggle under small real life case scenarios? The response has to be once again in the level of preparation that each individual nurse takes to be ready to be able to function under very stressful environment. The nurse can be well prepared for future events by performing after action reviews (AAR), which is primordial in determining the stressors and the potential solutions to the problems encountered after each event. Disaster drills are beneficial in the effectiveness of command and control, communication, triage, patient flow, security response, and the roles each practitioner must perform. Recommendations Hospital drills and disaster planning are key and instrumental to make the nurse familiar with his/ her role, as well as the role of all the providers of care and first responders. Proper coordination and adequate allocation of resources are essential. The nurse can be instrumental in his/her flexibility and ability to adapt to different roles under extremely chaotic circumstances. Also, nurses are important for the delegation of tasks and coordination of duties to be taken to stabilize the emergency department for the proper movement of patients arriving and departing. The nurse plays an integral role in the transporting of patient, triage, and treatment of the injured. Properly identifying those who are very critical (expectant, life threatening), and those who are stable and can still function (broken bones, laceration, psychological issues) allows the provider to render the proper and efficient care. The nurse needs to have clear communication with the rest of the staff at every level of the disaster event in order to function and coordinate efficiently. Good documentation needs to be implemented. Nurses need to remain creative in finding ways to document what has been done to a patient with regards of his or her care. In a war zone, we can document key components of patient treatment on the uniforms of soldiers, and the same can be done with civilian population in the absence of computers or charting for short periods of time. Another important aspect is the transport of first aid equipment and supplies as soon as the disaster is identified, including body bags, stretchers, wheelchairs, crutches, splints, IV solutions, blood products, antibiotics, and plenty of analgesics and narcotics. Keeping an adequate number of chaplains, counselors, and security is imperative for the emergency department to maintain order under the chaos and stress. Summary In conclusion, the registered nurse needs to be ever vigilant of the realities of our current situations of the world. Today, more than ever with ongoing climate changes and unpredictable massive storms, tornados, earthquakes, and the impending threats created by man, we are always at risk for an (MCI). Keeping a good understanding of the preparation and the steps to take, and knowing his or her role the nurse can be reassured that he/she will be ready for the unpredictable and often unthinkable. References Training of Hospital Staff to Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 95 Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); July 2004 http://angel03. gcu. edu/section/default. asp? id=705202 Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) St. John West Shore Hospital, MCI Overview http://www. emsconedonline. com/pdfs/EMT-Mass%20Casualty%20Incident-an%20overview-Trauma. pdf
Monday, July 22, 2019
Gun Control Essay Example for Free
Gun Control Essay Under federal law people with felony convictions, fugitives from justice, dishonorably discharged from the military, illegal aliens in the United States, or convicted of domestic violence, and restraining orders are permitted from purchasing firearms. This also includes the purchase of firearms using false statements. According to (May, 2005) â€Å"a police officer found guilty of domestic violence was reissued his firearm, because the judge stated the conviction created a manifest injustice†. This illustrates how judges in certain situations overrule the domestic violence laws, which are federally regulated. This reasoning can avoid police officers in this case from losing their firearms and their employment. This can also lead to a judge’s decision to continue to put citizens in danger. Restricting gun access can decrease homicides by firearms. Some private dealers legally sell guns at gun shows, and do business from their homes without proper background checks. This result can lead to convicted felons and suspected terrorists purchasing firearms without a background checks. Imposing harsher sentencing on illegal gun dealers, who distribute firearms without background checks, can impact they way firearms are being distributed. This would also provide for safer streets. Prior to transferring a firearm for purchase, The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) does a background check on all person(s) prior to purchase. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) accesses the (NICS), which determine if a person(s) who are prohibited from purchasing a firearms. The effect of illegally purchasing firearms is that, the firearms end up in the hands of criminals. This subsequently leads to firearms used in serious crimes, which causes harm and ultimately resulting in the death of a person(s) and at times innocent bystanders. This also affects the way law enforcement does their jobs to protect the public. The National Rifle Association (NRA) opposes gun control. The (NRA) views gun control as a violation of the Second Amendment, which state, â€Å"A militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed†. Firearms protect citizens from harm and even life threatening situations. The firearms purchased legally by honest American citizens, to protect themselves and their properties can deter crime and save lives. As a deterrent to violent crimes, American citizens who have purchased firearms legally have deterred crime against themselves, and their property. This has also prevented citizens, who carry firearms legally from becoming victims of serious violent crime and saving their lives thwarting of attacks. Gun control provides safety to citizens. Communities are safer places knowing that responsible American citizens are purchasing firearms legally. Not all people who purchase firearms use them to protect themselves and their property. Some people legally use firearms for the sport of hunting during certain times of the year, which is legal. Hunting related deaths by firearms are statistically are lower, than firearm related homicides each year. The people who purchase firearms legally provide positive reinforcement to public safety. The benefit of having safety features on firearms is that safety features save lives, and prevent accidental deaths. In regard to children who stay in homes where firearms are located, there are immediate dangers that present themselves. One of the dangers is that young children do not know the difference between a real firearm, and a fake firearm. Some young children are strong enough to pull a trigger. According to the (CDC, 2004) â€Å"accidental shooting deaths are most commonly associated with one or more children playing with a gun they found in the home†. Safety is very necessary, for those people who have firearms around young children to teach, and practice safety precautions. There is the need to teach safety precautions even if people do not own a firearm. Young children may need to know the dangers of firearms where ever they go. There is a possibility that they may encounter a firearm at someone else’s home. To ensure the protection of children, certain safety measures need to be under consideration. All firearms should be safely secured, and locked up. Firearms should not be accessible to children or other unauthorized personnel. The ammunition needs to be stored, and securely locked up properly. The use of trigger locks can also provided for safety. Some gun manufacturers, such as Smith and Wesson are providing safety features on their firearms. The additional safety feature would include childproof trigger locks on firearms. This is an additional form of safety for gun owners with children in their homes. This can also lead to a decrease in injuries and accidental deaths amongst children. The National Rifle Association (NRA) opposes additional safety features on firearms. The (NRA) argues new legislation laws on additional safety features, means the federal government will add more restrictions, and regulations for safety features. This would ultimately put some gun manufacturers out of business. This would also cause extra burdens for law-abiding citizens who seek to buy and sell firearms. The (NRA) also argues the new legislation laws would infringe on the â€Å"Second Amendment†, and the right for law-abiding citizens to bear arms. The impact on the homicide rate from firearms, can attest to the dangers caused by firearms being illegally purchased. The illegal use of firearms can increase the homicide rate. When criminal minded individuals can access guns illegally, the outcome of that purchase usually results in someone getting injured or being killed by that firearm. The deaths from firearms are rear in some countries compared to the United States. This can be a result of the population in other countries or the gun laws. However, the United States has seen a decrease in homicides by firearms. This can attest to new legislation laws being passed, strict regulations on gun manufacturers, and gun being kept from criminals by way of proper screening through database in which The Federal Bureau of Investigations, State police, and local authorities have access to. The rate of suicides and accidental deaths from the use of firearms attribute to gun not being securely stored in house-holds. There were over 31,000 firearm deaths in the United States in 2005. Firearms deaths were at an all time high in 2005. [pic] The (CDC, 2005) concludes that â€Å"suicide remains the highest cause of death by firearms†. According to (Hemenway, 2007) â€Å"One of the strategies for reducing firearms suicides is the removal of the firearm from the home, where there adolescents, and young adults. Children are also victims of accidental gun deaths. This can also be attributed to excessive guns in the communities and areas where children frequent such as schools, and playgrounds. The impact of firearm safety and training is also important in reference to saving lives. There are numerous gun training and safety organizations to help the law abiding citizens, with gun safety or self defense. Some organizations include the National Rifle Association (NRA), and Front Site Firearm Training Institute. Since firearms injuries affect children and teenagers classes are taught to children. This would help the children learn the dangers of guns and to stay away from guns. This would also help children identify and report any guns found or not safely secured. The increase in firearm deaths amongst children is on the rise. The lack of awareness can be fatal to children not aware of the dangers of gunplay. Volunteer training can also can decrease firearm incidents. Firearm related incidents have an impact on health care. According to (Beasley, Theodore March 2006) â€Å"firearms injuries are a major public health issue, with a significant impact on society in both economic and human terms†. The medical cost of gun violence put a burden on health service providers. The effect factors in mental health, rehabilitation, legal, and judicial cost. The cost of gun violence in the United States can range from 100 billion dollars annually. Gun control provides for safer schools and communities. In the wake of the Columbine shooting, and the shooting at Virginia Tech laws are being passed to make sure schools are safe for students to attend, and communities are safe for people to live in. To ensure communities and schools are safe, communities have to be a part of the process. This may include groups such as neighborhood watch, to report any illegal activity observed in the community or around schools especially where children frequent. Illegal activity such as drug dealing poses a high risk to children. This can attest the gun being involved which are used to protect drug dealers and their turf, which is ultimately the community the children play in. There are also gangs that factor into illegal activities. These gangs also protect the neighborhoods or turfs with guns. The dangers involved result in drive by shootings, which can injury or kill innocent individuals. They also recruit young children to participate in these gangs. This also exposes children to illegal activities, which include giving young adolescents firearms to protect themselves from rival gang members and to protect their turf. These high crime areas continue to involve individuals who obtain firearms illegally. Some poverty stricken neighborhoods see an increase in firearm violence, due to the environmental surroundings. This would include public housing projects, and other low income housing areas surrounded by drugs, prostitution, gangs, and illegal gun activity. These neighborhoods see an increase in violent crimes by firearms, such as assaults, robbery, and murder. This can also attest to the young adolescents that bring firearms to school. The men and women of law enforcement are also at risk against legally obtained firearms. This is because suspected criminals can be armed and dangerous. The dealers, who sell firearms without proper screening, put the public’s safety at risk. Law enforcement officers are not equipped for the type of gun power these criminals’ possess. Some criminals possess assault weapons, which are military style weapons. If the weapons get into the wrong hands of criminals, these weapons can impose at grave risk to law enforcement, often putting law enforcement in grave danger trying to protect the public. There are law enforcement officers that have die at the hands of firearms. This is a result of handguns and assault weapons being purchased by criminals. Law Enforcement deaths by firearms since 2005 [pic] National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund (2008) The law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty has declined since 2007. Law enforcement agencies adopted new safety measures to assure law Enforcement were better equipped to apprehend suspected criminals who carry deadly firearms. Do Americans citizens want guns illegally circulating in their community? Individuals and criminals purchase guns illegally every day.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Empowering Users of Health Social Care Services
Empowering Users of Health Social Care Services Table of Contents Introduction Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Question 1 Analyzing the presenting factors affecting decisions to self-medicate The risks most likely to occur Measures to minimize the risk Advantages and Disadvantages of Jean’s self-medication Should Jean be encouraged to self-medicate at this time Case Study 3 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Conclusion Bibliography Introduction With the passage of laws and legislations, organizations in the health and social care sector have adapted their policies and systems to ensure the service users’ rights. Increasing importance is being given to promoting and maximizing the empowerment of service users in residential cares. Factors affecting loss of independence, non-participation and social exclusion of service users are being addressed with greater importance. Organizations are adapting according to the needs of the users. Case Study 1 Care plan: Goals of need Desired Outcomes Ways of achieving it Who is responsible Time Scale Employment Improved self-respect Partnership with day center Care Manager 2 months Entertainment Decreased level of stress and boredom Engaging in creative activities Care Manager 2 months Social Interaction and Emotional Needs Increased level of belongingness and connecting to other residents Engaging in group activities Care Manager 4 months During the last 20 years or so there have been many changes in the health and social caresystems. The catalyst for changes has been the legislations and laws to ensure and maximize the rights of service users. With the passage of such legislations organizations had to change their policies and practices. And thus the organizations had to follow a standard of service to sustain. These legislations have given increasing amount of rights and empowerment to the users. The NHS and community act of 1990 introduced a system of care which encouraged users to exercise their rights and make informed decisions about their health care. (Thomas, Mason, Ford) The acceptance of these laws made service providers design their services centering on the needs of the individual. And therefore, has brought significant changes in company policies and practices. Another legislation promoting the rights of users is human rights act of 1998. (Thomas, Mason, Ford) It has given the recourse to individuals wi thin UK courts if they feel their rights have been infringed. It includes 16 rights including right to life, right to freedom, security and right to a fair trial. While making policies organizations have to be aware this act, and realize every person has the same right. The organization will need to make sure one person’s rights are not infringed while maintaining another person’s rights. Participation and independence of users is vital to achieve the best possible outcome. Organizations promote service users’ participation by implementing an effective care planning system. A care plan is a written documentation of an individual’s fundamental needs and desired outcomes. It also includes how the desired outcomes will be attained. In managing the process, it is central to carefully consider the individual in the process. To promote participation of residents, the organization needs to reflect that it is planning a service around the agreed upon needs and desired outcomes of the user rather than fitting a person into the service it offers. The design and content of the care plan might vary. But it is important to correctly identify the desired outcomes. All aspects of daily living should be considered while preparing a care plan, and the process should start by gathering information from important sources. It is important to involve the user in the process. Involvement of the residents in the 6 stages of care planning is essential in order to provide better service. (Thomas, Mason, Ford) Need Assessment: Involving the user by agreeing dates and times, explaining how it works and ensuring the staff will involve the user from the early stage of the care planning process. Developing the care plan: The opinions, expectations and worries of the residents should be considered while developing the care plan. The staff will need to make sure the resident has clearly understood the process. Intervention and support: Once the goals have been agreed upon, the staff will need to start on implementation of the plan. Ongoing negotiations with the user must be considered in achieving the best end result. Monitoring and review: Encouraging the users to provide feedback is essential. It is also important to note the progress made and take into account any weaknesses. Statutory review of the package: The residents view is important; it also involves the view of outside agencies. Agreement on goal setting: The residents should be full involved in future goal setting process. The user should be encouraged to share what he has achieved. The organization needs to reflect on these stages and clear understanding of the issues should be ensured. The process should have options to monitor progress and make changes accordingly. There should be the option of trying something different if the initial plan doesn’t work. This way the individual will be more involved. Case Study 2 Question 1 Analyzing the presenting factors affecting decisions to self-medicate Fast Relief from ailments: Self-medication gives the individual quick relief from ailments. Identifying the ailment as trivial: When patients consider the ailment or sickness to be trivial that can be cured easily, they don’t go to the doctor. Rather they self-medicate themselves. Perceived Medication Knowledge: If the individual perceives his/her medication knowledge to be sufficient, he/she decides to self-medicate. Saving time and money: Going to the doctor means spending valuable time and money, self-medicating saves the hassle of going to the doctor and spending money. More control in care: when an individual self-medicates, he/she is in full control of her treatment. This gives the person an independence of care. Education Level: The education level and understanding of the risks might also affect the decision to self-medicate. Easy availability of drugs without prescriptions: The ease of access to drugs without prescriptions is also a factor affecting the decision to self-medicate. The risks most likely to occur Incorrect diagnosis: The individual might incorrectly diagnose his/her illness, and incorrect medication can worsen the medical condition even more. Delaying Medical help: Self-medication can provide temporary relief. However it can further worsen the situation if the individual delays to obtain medical help by temporarily relieving illness. Adverse reactions: Medications might have severe re-actions that are not so frequent. And the same medication might have different reaction on different people. What works on most people might have a severe reaction on an individual. Self -medication can be dangerous in this respect. Drug Interactions: If an individual on a prescribed meditation routine takes additional medications without consulting his/her doctor; the combined effect of the drugs can have severe impacts. Wrong dosage: A drug that might be very effective and crucial in the relief of a particular ailment can have the opposite effect if taken in a wrong dosage. Measures to minimize the risk Since the practice of self-medication is unavoidable; authorities need to take measures to minimize the risks associated with it. Health Education campaigns: Making people educated about the risks of self-medication can decrease the risks to a certain extent. Running health campaigns will develop the user’s skill in diagnosing oneself with trifling sicknesses, without asking a doctor. It will also help the patient to know the right drug, right dosage, right way of taking it and potential side-effects of a drug. Implementation of legislations: Authorities should ensure that laws and legislations on providing drugs from pharmacies are strictly followed. Drugs that can cause life threatening situations should never be provided without prescriptions. Clearly communication the crucial information: The drugs that are commonly takenforailments considered as self-recognizable; should contain the information on their packaging about how to take the drugs,how they react when taken with other drugs, the side-effects as and how tomonitor them, how long the drug can be taken, the dosage above which the drug can become dangerous etc. Advantages and Disadvantages of Jean’s self-medication Self-medication can be favorable for patients, healthcare specialists, and the pharmaceutical industry if the drugs are used in the proper way. However, it can create life threatening situations as well. Advantages: Self-medication givesJean greater independence and empowerment in making decisions about treatment of minor sicknesses. It helps Jean to prevent ailments that do not require a doctor. It helps her save precious time and money. Disadvantages: She has the risk of misdiagnosing a disease. She might take drugs in the wrong doses. The drugs can have side effects that might not be frequent and apparent at the beginning, but they might gradually develop life-threatening illnesses without showing any symptoms. The drugs might have adverse reaction while taken with other drugs. If she takes self-medications and temporarily treats ailments avoiding professional help when it is necessary, the ailment might become more severe. This might ultimately cause her to spend more money. Should Jean be encouraged to self-medicate at this time No, Jean shouldn’t be encouraged to self-medicate at this time. She has just been discharged from the hospital and she might not be fully recovered. The drugs that she took during her stay at the hospital might still have effects on her body and self-medication may have adverse reactions with those drugs. Also, before her admission at the hospital she had faced difficulty sleeping and had been forgetful. These could be signs of side-effects caused by self-medications which weren’t apparent at the beginning. But due to prolonged duration of self-medicating these problems have manifested over the years without showing prior symptoms. Continuing her self-medication at this time would be very risky because of these reasons. Case Study 3 Question 2 When a person reaches adulthood his/ her nutritional needs reduce. Generally, adults need to eat a healthy diet containing carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, rice or pasta, protein such as meat, eggs, cheese or à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ sh, and fruit and vegetables. The intake of fatty and sugary foods should be little.To support Mr. H in meeting his dietary needs, it is essential to recognize if he has any deficits as well. With the help of a nutritionist, his dietary needs should be properly identified. A chart should be made listing the daily nutrients necessary for Mr. H and the foods that can meet these needs. However, the care doesn’t end there. Good Nutritional care doesn’t only include providing safe and nutritious food according to the specific needs of the individual. It goes beyond that. Mr. H should be provided what he wants, when he wants, and where he wants it. And in doing so, maintain the safety of the Mr. H and others around him should be ensured. Moreover, it is fundamental in providing quality service to ensure that Mr. H’s choices are respected and heard, and his independence is promoted. Since Mr. H has mood swings, however; it might not be possible to listen to his every whim. But it should be made sure that he doesn’t feel frustrated. As he is forgetful, it is necessary to make sure he takes his food in time. And keeping a track of his food intake will also be useful. It is also necessary to make his meal times enjoyable. It might have greater and significant impact in his mental health. Dining with other members might also improve his learning abilities and social skills. Providing quality service entails giving the service user independence and empowerment. Because of this, it is important to support Mr. H to cook his meal. It will make him feel empowered and give control. Also, not giving him the chance to cook might make him frustrated which might cause him to do something harmful to others and himself. Since he is semi-independent, it is necessary to appoint a supervisor to make sure he doesn’t harm himself or others. The materials used to cook or cut the ingredients should be safeguarded. He should be under constant supervision the whole time. Question 3 Risk taking can be petrifying, for the individual concerned as well as the family members. According to the National Minimum Standard relating to risk states that service users should be supported to take risks as they are free to lead an independent lifestyle. By following a system and identifying how risks can be analyzed and lessened, calculated risks can be taken. There can be various benefits of risk management for the service users including learning new skills, amplified independence, self-esteem and participation. (Thomas, Mason, Ford)The risk management systems and policies should include recording recommendations and actions. A good risk assessment tool should be used, one that is not too lengthy but user friendly. Finally, review is also a crucial point in risk management. Putting all the policies at work, more responsible risks can be taken. Question 4 The management of medication is perhaps one of the most precarious tasks of a care worker. Regulation13 of theHealthandSocialCareAct2008talks about the management of medication in a residential care. It mentions that the registered individual is supposed to protect users against the associated risks resulting from unsafe use of medications, by different means of necessary arrangements for obtaining, recording, using, safe keeping, safe administration and disposal of medicines used for the purpose of the regulated activity. (The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010) People who follow this regulation will managemedicinescarefullyandappropriately,make surethatmedicinesareprescribedandgivenbypeoplesafely,maintain the guidanceonusing medication in a safe way. The management of medication follows a standard procedure including receipt, recording, storage, handling, administration and disposal. (Thomas, Mason, Ford). Receipt involves identifying what is required for each service user and attaining those medications. A clear ordering system should be maintained in order to ensuring effectiveness of the process. Clear records should be kept about medications of individuals, taking into account the confidentiality issues. Medications are personal information and should be kept confidential. The record should be in accordance with data protection act and National Minimum Standards. Planning storage of medication is very important. All medications should be under lock and key. Medicines should be taken out of the locked cabinet only when required and should be put back in it immediately after using. Question 5 Effective communication is the basis for involving service users in the decision-making process. For data to be valuable, it requires to be in a format that is understandable, reachable to people who need it. The communication procedures of an organization must consider the needs of service users and staff. a) Feedback:Creating an effective feedback mechanism can develop effective communication. By considering constant feedback from users, the organization can make sure the rights of the users are maintained. b) To promote and maximize the rights of service users the organization can create an effective information and communication strategy, suited accordingly to the needs of service users and staff. c) To make sure information is readily available, an integrated information technology system can be introduced which will enhance the quality of care and delivery of services. d) The organization should have clear communication principles including: transparency and honesty, use of apt language and variety in approaches of communication; compassion and understanding; effective listening. e) The organization should provide training for staff on how to communicate with users and care workers. f) It should develop efficient procedures for obtaining valid consent for examination, treatment and/or care; h) The organization canpublish a range of updated information about services, situations, and treatment, care and support options available. Question 6 Viewing people in residential cares as passive recipients of care, who are incapable to make choice and take control, contributes to loss of independence. Perceiving service users as powerless suggests that they cannot have both care and empowerment. Society’s negative view and attitude towards people who require social care services can also cause loss of independence. Lack of acceptance and dignity can also cause social exclusion and non-participation. When a service user feels he/she is not being listened to or being cared with dignity, the individual tends to participate less. When the individual thinks he/she has a choice and control over his/her health care decisions, the person is naturally encouraged to participate more. Above all, the general mindset of people who are around about people in residential care can significantly impact participation and independence of service users. Viewing them as incapable, powerless, and showing gestures that suggests they are differe nt can cause non-participation and social exclusion. Conclusion Empowering individuals in health and social care is vital to their treatment and wellbeing. However, organizations might face barriers and difficulties in doing so. The organization can achieve the best possible outcomes through careful planning, policy making, risk assessment, management of medication, providing what the service users wants and involving them in the decision making process. Bibliography The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010. (n.d.). Retrieved from Thomas, A., Mason, L., Ford, S. Care Management in Practice for the Registered Manager Award NVQ 4. Empowering Users of Health Social Care Services Empowering Users of Health Social Care Services Table of Contents Introduction Case Study 1 Desired Outcomes and Care Plan for Bob Small Case Study 2: Question 1 Factors Affecting Decisions to Self Medicate Possible Risks of Self Medication Measures to Minimize Risks Advantage and Disadvantage of Self Medication Should Jean be Encouraged to Self Medicate? Case Study 3: Question 2 Meeting Mr H’s Dietary Needs Managing the Tension to Help Mr H Cook Safely Question 3 Effectiveness of Organizational Risk Assessment Policies and Procedures Question 4 Current Legislation, Codes of Practice and Policies of Medical Administration Organization Medication Policy Question 5 Promoting Maximizing Rights of Service through Effective Communication Question 6 Factors Contributing to Loss of Independence, Non Participation Social Exclusion Conclusion Bibliography Introduction Empowerment in health and social care reflects the balancing of rights among the various stakeholders in this sector such as the users, the governments and the service providers. The rights of the user are mostly focused on with an aim of maximizing it, while government and the service providers set policies and procedures to do so. Case Study 1 Desired Outcomes and Care Plan for Bob Small Goals of Need Desired Outcome Ways of Achieving It Who is Responsible Time Scale Reduced Stress Reduce Boredom Reduce Frustration More Relaxed Enjoying Life Stop Self Harm Have calm work that he enjoys such as art with no hard deadlines. Find people of similar tastes and socialize Give recognition for his creative work and try to manufacture some success at what he does. Domestic Carer Self but Carer can help Friends and Relatives Permanently Permanently Periodically Case Study 2: Question 1 Factors Affecting Decisions to Self Medicate The main driving factor for individuals to self medicate in most of the world today is mostly due to budgetary constraints leading to the inability of these people to seek proper medical care. In the case however this is not the situation. However Jean Barlow, may self medicate here due to due to wholly different reasons. The reasons would probably be due to mental reasons rather than financial. As stated in the case she did develop anxiety after getting discharged from the hospital. Since the reason for getting admitted to the hospital were not really conventional physical problems that make people go to the hospital in the first place such anxiety and dip in confidence is very much expected. This is because being forgetful and lack of sleep is usually considered human traits and general minor life problems rather than something that requires medical attention. This social status about these disorders may have caused her to be embarrassed about seeking medical attention in the first place. Therefore in situations such as these one may easily be subject to self doubt and therefore lose self confidence. This factors will in turn cause her to self medicate instead of seeking further medical attention. Possible Risks of Self Medication The risk likely occur from self medication are widely spread. The most common form is addiction. This is because people who self medicate generally tend to do so by unconventional and sometimes illegal drugs such as cannabis and alcohol. Due to its availability alcohol is most commonly used by most self medicating patients especially when trying to alleviate anxiety. Not only alcohol is an abusive substance, what it does is worsen anxiety and cause depression among alcoholics in the long term. Although in the short term they tend to alleviate these symptoms. Such benefits encourages the person the consume alcohol over and over again causing addiction and worsening their base situation in general. Addiction in turn makes the person suffer from more symptoms and worsens the current situation. If such problems keep on persisting the person may eventually become a suicide risk. These above risks do very well apply to the case in question here. Other ways of self medication include over t he counter medicines and sometimes, if the law is not stringent where she lives, antibiotics and anti depressants. These medications also if not taken in correct doses does possess the risk of addiction along with dangerous side effects. Moreover the risk of misdiagnosis and over dosage are very common amongst self medicating individuals. Measures to Minimize Risks The best way to reduce this risk would to educate Jean Barlow about the risk and benefits of it. Although somebody suffering from low self confidence and high levels of anxiety is very much likely to make judgmental errors but proper knowledge of what she is dealing with will obviously help her regardless of her impaired judgmental abilities. There would be less risk of misdiagnosis. However excessive dosages and the risk of long term usage would tend to persist. To avoid such a situation continuous monitoring would be required. This risk can be reduced if individuals close to Jean Barlow are educated on these grounds or have access to primary care. The hospital could also reduce this risk by scheduling successive checkups in regular intervals so that she could be monitored. Advantage and Disadvantage of Self Medication The chief advantage that Jean would benefit from self medication would be the save in costs. Moreover it would save her time which she can dedicate to her other work. If more people like Jean could successfully self medicate them it would greatly reduce the pressure on the healthcare system in the society which would be able to focus its effort elsewhere to more major healthcare problems. Day to day healthcare problems such as acnes and common flu have routine and standard medications which can easily be self medicated although the risk of misdiagnosis does persist. However in Jean’s case, it is not so. Her problem is mainly due to self confidence along with forgetfulness and difficulty in sleeping. If she can successfully medicate her own problems, it is very well. The chief disadvantage in doing so however is the so many risks that have been discussed previously in detail. If gone wrong it could worsen the situation and even create new problems for Jean. Moreover the solutio n to the current problem without expert monitoring may cause problems such as addiction to sleeping pill for example which would be much harder to solve. Should Jean be Encouraged to Self Medicate? In my opinion Jean should not be encouraged to self medicate at this time cause she is suffering from low self confidence. Her initials problems may have been very standard and be self diagnosed but her low self confidence would impair her judgment and can cause her to take wrong decisions therefore increasing the chances of the risks. She should rather seek medical attention whenever she suffers her symptoms. However going to the doctor every time something minor happens may cause a further dent in her confidence leading to fear and frustration among everything she does. She may be encouraged under certain situations to self medicate. If self medication is done successfully it would help her increase in self confidence leading to an overall development in life for Jean. This can become a bit of a gamble but would bring positive for Jane if successful. Case Study 3: Question 2 Meeting Mr H’s Dietary Needs To support Mr. H’s dietary needs we need to make sure, there are enough omega-3 fats in his diet. This means there should be lots of fish in his diet. This not only deals with the attention span problem but also with his problem of mood swings by keeping it at a minimum level. A low-GL diet should also be maintained. This means that there should be very low glucose in the diet as well as a minimum of any types of stimulants such as tea, coffee and alcohol. Magnesium and potassium also has displayed abilities to calm the brain and reduce mood swings as well as increase concentration. So to support Mr. H’s dietary needs, we have to give him lots of fish, sources of magnesium and potassium such as pumpkin seeds and bananas while at the same time try to avoid stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine. Managing the Tension to Help Mr H Cook Safely Mr. H is not independent. His mood swings and short attention span can cause a variety of accidents while cooking such a meal. Therefore to enable Mr. H to cook safely without any disruptions I first need to make sure that he is continuously monitored throughout the process. He should not be left alone or ignored at any point in time during the whole event. I also need to study and remember his entire recipe for cooking such a meal. Care has to be taken that the room temperature is comfortable and not too hot as an uncomfortable temperature may unsettle him. Moreover I need to make sure that there is a fire extinguisher somewhere very nearby preferably in the room in case of any kind of cooking emergency. I would also need to keep him engaged in the cooking process and help him if he tends to forget any steps in a manner which does not offend him or unsettle him in any other way. In case of emergency I would also need somebody nearby in case there is an apparent need for any relating reason to force him to retire his task. Continuous monitoring would probably stop any unprecedented event from taking place and therefore there would not be much tension if done right and Mr. H would be able to cook his favourite meal. Question 3 Effectiveness of Organizational Risk Assessment Policies and Procedures The organizational risk assessment policies is essential to finding out all the risk the organization possesses. These include risks to the staff, users and anyone else that is involved with the organization. The organization tries to promote a dynamic method in identification of risk management by working closely with users and other agencies in order to find the triggers of these risk and find risk histories. The objective is to preempt these ricks before they occur. This assessment procedure considers every stakeholder of the organization in question and tries to avoid all manners of risks. After risks are identified the organization decides on the management technique of these risks in order to avoid them from happening in the near future. They also tend to try to consider if any of their risk management plans give rise to any further risks or harassment for the users. When all of this is done, the organization trains its entire staff, usually annually on the various risk managem ent procedures within the organization. They also take steps within the infrastructural work of the organization in order to avoid any risk. For example, setting up a grill in the room of a user who maybe prone to jumping out of the window. These benefit the organization in many ways. The users mostly get their rights as they are free from any sort of harm. Moreover the organization is saved from a lot of accidents which might have affected both financially and operationally. Being saved from these costs are therefore highly beneficial to the organization. Question 4 Current Legislation, Codes of Practice and Policies of Medical Administration Regulation 13 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) is responsible for covering the administration and management in care homes of medicines. The act is passed by an act of parliament and it states that: â€Å"The registered person must protect service users against the risks associated with the unsafe use and management of medicines, by means of the making of appropriate arrangements for the obtaining, recording, handling, using, safe keeping, dispensing, safe administration and disposal of medicines used for the purposes of the regulated activity.†While in accordance to the above â€Å"the registered person must have regard to any guidance issued by the Secretary of State or an appropriate expert body in relation to the safe handling and use of medicines†The objective of the regulation is that the users of the service: will get their medicines at the correct times and in a manner which is safe will have information about the medicines which have been prescribed to them and are available to them or the people acting on their behalf The Care Quality Commission is responsible for monitoring compliance with the regulations for all registered services. The Misuse of Drugs Acts Regulations also under various circumstances regulates controlled drugs handling. Other code of practices and procedures relating to this matter is provided by the Nurse and Midwifery Council and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Britain. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain in its Guidance called The Handling of Medicine in Social Care, calls upon 8 principles that should be in place for safely administering drugs in residential homes. Organization Medication Policy The organizations medicine administration policy is basically in line with the 8 principles of Royal Pharmaceutical Society. The first principle gives the user the choice and independence to choose the pharmaceutical provider for his/her medicines including dispensed medicines. These give individuals a lot of independence and makes sure everything is done with their consent and not against their will. However under certain circumstances this principle can be bent, when there is no choice. For example, the person is having extreme breathing difficulty and not in a position to communicate but needs emergency medication. By complying to the second principle, the organization’s staff keeps a detailed record what medicines are currently available within the organizations stores and all the records of each user’s medicine intake and therefore be able to refill stocks whenever required to make sure that there is never a shortage at key moments. The third principle also applies to the organization as the care workers when joining take part in a short training period where they learn to administer each type of medicine for people who are unable to do it by themselves. They learn how to feed tablets, capsules, eye drops, nasal drops etc. Compliance with the fourth principle ensures that the organization gives users exactly the medication prescribed for them and at the right time in the right way. The 5th principle states that unnecessary or unwanted medication is disposed of safely and the correct medicines are available whenever required. The organization stores all the medicines safely and out of reach of people who are not supposed to take the medicine. There is also a pharmacist who regularly advices the residential home on medication related issues. Lastly medications are only used to prevent diseases or relieve symptoms, not to punish people or encourage certain behaviors. Question 5 Promoting Maximizing Rights of Service through Effective Communication Effective communication is when the sender of a communication message sends a message that is completely understood by the receiver exactly as intended by the sender. When there is effective communication efficiency tends to rise regardless of the task at hand. This is no different for the health and social care service. The whole service depends on the user getting his rights maximized. When there is effective communication the user would know exactly what his rights are, what he will be getting out of the service and what he will be not. This will help him manage his expectations from the service and plan accordingly. Moreover the service provider’s work would also increase in efficiency if there is highly effective communications. The service would be able to provide for the user to his requirements, therefore maximizing his rights. If there is effective communication the service will unlikely to be unable to provide for the user anything that his rights cover. This is two- way communication is therefore extremely vital in health and social care aspects. Effective communication will always help the user to maximize his rights in this way. Question 6 Factors Contributing to Loss of Independence, Non Participation Social Exclusion Stigma is one of the most important factors that cause these problems for service users. Social stigma is especially for people with mental health problems affect people of all ages, at all levels of job and education levels. Society tends to have a negative impression about this problem unlike cancer or any other physical diseases. Therefore how other people judge them becomes a great barrier to the users. Not Just Sticks Stones’(Jim Read Sue Baker November 1996), a survey of the people with mental health problems in the matters of discrimination, taboo and stigma found out that: For the fear of unfair treatment, a large majority was put off for applying for jobs. Being treated unfairly by general health care services was something half the respondent felt. Harassment and abuse in public and sometimes even physical abuse was face by many Most people believed that discrimination has increased in the last 5 years but some thought it decreased as well. Due to these various problems the fear of stigma and discrimination sometimes makes the users stop talking about their mental distress with others therefore there is a communication gap and they fail to avail their full rights of the service. These factors therefore directly contribute to their social exclusion and non participation in service. Most people tend to stay at home and take small local jobs depending on their level of independence in fear of abuse from the uneducated society. The social stigma and the media terming most of them as ‘lunatics’ and ‘psychos,’ create a very bad impression in a lot of people’s minds therefore making lots of luxuries of life unable to these people causing a huge loss of independence for them. Conclusion Finally we can say that the various laws and legislations that the UK Government has put into place in order to maximize the rights of users are very well enforced and maintained. The way service in current times is designed is based on the objective of maximizing the rights of the users. Participation is on the rise leading to greater independence for users. Excellent management of risks and commendable practices of drug administration has led to much fewer service accidents and has ensured the rights of the users. Bibliography CM Hughes, J. M. (2001). Benefits and Risks of Self Medication. Drug Safety , 1027-37. Cowley, D. S. (1992). Alcohol abuse, substance abuse, and panic disorder. The American Journal of Medicine , 41S-48S. Galliot, B. (November 2007). The Physiology of Willpower: Linking Blood Glucose to Self-Control. Personality and Social Psychology Review, Vol 11 , 303-27. Kasten, B. P. (1999). Self-Medication With Alcohol and Drugs by Persons With Severe Mental Illness. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association , 80-87. Khantzian, E. (2003). The self-medication hypothesis of drug use disorders: A reconsideration and recent applications. Harvard Review of Psychiatry , 231-244. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Handling of Medicine in Social Care. Sinn, N. (October 2008). Nutritional and dietary influences on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Nutrition Reviews, Vol. 66 , 558-68. The Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability. (December 2006). Promoting the Social Inclusion of People With a Mental Health Problem and Learning Disability. World Health Organization. (2000). The Benefits and Risk of Self Medication. WHO Drug Information Vol. 14, No. 1 , 2-3.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Experiencing the Magic Theater :: Literary Analysis, Harry Haller
After reading Herman Hesse’s â€Å"Steppenwolf,†one probably notices the main character in this novel, Harry Haller, is in a constant internal battle, where there is a â€Å"continual and deadly enmity†(41-42) between two natures, one where he claims to possess and the other to be divided by â€Å"a human and a wolfish one†(41). Although one can gain many insights from reading Steppenwolf, I believe Haller seeks to conform to the bourgeois in every aspect of his life. However, he belatedly realizes how he actually despises the bourgeois for its complacency and conformity. He comes upon this conclusion when he meets several people who are willing to help him form this conclusion by way of preparing him to experience the â€Å"Magic Theater.†I also believe that the Magic Theater is an important learning ground for teaching one to laugh, including Haller. The Magic Theater, which I believe to be â€Å"a world of pictures, not realities,†(178) is a reflection of Haller’s own mind. I also believe that when Haller enters the Magic Theater he is completely separated from reality because the elixir allows Haller to see what his own soul seeks; thus, the Magic Theater serves as an important learning ground for Haller, for it helps him to â€Å"see everything through the eyes of Harry and the old spectacles of the Steppenwolf†(176), which is meant to help him see his true self, as he sometimes failed to see before. In addition, the Magic Theater shows Harry his â€Å"past life had been false and full of stupid unhappiness†(199). These regrets and mistakes in his past help him to gain understanding of life so that â€Å"he can rearrange these pieces of a previous self in what order he pleases,†(192). Therefore, the Magic Theater also serves, as the chess player pointed out, to show Haller that life’s obstacles and decisions are â€Å"all the hundred thousand pieces of life’s game†(217) that’s in his pocket. For this reason Haller will be able to control his own life, to not make the same mistakes again. Rather, he will be able to relive every moment in life again as it is meant to be live. As Haller simultaneously learns how to laugh in the Magic Theater, he is intrigued by the events that take place within the Magic Theater. In one instance, within the Magic
Saving Private Ryan - Captain Miller Displays the Five Types of Power E
Saving Private Ryan - Captain Miller Displays the Five Types of Power Many people in this world have power and influence. Yet, there are few who have the traits needed to be an incredible leader. These people who are positive leaders tend to leave strong impressions in our minds for years or maybe even a lifetime. In choosing a movie with a character that portrayed a strong sense of power and influence, and possessed the traits of a good leader, I remembered a character that left an admirable impression in my mind.      Saving Private Ryan is a perfect example of a movie with all of the elements of powerful and influential leaders. Specifically, Tom Hanks who plays Captain John Miller is a strong willed individual with a commitment to his country. He leads his troop through battlefields and dangerous predicaments during World War II. It is his knowledge of combating the enemy, which leads him into a precarious situation.      Captain Miller is assigned the difficult task of finding Private Ryan who is missing along with most of his troop, which was divided after an attack. The reason for the mission is because Private Ryan’s three brothers had just died in the war. Private Ryan is to be sent home immediately. The rest of the events that unfold entail tragedies and accomplishments that lead to Captain Miller’s final command.      Looking back at how Captain Miller was a powerful leader throughout the movie is evident in most everything that he does. He was a legitimate Captain with much training in his position as an authoritative figure. With every command that he gives, he exerts his power.      According to French and Raven (1960), there are five types of power. They are reward, coercive, legitimate, expert, and referent power. It is easy to apply each one of these types of power to Captain Miller and his approach to leadership.      The first type of power, reward power, is the potential of an organization or member in a specified role to offer positive incentives for good behavior. In an organization these incentives may include bonuses, vacations, or promotions. The incentives may vary from one member of a role to another. Captain Miller may have exerted reward power by giving his soldiers easier work when they behaved properly. Another way that he may have used this power is by allowing them to take breaks when they should have kept go... ...e stable emotions, and is less defensive. He did not get caught up in what was actually happening too often. Whenever a time like this came about, he stopped to gather himself so that he could be a good leader for the rest of the troop. When a person’s behavior is consistent with expressed values and that person is honest and trustworthy, they are said to have integrity. Captain Miller was completely honest with his men. He was also someone who could be trusted. At one point in the movie, one of the soldiers told the Captain a very personal story about their life. Since he was a good leader, he listened and gave the soldier advice on the subject. One of the most important traits that Captain Miller had was his intellect. He was smarter than the average person was. He came up with brilliant ideas to stop the enemy. His troop listened to him and obeyed him because they knew that he was knowledgeable in what he was talking about. Captain Miller was a powerful and influential leader. He led his men through some of the hardest times of the war. Not only did he display the five types of power, he showed that he had all of the traits necessary to be an extraordinary leader.     Â
Friday, July 19, 2019
Human Euthanization Essay example -- Euthanasia Essays
Euthanasia should be legalized for terminally ill individuals on a voluntary basis to reduce medical costs, prevent prolonged physical pain and unnecessary suffering, and to preserve the dignity of the dying person. Terminally ill patients often accumulate massive amounts of medical expenses. In addition to costs, terminally ill patients are subject to excruciating pain and discomfort due to the disease and/or treatments involved, given only to prolong the inevitable. When a person is dying, he or she may have very little or no say in what goes on in one’s own home, finances, or other aspects of that person’s life, but one reserves the right to die with dignity intact. Euthanasia comes from Greek prefix â€Å"eu†meaning good or easy, and suffix â€Å"thanatos†meaning death ( In ancient Greece, suicides and assisted suicides were practiced regularly. In some situations, it was considered honorable to commit suicide or have a family member assist in one’s death (Walker). On the other hand, Socrates was sentenced to suicide as punishment for â€Å"corrupting the city’s youth with his teachings†(Yount). As time went on, suicide and assisted suicide became decreasingly accepted in society. As Christianity was introduced into Western civilization, a value was placed on the human life that was not there before. It was said that only God had the right to take the gift of life away from individuals. By the 19th century, most countries had laws against suicide, punishing the family by taking property, livestock, etc. However, those laws were lifted because they were found insensitive to the grieving famili es. Today in the United States, there are no laws against committing suicide or attempting suicide, however assisted suicide and eut... ...rable illness wishes to hasten death, the clinician should be obligated to assist the patient in carrying out those wishes, by prescribing medication or withholding life prolonging treatments. If laws were made to allow euthanasia and assisted suicide, this would have a positive effect on the economy, the public, and the emotional and financial condition of dying patients and their families. Works Sited Williams, Mary. Terminal Illness. 1st. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Print. Yount, Lisa. Euthanasia. 1st. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Print. Yount, Lisa. Right to Die and Euthanasia. Revised. New York, NY: Facts on File, Inc., 2007. Print. Walker, Richard. The Right to Die?. 1st. North Mankato, MN: Sea to Sea Publishing, 2006. Print Human Euthanization Essay example -- Euthanasia Essays Euthanasia should be legalized for terminally ill individuals on a voluntary basis to reduce medical costs, prevent prolonged physical pain and unnecessary suffering, and to preserve the dignity of the dying person. Terminally ill patients often accumulate massive amounts of medical expenses. In addition to costs, terminally ill patients are subject to excruciating pain and discomfort due to the disease and/or treatments involved, given only to prolong the inevitable. When a person is dying, he or she may have very little or no say in what goes on in one’s own home, finances, or other aspects of that person’s life, but one reserves the right to die with dignity intact. Euthanasia comes from Greek prefix â€Å"eu†meaning good or easy, and suffix â€Å"thanatos†meaning death ( In ancient Greece, suicides and assisted suicides were practiced regularly. In some situations, it was considered honorable to commit suicide or have a family member assist in one’s death (Walker). On the other hand, Socrates was sentenced to suicide as punishment for â€Å"corrupting the city’s youth with his teachings†(Yount). As time went on, suicide and assisted suicide became decreasingly accepted in society. As Christianity was introduced into Western civilization, a value was placed on the human life that was not there before. It was said that only God had the right to take the gift of life away from individuals. By the 19th century, most countries had laws against suicide, punishing the family by taking property, livestock, etc. However, those laws were lifted because they were found insensitive to the grieving famili es. Today in the United States, there are no laws against committing suicide or attempting suicide, however assisted suicide and eut... ...rable illness wishes to hasten death, the clinician should be obligated to assist the patient in carrying out those wishes, by prescribing medication or withholding life prolonging treatments. If laws were made to allow euthanasia and assisted suicide, this would have a positive effect on the economy, the public, and the emotional and financial condition of dying patients and their families. Works Sited Williams, Mary. Terminal Illness. 1st. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Print. Yount, Lisa. Euthanasia. 1st. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Print. Yount, Lisa. Right to Die and Euthanasia. Revised. New York, NY: Facts on File, Inc., 2007. Print. Walker, Richard. The Right to Die?. 1st. North Mankato, MN: Sea to Sea Publishing, 2006. Print
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